You're no longer the only PMC running around placing markers and collecting quest items. The bots have transcended and are coming for you...
This mod may have a performance impact, but it should be minimal starting with the 0.5.0 release. If you notice performance problems, please try using the built-in AI limiter.
---------- Mod Compatibility ----------
Highly Recommended:
- SAIN (2.1.12 or later recommended)
- Looting Bots (1.3.0 or later recommended)
NOT compatible with:
- AI Limit or any other mods that disable AI in a similar manner. This mod relies on the AI being active throughout the entire map. Starting with 0.2.10, Questing Bots has its own AI Limiter feature. Please see the tab below for more information.
- Traveler (You MUST use another mod like SWAG + DONUTS to manage bot spawning when using this mod. Otherwise, bots will spawn right in front of you.)
Compatible with:
- Late to the Party (if bot_spawns.enabled=true in this mod, ensure adjust_bot_spawn_chances.adjust_pmc_conversion_chances=false in LTTP)
NOTE: Please disable the bot-spawning system in this mod if you're using other mods that manage spawning! Otherwise, there will be too many bots on the map. The bot-spawning system in this mod will be automatically disabled if any of the following mods are detected:
---------- Overview ----------
There are two main components of this mod: adding an objective system to the AI and directly controlling PMC and player-Scav spawning to mimic live Tarkov.
Objective System: Instead of simply patrolling their spawn areas, bots will now move around the map to perform randomly-selected quest objectives. By default this system is only active for PMC's and player Scavs, but it can be enabled for normal Scavs and bosses if you want an extra challenge.
After spawning (regardless of when this occurs during the raid), bots will immediately begin questing, and there are only a few conditions that will cause them to stop questing:
- They got stuck too many times
- Their health is too low and they're unable to heal
- They're over-encumbered
- They're trying to extract (using SAIN)
Otherwise, they will only temporarily stop questing for the following reasons:
- They're currently or were just recently in combat
- They heard a suspicious noise
- They recently completed an objective
- They're checking for or have found loot
- Their health is too low or they have blacked limbs (besides arms)
- Their energy or hydration is too low
- They have followers that are too far from them
There are several types of quests available to each bot:
- EFT Quests: Bots will go to locations specified in EFT quests for placing markers, collecting/placing items, killing other bots, etc. Bots can also use quests added by other mods.
- Spawn Rush: At the beginning of the raid, bots that are within a certain distance of you will run to your spawn point. Only a certain number of bots are allowed to perform this quest, and they won't always select it. This makes PVP-focused maps like Factory even more challenging.
- Boss Hunter: Bots will search zones in which bosses are known to spawn. They will only be allowed to select this quest at the beginning of the raid (within the first 5 minutes by default) and if they're a high enough level.
- Airdrop Chaser: Bots will run to the most recent airdrop if it's close to them (within 500m by default). They will be allowed to select this quest within questing.bot_quests.airdrop_bot_interest_time seconds (420s by default) of the airdrop crate landing.
- Spawn Point Wandering: Bots will wander to different spawn points around the map. This is used as a last resort in case the bot doesn't select any other quests. This quest is currently disabled by default because it should no longer be needed with the quest variety offered in the 0.4.0 and later releases.
- "Standard" Quests: Bots will go to specified locations around the map. They will prioritize more desirable locations for loot and locations that are closer to them. These also include some sniping and camping quests on all maps, so be careful!
- "Custom" Quests: You can create your own quests for bots using the templates for "standard" quests. None are provided by default.
PMC and Player-Scav Spawning Systems: At the beginning of the raid, PMC's will spawn around the map at actual EFT PMC spawn points. The spawning system will try to separate spawn points as much as possible, but spawn killing is still entirely possible just like it is in live Tarkov. The total number of PMC's that can spawn is a random number between the minimum and maximum player count for the map (other mods can change these values). However, you count as one of those PMC's for PMC raids. That number will be reduced if you spawn into the map late for a Scav run. The PMC difficulty is set by your raid settings in EFT.
Starting with the 0.4.0 release, player Scavs will also spawn throughout the raid. Each group of player Scavs will be assigned a minimum spawn time that is generated using SPT's raid-time-reduction settings for Scav raids. This mod will use SPT's weighting settings for choosing when player Scavs will spawn into each location, it will add some randomness, and then it will generate a spawn schedule for all player-Scav spawns. Effectively, this means that player Scavs are most likely to spawn toward the middle and last third of raids. They're unlikely to spawn toward the very beginning or very end of them. Player Scavs can spawn at any EFT PMC or player-Scav spawn point on the map, and player-Scav bot difficulty is set by your raid settings in EFT.
