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React Redux Boilerplate

Build Status Dependency Status devDependency Status

Another template that makes React and redux web app developmet easier.

Babel 6 version was stopped maintenance, please look at v1.0.0 if you need. React 15 version was stopped maintenance, please look at v2.0.0-beta.3 if you need.


Click here for demo


  • TypeScript 2
  • Unit testing covered with Jest
  • Different configs for different environment.
  • React 16
  • React Router 4
  • Redux 3.7 (Predictable state container)
  • Sass css pre-processor with lint
  • Webpack 4 + webpack-dev-server next
  • Redux Devtools for Chrome Extension supported (Better than redux-logger)
  • Browser live reload
  • Package size analysis with webpack-bundle-analyzer

If you are interested, please read the package.json file for all installed modules.

Feel free to contribute or fork it if you find this repo could help the community.



  • Node 8 LTS for building


  1. Clone the repo - $ git clone
  2. Install the dependencies - $ cd react-redux-boilerplate && npm install


Start develop environment

$ npm start

Run start directly without any options will build the codes and start a development web server on, then you can open a browser to access the page with any IP address such as http://localhost:8000, the codes in src will be compiled at run time when change anything, and the browser will auto reload.

By the way, the step is running on memory, there's no any files generated.

Unit test

$ npm run test

Will call Jest to execute the unit testing.

Build the codes for production

$ npm run build

The codes will be compiled and placed to dist folder, all of them are minimized.

Clean the built folder

$ npm run clean

The all files in dist folder will be removed.


react-redux-boilerplate           - Project root
|-- __mocks__                     - Jest mocks, see package.json jest section.
|   `-- file-mock                 - Mock for static handler
|-- assets                        - Static resources
|   |-- imgs                      - Static Images
|   `-- index.html                - Entrance html
|-- coverage                      - Testing coverage report generated
|   `-- icov-report
|       `-- index.html            - Graphic testing coverage report
|-- src                           - Source codes
|   |-- index.tsx                 - Entrance Javascript
|   |-- prepare.ts                - App preparings, init history and store.
|   |-- constants.ts              - Redux constants
|   |-- actions                   - Redux actions
|   |   |-- __tests__             - Unit testing folder, following are same
|   |   |   `-- titles-test.ts
|   |   |-- index.ts
|   |   `-- titles.ts
|   |-- components                - React Components
|   |   |-- home
|   |   |   |-- index.tsx
|   |   |   `-- welcome.tsx
|   |   |-- index.ts
|   |   |-- app.tsx               - Application and reoutes
|   |   |-- app.scss              - Sass for layout.tsx
|   |   `-- not-found.tsx
|   |-- config                    - Runtime config
|   |   |-- index.ts              - Default config
|   |   `-- production.ts         - Production config
|   `-- reducers                  - Redux Reducers
|       |-- index.ts
|       `-- titles.ts
|-- dist                          - Built app for production
|   |-- app.js                    - Built Javascript
|   |--                - Source map for Built Javascript
|   |-- imgs                      - Static images
|   `-- index.html                - Entrance html
|-- .travis.yml                   - Travis CI config
|-- LICENSE                       - Copyright notice
|--                     - This file
|-- package.json                  - Package informations
|-- webpack.config.js             - Development build configuration
|-- webpack-production.config.js  - Production build configuration
`-- webpack-vendor.config.js      - Pre build the libraries