Use RPX with Connect on top of Node.js
var Connect = require('connect'); var MemoryStore = require('connect').session.MemoryStore; var RPX = require( 'connect-rpx' ); // Setup RPX // Your API key, look in the settings on RPX.config( 'apiKey', 'asdasdadadadadasdasdasd' ); RPX.config( 'ignorePaths', [ '/stylesheets', '/images', '/javascript', '/css', "/login" ] ); RPX.config( 'reentryPoint', '/rpx_login' ); RPX.config( 'logoutPoint', '/logout' ); RPX.config( 'loginPage', '/login/index.html' ); RPX.config( 'onSuccessfulLogin', handleLogin ); // Or, just load from JSON RPX.loadConfig( "./config.json" ); function redirect(res,location) { res.writeHead( 302, {
‘Location’: location
}); res.end(); } function handleLogin( json, req, res, next ) { req.sessionStore.regenerate(req, function(err){
req.session.profile = json.profile; req.session.username = json.profile.displayName; // next();
}); redirect( res, '/' ); } // Setup your connect. RPX requires session, cookieDecoder, redirect installed before RPX. var minute = 60000; var root = __dirname + "/public"; var Server = module.exports = Connect.createServer( Connect.logger(), Connect.cookieDecoder(), Connect.session({ secret: 'your_secrets_safe_with_me', store: new MemoryStore({ reapInterval: minute, maxAge: minute * 5 }) }), RPX.handler(), Connect.staticProvider( root ) // this is not strictly required, ); Server.listen(3030);
Then, run your app, and it should redirect to you the loginPath specified in the configuration.
// You can access the username by using req.session.username inside your app var username = req.session.username;
Need to test locally? This will enable a random user login rather than going into RPX for authentication allowing you to test while on a plane and simulate a login.
// Add this after the last RPX.config line // DON'T FORGET TO REMOVE THIS IN PRODUCTION!!! RPX.config( 'fakedAuthentication', true );
Remove dependency on restler
Install a callback to add other data beyond just username into the session
Add something to better handle errors or cancellations
Write test cases, I’m so embarassed to publish without them.…
This code was based on the rack-rpx module