Only a certain (configurable) number of initial PMC's will spawn at the beginning of the raid, and the rest will spawn as the existing ones die. PMC's that spawn after the initial wave can spawn anywhere that is far enough from you and other bots (at any EFT spawn point for PMC's or player Scavs). After all PMC's have spawned, player Scavs will be allowed to spawn. The maximum total number of PMC's and player Scavs on the map cannot exceed the number of initial PMC's (determined by bot_spawns.max_alive_bots). For example, Customs allows 10-12 players, but Questing Bots only allows 7 to be on the map at the same time by default. That means 7 PMC's will spawn immediately as the raid starts, and as some of them die others will spawn to replace them. After all PMC's have spawned and less than 7 are remaining, player Scavs will be allowed to spawn. If there are 5 PMC's left on the map, 2 player Scavs will be allowed to spawn. If there are 3 PMC's left on the map, 4 player Scavs will be allowed to spawn, and so on. Even if most total PMC's have died, player Scavs will not be allowed to spawn earlier than their scheduled spawn times.
A new feature of the 0.4.0 and later releases is an advanced spawning system that tricks EFT into thinking that PMC's and player Scavs are human players. This makes PMC's and player Scavs not count toward the bot cap for the map, so they shouldn't impede normal EFT bot spawns for normal Scavs and bosses. It also prevents PMC's and player Scavs from counting toward the maximum bot counts for each zone on the map, and this allows normal Scavs to spawn like they would in live EFT. Without this system, all initial bosses must be configured to spawn first (which is a config option in this mod) or EFT may suppress them due to the high number of bots on the map. To accomodate the large initial PMC wave and still allow Scavs and bosses to spawn, the bot cap can be optionally increased (which is also a config option in this mod) if you're not using the advanced spawning system.
---------- Bot Quest-Selection Algorithm Overview ----------
When each bot spawns, this mod finds the furthest extract from them and references it when selecting new quests for the bot. If the bot ever comes close enough to that extract while traversing the map, this happens again; a new extract is selected for it that is the furthest one from its current location. This continues until the bot extracts or dies. This extract is NOT used when bots extract via SAIN; it is only used when this mod selects new quests for the bot.
Before selecting a quest for a bot, all quests are first filtered to ensure they have at least one valid location on the map and the bot is able to accept the quest (it's not blocked by player level, etc.). Then, the following metrics are generated for every valid quest:
- The distance between the bot and each objective for the quest with some randomness applied (by questing.bot_quests.distance_randomness). This value is then normalized based on the furthest objective from the bot (for any valid quest), and finally it's multiplied by a weighting factor defined by questing.bot_quests.distance_weighting (1 by default).
- A "desirability" rating for each quest, which is the desirability rating assigned to the quest but with some randomness applied (by questing.bot_quests.desirability_randomness). This value is divided by 100 and then multiplied by a weighting factor defined by questing.bot_quests.desirability_weighting (1 by default).
- The angle between two vectors: the vector between the bot and its selected extract (described above), and the vector between the bot and each objective for the quest. If the quest objective is in the same direction as the bot's selected extract, this angle will be small. If the bot has to move further from its selected extract, this angle will be large. Angles that are below a certain threshold (90 deg by default) are reduced down to 0 deg. This value is divided by 180 deg minus the threshold just described (90 deg by default), and finally it's multiplied by a weighting factor defined by questing.bot_quests.exfil_direction_weighting, which is different for every map.
These three metrics are then added together, and the result is the overall score for the corresponding quest. The quest with the highest score is assigned to the bot. If for some reason the bot is unable to perform that quest, it selects the one with the next-highest score, and so on. If no quests are available for the bot to select, this mod will first try allowing the bot to perform repeatable quests early (before the questing.bot_questing_requirements.repeat_quest_delay delay expires). If there are no available repeatable quests, this mod will then attempt to make the bot extract via SAIN. Finally, this mod will stop assigning new quests to the bot.
---------- How to Add Custom Quests ----------
To add custom quests to a map, first create a user\mods\DanW-SPTQuestingBots-#.#.#\quests\custom directory if it doesn't already exist. Then, create a file for each map for which you want to add custom quests. The file name should exactly match the corresponding file in the user\mods\DanW-SPTQuestingBots-#.#.#\quests\standard directory (case sensitive).
