ddnspod is a ddns updating tool of DNSPod.cn or DNSPod.com. It was originally designed for use with node.js.
First of all, you should get the login token.
Dnspod.cn : https://support.dnspod.cn/Kb/showarticle/tsid/227
Dnspod.com : https://www.dnspod.com/docs/info.html#get-the-user-token
You can install using Node Package Manager (npm):
npm install ddnspod -g
Run ddnspod as a command line tool. It will update your dns record after you execute the following.
ddnspod --server 'dnspod.cn' --token 'xxxxx,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' --domainName 'your-domain.com' --subDomain 'test' [--localIp true] [--ip ''] [--ttl 600]
You can add it to crontab for continuously updating.
// Require
var ddnspod = require('ddnspod');
// Update the DNS.
var dnsUpdate = function(){
server : 'dnspod.com', // which server you are using . dnspod.com (default) | dnspod.cn
token : 'xxxxx,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', // your login token, you can find how to get this at the top.
domain : 'your-domain.com', // your domain
subDomain : 'test' // which subdomain do you want to set. default : @
// localIp : true, // use local IP instead of internet IP.
// ip : '', // specific the IP
// ttl : '600' // specific ttl time
// callback with promise
// Start Update
// Loop(5s)
setInterval(dnsUpdate ,5 * 1000)
You can use PM2 for continuously updating.