This repository contains the source code of the XTM Connect - Kentico Xperience. The main purpose of the connector is to seamlessly connect Xperience by Kentico to the industry-leading translation management system XTM Cloud.
Version supported: v13
An XTM account with API access enabled.
XTM login details provided either by your company administrator or by XTM International Ltd.
Don't have your credentials yet?
Sign up here for the free XTM Cloud free trial account.
Contact XTM Sales team ([email protected]) to get access.
You can download XTM Connect - Kentico Xperience here:
You can access XTM Connect - Kentico Xperience documentation here:
Feel free to submit a pull request here.
How to get started:
1. Download XTM Connect - Kentico Xperience nuget package and code from github repository.
2. Add NuGet package to your project.
3. Copy downloaded folders into your Kentico instance directory.
4. Add XTM-Connector project to your solution (path: Xtm.Connector//Xtm.Connector.csproj)
5. Add XTM-Connect project to your solution (path: CMS//Xtm.Connect.csproj)
6. Clear references to Xtm.Connect and Xtm.Connector from CMSApp.
7. Add references to Xtm.Connect project and Xtm.Connector project to CMSApp.
If you find a bug or have any question, please feel free to reach us out at [email protected]