The three major data structures are:
Quests: A quest is a collection of at least one quest objective, and objectives can be placed anywhere on the map. Objectives can be completed in any order.
Quests have the following properties:
- repeatable: Boolean value indicating if the bot can repeat the quest later in the raid. This is typically used for quests that are PvP or PvE focused, where a bot might want to check an area again later in the raid for more enemies.
- isCamping: If the quest should be considered to be a camping quest
- isSniping: If the quest should be considered to be a sniping quest
- pmcsOnly: Only PMC's will be allowed to select the quest
- minLevel: Only bots that are at least this player level will be allowed to select the quest
- maxLevel: Only bots that are at most this player level will be allowed to select the quest
- maxBots: The maximum number of bots that can be performing the quest at the same time.
- maxBotsInGroup: If the number of bots in a group exceeds this value, the boss of the group will not be allowed to select this quest.
- desirability: A rating roughly equivalent to a percentage that indicates "how much" bots want to select this quest. Quests with high desirability ratings (50+) are very likely to be selected, and quests with low desirability ratings (<20) are unlikely to be selected unless the bot is close to them.
- minRaidET: The quest can only be selected if at least this many seconds have elapsed in the raid. This is based on the overall raid time, not the time after you spawn. For example, if you set maxRaidET=60 for a quest and you spawn into a Factory raid with 15 minutes remaining, this quest will never be used because 300 seconds has already elapsed in the overall raid. This property is typically used to make bots rush to locations like Dorms when the raid begins.
- maxRaidET: The quest can only be selected if more more than this many seconds have elapsed in the raid. See minRaidET for more information.
- maxTimeOnQuest: The maximum time (in seconds) that a bot is allowed to continue doing the quest after it completes at least one of its objectives. This is intended to add more variety to bot questing instead of having them stay in one area for a long period of time. By default, this is 300 seconds.
- canRunBetweenObjectives: Boolean indicating if bots are allowed to sprint to the next objective in the quest after it completes at least one objective. This is intended to be used in areas where stealth is more important (typically in buildings). This is true by default.
- requiredSwitches: A dictionary of the switches that must be in a specific position bot bots to perform the quest. The dictionary key is the ID of the switch, and the value is a boolean indicating if the switch must be open (actuated). If the dictionary is empty, no switches will be checked.
- name: The name of the quest. This doesn't have to be unique, but it's best if it is to avoid confusion when troubleshooting.
- waypoints: An array of waypoints that can be used to assist bots with finding paths to the quest's objectives. Each waypoint is an (x, y, z) coordinate.
- objectives: An array of the objectives in the quest. Bots can complete objectives in any order.
Objectives: An objective is a collection of at least one step. An objective represents a list of actions that the bot must complete in the order you specify.
Quest objectives have the following properties:
- repeatable: Boolean value indicating if the bot can repeat the quest objective later in the raid. This is typically used for quests are are PvP or PvE focused, where a bot might want to check an area again later in the raid for more enemies.
- minDistanceFromBot: The objective will only be selected if the bot is at least this many meters away from it.
- maxDistanceFromBot: The objective will only be selected if the bot is no more than this many meters away from it.
- maxRunDistance: If bots get within this radius (in meters) of the position for the first step in the objective, they will no longer be allowed to sprint. This is intended to be used in areas where stealth is more important (typically in buildings). This is 0 by default.
- lootAfterCompleting: The only valid options for this are "Default", "Force", and "Inhibit" (case-sensitive). If "Force" is used, Questing Bots will try invoking Looting Bots to make the bot scan for loot immediately after completing each step in the objective. However, bots will not be able to loot if they're in combat or have no available space. If "Inhibit" is used, this mod will try invoking Looting Bots to prevent the bot from looting until after it selects another quest objective. Looting Bots version 1.2.1 or later is required for either option to work. SAIN 2.1.9 or later is required for Questing Bots to properly force bots to loot.
- steps: An array of the steps in the objective. Bots will complete the steps exactly in the order you specify.
Steps: A step is an individual component of an objective.
Quest objective steps have the following properties:
position: The position on the map that the bot will try to reach
lookToPosition: The position on the map that bots will look toward after they reach position. This is only used for the Ambush and Snipe step types described below.
waitTimeAfterCompleting: The time the bot must wait after completing the step before it will be allowed to quest again. The default value for this field is defined by questing.default_wait_time_after_objective_completion.
stepType: The only valid options for this are (case-sensitive):
- MoveToPosition: Bots are instructed to go to position. If possible, they're allowed to unlock doors that block their path.
- HoldAtPosition: Bots are instructed to remain within maxDistance meters of position and stay alert for a random time between the min and max values of minElapsedTime.
- Ambush: Bots are instructed to go to position, stand still, and look at lookToPosition for a random time between the min and max values of minElapsedTime. This is used to simulate camping quests.
- Snipe: The same as Ambush, but bots can be interrupted if they hear suspicious noises
- ToggleSwitch: Bots are instructed to go to position and toggle the switch defined by switchID.
- RequestExtract: This mod will try to instruct bots to extract via SAIN.
- CloseNearbyDoors: Bots are instructed to close all doors within maxDistance meters of position
If stepType is omitted, MoveToPosition is used by default.
minElapsedTime: The range of minimum and maximum time that a bot will perform certain types of objective steps (namely HoldAtPosition, Ambush, and Snipe).
switchID: If stepType="ToggleSwitch", this is the ID of the switch the bot should open. It needs to exactly match one of the results in the "Found switches" debug message shown in the bepinex console when loading into the map.
maxDistance: If stepType="HoldAtPosition", this is the maximum distance (in meters) bots will be allowed to wander from position for the objective step. If stepType="CloseNearbyDoors", bots will close all doors within this radius of position (in meters).
chanceOfHavingKey: The chance that bots will have keys to unlock any doors that are blocking their paths to this objective step. This overrides the default chance of having keys defined by questing.unlocking_doors.default_chance_of_bots_having_keys or questing.bot_quests.eft_quests.chance_of_having_keys.
Tips and Tricks
- Objectives should be sparsely placed on the map. Since bots take a break from questing after each objective is completed, they will wander around the area (for an unknown distance) before continuing the quest. If you place objective positions too close to each other, the bot will unnecessarily run back and forth around the area. As a rule of thumb, place objectives at least 20m from each other.
- If you want a bot to go to several specific positions that are close to each other (i.e. small, adjacent rooms), use multiple steps in a single objective instead of using multiple objectives each with a single step.
- Bots will use the NavMesh to calculate the more efficient path to their objective (using an internal Unity algorithm). They cannot perform complex actions to reach objective locations, so avoid placing objective steps on top of objects (i.e. inside truck beds) or in areas that are difficult to reach. Bots will not know to crouch or jump to get around obstacles.
- Quest waypoints can help bots find paths to objectives in labyrinthic areas, but adding too many to a quest may impact performance.
---------- Bot Group Spawning System ----------
- Spawn chances for various group sizes are configurable. By default, solo spawns are most likely, but 2-man and 3-man groups will be commonly seen. 4-man and 5-man groups are rare but possible.
- EFT will assign one bot in the group to be a "boss", and the boss will select the quest to perform. All other bots in the group will follow the boss.
- If any group members stray too far from the boss, the boss will stop questing and attempt to regroup
- If any member of the group engages in combat, all other members will stop questing (or following) and engage in combat too.
- If the boss is allowed to sprint, so are its followers and vice versa.
- If the boss of a bot group dies, EFT will automatically assign a new one from the remaining members
- Followers are only allowed to loot if they remain within a certain distance from the boss
---------- AI Limiter System ----------
Since normal AI Limit mods will disable bots that are questing (which will prevent them from exploring the map), this mod has its own AI Limiter with the following features:
- AI Limiting must be explicitly enabled in the F12 menu.
- AI Limiting must be explicitly enabled for bots that are questing for each map. By default, questing bots will only be disabled on Streets.
- Bots will only be allowed to be disabled if they are beyond a certain distance (200m by default) from you
- Bots will only be allowed to be disabled if they are beyond a certain distance (75m by default) from other bots that are questing (and not disabled)
---------- Configuration Options in config.json ----------
Main Options:
- enabled: Completely enable or disable all featues of this mod.
- debug.enabled: Enable debug mode.
- debug.scav_cooldown_time: Cooldown timer (in seconds) after a Scav raid ends before you're allowed to start another one. This is 1500 by default, which is the same as the base game.
- debug.full_length_scav_raids: If true, Scav raids will always be full-length.
- debug.free_labs_access: If true, Labs cards are no longer required to enter Labs, and you're also allowed to do Scav runs in Labs.
- debug.always_spawn_pmcs: If true, PMC's will spawn even when you select "None" for the amount of bots when starting a raid.
- debug.always_spawn_pscavs: If true, player Scavs will spawn even when you select "None" for the amount of bots when starting a raid.
- debug.always_have_airdrops: If true, an airdrop will appear at the beginning of all raids for applicable maps
- debug.show_zone_outlines: If true, EFT quest zones will be outlined in light blue. Target locations for each zone will have light-blue spherical outlines.
- debug.show_failed_paths: If true, whenever a bot gets stuck its target path will be drawn in red.
- debug.show_door_interaction_test_points: If true, the positions tested when determining where bots should travel to unlock doors will have spherical outlines. If the a valid NavMesh position cannot be found for the test point, the outline color will be white. If a valid NavMesh position is found but the bot cannot access that point, the outline color will be yellow. If a valid NavMesh position is found and the bot can access that point, the outline color will be magenta. The position selected for the bot will be shown with a green outline.
- max_calc_time_per_frame_ms: The maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) the mod is allowed to run quest-generation and PMC-spawning procedures per frame. By default this is set to 5 ms, and delays of <15 ms are basically imperceptible.
- chance_of_being_hostile_toward_bosses.scav: The chance that Scavs will be hostile toward all bosses on the map. This is 0% by default.
- chance_of_being_hostile_toward_bosses.pscav: The chance that player Scavs will be hostile toward all bosses on the map even if the bosses aren't hostile toward them (i.e. Rogues are not initially hostile toward player Scavs). This is 20% by default.
- chance_of_being_hostile_toward_bosses.pmc: The chance that PMC's will be hostile toward all bosses on the map even if the bosses aren't hostile toward them (i.e. Rogues are not initially hostile toward USEC PMC's). This is 80% by default.
- chance_of_being_hostile_toward_bosses.boss: The chance that bosses will be hostile toward all other bosses on the map. This is 0% by default.
Questing Options:
- questing.enabled: Completely enable or disable questing.
- questing.bot_pathing_update_interval_ms: The interval (in milliseconds) at which each bot will recalculate its path to its current objective. If this value is very low, performance will be impacted. If this value is very high, the bot will not react to obstacles changing as quickly (i.e. doors being unlocked). By default, this is 100 ms.
- questing.brain_layer_priority: The priority number assigned to the questing "brain" layer. Do not change this unless you know what you're doing! By default, this is set to 26 which is higher than most EFT brain layers and higher than SAIN's brain layers. If this is set much lower than 26, bots will prioritize other actions. If you're using SAIN and you reduce this to be less than 23, bots will never quest.
- questing.quest_selection_timeout: If a quest cannot be selected for a bot after trying for this amount of time (in seconds), the mod will give up and write an error message.
- questing.allowed_bot_types_for_questing.scav: If Scavs are allowed to quest. This is false by default.
- questing.allowed_bot_types_for_questing.pscav: If player Scavs are allowed to quest. This is true by default.
- questing.allowed_bot_types_for_questing.pmc: If PMC's are allowed to quest. This is true by default.
- questing.allowed_bot_types_for_questing.boss: If bosses are allowed to quest. This is false by default. Boss followers will never be allowed to quest.
- questing.allowed_bot_types_for_questing.min/max: The minimum and maximum time (in seconds) that a bot will wait after ending combat before it's allowed to quest again. After the bot is no longer actively engaged in combat, it will continue its quest following a random delay between these two values. This is to allow the bot to search for threats before blindly running toward its objective.
- questing.stuck_bot_detection.distance: The minimum distance (in meters) the bot must travel over a period of questing.stuck_bot_detection.time seconds while questing or the mod will assume it's stuck. This is 2 m by default.
- questing.stuck_bot_detection.time: The maximum time (in seconds) the bot is allowed to move less than questing.stuck_bot_detection.distance meters while questing or the mod will assume it's stuck. This is 20 s by default.
- questing.stuck_bot_detection.max_count: The maximum number of times the bot can be stuck before questing is completely disabled for it. This counter is reset whenever the bot completes an objective. Whenever the bot is assumed to be stuck, a new objective will be selected for it to force it to generate a different path. This is 8 by default.
- questing.stuck_bot_detection.follower_break_time: If a boss follower is stuck while trying to follow it, it will take a break for this many seconds (10 by default).
- questing.stuck_bot_detection.max_not_able_bodied_time: If a bot is continuously not able-bodied (typically due to injuries) for this amount of time (in seconds), it will be separated from its group. If it's the boss of its group, a new boss will be selected for that group. This timer is paused when a bot is either in combat or hears suspicious noises. This is 120 s by default.
- questing.unlocking_doors.enabled.scav: If questing Scavs are allowed to open locked doors. This is false by default.
- questing.unlocking_doors.enabled.pscav: If questing player Scavs are allowed to open locked doors. This is false by default.
- questing.unlocking_doors.enabled.pmc: If questing PMC's are allowed to open locked doors. This is true by default.
- questing.unlocking_doors.enabled.boss: If questing bosses are allowed to open locked doors. This is false by default.
- questing.unlocking_doors.search_radius: The distance (in meters) to search around the bot for locked doors. This is 25m by default.
- questing.unlocking_doors.max_distance_to_unlock: The maximum distance (in meters) that a bot is allowed to be from a door in order to unlock it. This is 0.5m by default. Do not change this unless you know what you're doing!
- questing.unlocking_doors.door_approach_position_search_radius: The distance (in meters) to search around doors for positions that are on the NavMesh and have complete paths to the bot's current location. This is 0.75m by default. Do not change this unless you know what you're doing!
- questing.unlocking_doors.door_approach_position_search_offset: The distance (in meters) to offset the search positions around doors determined by questing.unlocking_doors.door_approach_position_search_radius. This is -0.75m by default. Do not change this unless you know what you're doing!
- questing.unlocking_doors.pause_time_after_unlocking: The time (in seconds) bots must wait after unlocking doors before they're allowed to continue with their quests. If this is too low, their pathing will not be updated and they may fail the quest they're currently doing. Do not change this unless you know what you're doing!
- questing.unlocking_doors.debounce_time: The time (in seconds) bots must wait after selecting a door to unlock before they're allowed to select another one to unlock. This is to prevent bots from rapidly selecting doors instead of allowing them to change objectives. This is 1s by default.
- questing.unlocking_doors.default_chance_of_bots_having_keys: The default chance (in percentage) that bots will have keys for quest locations.
- questing.min_time_between_switching_objectives: The minimum amount of time (in seconds) the bot must wait after completing an objective before a new objective is selected for it. This is to allow it to check its surroundings, search for loot, etc. This is 5 s by default.
- questing.default_wait_time_after_objective_completion: The default time (in seconds) a bot will wait after completing a quest objective step before it will select a new one. This is 5 s by default.
- questing.wait_time_before_planting: If the bot needs to plant an item at a quest location, this is the time (in seconds) it will wait between reaching its target location and beginning to "plant" the required item. This is 1 s by default. If this is much lower than 1 s, there may be strange behavior when the bot transitions into planting its item.
- questing.quest_generation.navmesh_search_distance_item: The radius (in meters) around quest items (i.e. the bronze pocket watch) to seach for a valid NavMesh position to use for a target location for creating a quest objective for it. If this value is too low, bots may not be able to generate a complete path to the item. If this value is too high, bots may generate paths into adjacent rooms or to vertical positions on different floors. This is 1.5 m by default.
- questing.quest_generation.navmesh_search_distance_zone: The radius (in meters) around target positions in zones (i.e. trigger areas for placing markers) to seach for a valid NavMesh position to use for a target location for creating a quest objective for it. If this value is too low, bots may not be able to generate a complete path to the zone. If this value is too high, bots may generate paths into adjacent rooms or to vertical positions on different floors. This is 1.5 m by default. The target position for a zone is the center-most valid NavMesh position in it. If the zone surrounds multiple floors in a building, the lowest floor is typically used.
- questing.quest_generation.navmesh_search_distance_spawn: The radius (in meters) around spawn points to seach for a valid NavMesh position to use for a target location for creating a quest objective for it. If this value is too low, bots may not be able to generate a complete path to the spawn point. If this value is too high, bots may generate paths into adjacent rooms or to vertical positions on different floors. This is 2 m by default.
- questing.quest_generation.navmesh_search_distance_doors: The radius (in meters) to search for a valid NavMesh position around the test points used for determining if a bot can unlock a door. If this value is too low, bots may not be able to unlock the door. If this value is too high, bots may generate paths into adjacent rooms or to vertical positions on different floors. This is 0.75 m by default.
- questing.bot_search_distances.objective_reached_ideal: Bots must travel within this distance (in meters) of their target objective positions for the objective to be considered successfully completed. This is 0.25 m by default.
- questing.bot_search_distances.objective_reached_navmesh_path_error: The maximum distance (in meters) that the end of a bot's calculated path can be from its target objective position before the objective is considerd unreachable. This is 20 m by default.
- questing.bot_search_distances.max_navmesh_path_error: If a complete path cannot be generated to a bot's target objective position, it will try to get within this radius (in meters) of it anyway. This is to simulate situations like bots checking if a door is unlocked when it doesn't have the key. This is 10 m by default.
- questing.bot_pathing.max_start_position_discrepancy: The minimum distance (in meters) between the bot's position and the start of its path above which its path will be recalculated if there is a difference between its current target position and the target position for its quest. Do not change this unless you know what you're doing!
- questing.bot_pathing.incomplete_path_retry_interval: If a bot's path to its objective is incomplete, the path will be recalculated at this interval (in seconds) until a complete path is found. This is 5 s by default.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.exclude_bots_by_level: Each quest has a minimum and maximum player level assigned to it. If this option is true (which is the default setting), bots will only be allowed to select a quest if its player level is within this range. This prevents low-level bots from selecting end-game quests and vice versa.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.repeat_quest_delay: The minimum delay (in seconds) after a bot stops performing objectives for a repeatable quest before it's allowed to repeat the quest. This is 360 s by default.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.max_time_per_quest: The maximum amount of time (in seconds) that bots are allowed to perform objectives for the same quest. This is to encourage questing diversity for bots and to deter them from remaining in the same area for a long time. This is 300 s by default.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.min_hydration: The minimum hydration level permitted for bots or they will not be allowed to quest. This is 20 by default.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.min_energy: The minimum energy level permitted for bots or they will not be allowed to quest. This is 20 by default.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.min_health_head: The minimum permitted health percentage of a bot's head or it will not be allowed to quest. This is 50% by default.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.min_health_chest: The minimum permitted health percentage of a bot's chest or it will not be allowed to quest. This is 50% by default.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.min_health_stomach: The minimum permitted health percentage of a bot's stomach or it will not be allowed to quest. This is 50% by default.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.min_health_legs: The minimum permitted health percentage of either of a bot's legs or it will not be allowed to quest. This is 50% by default.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.max_overweight_percentage: The maximum total weight permitted for bots (as a percentage of their overweight threshold) or they will not be allowed to quest. This is 100% by default.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.search_time_after_combat.min/max: Bots will not be allowed to quest until a random amount of time (in seconds) in this range has passed after combat most recently ended for them.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.hearing_sensor.enabled: If bots are allowed to stop questing due to suspicious noises. This is true by default.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.hearing_sensor.min_corrected_sound_power: If the "loudness" of a sound is less than this value, bots will ignore it. Currently, this results in all bots (even those wearing a headset) ignoring you if you crouch-walk at the slowest speed. This is 17 by default, and the units are unknown.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.hearing_sensor.max_distance_footsteps: If bots hear footsteps within this distance (in meters), they will become suspicious and stop questing. This is 20 m by default.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.hearing_sensor.max_distance_gunfire: If bots hear gunfire within this distance (in meters), they will become suspicious and stop questing. This is 50 m by default.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.hearing_sensor.max_distance_gunfire_suppressed: If bots hear suppressed gunfire within this distance (in meters), they will become suspicious and stop questing. This is 50 m by default.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.hearing_sensor.loudness_multiplier_footsteps: A scaling factor to adjust the bot's hearing sensitivity to footsteps. This is 1 by default.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.hearing_sensor.loudness_multiplier_headset: A scaling factor to apply to the "loudness" of sounds if a bot is wearing any type of headset. This is 1.3 by default.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.hearing_sensor.loudness_multiplier_helmet_low_deaf: A scaling factor to apply to the "loudness" of sounds if a bot is wearing a helmet that has a "low deafness" rating for reducing the volume of sounds it perceives. This is 0.8 by default.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.hearing_sensor.loudness_multiplier_helmet_high_deaf: A scaling factor to apply to the "loudness" of sounds if a bot is wearing a helmet that has a "high deafness" rating for reducing the volume of sounds it perceives. This is 0.6 by default.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.hearing_sensor.suspicious_time.min/max: If a bot becomes suspicious of a noise, they will stop questing until a random amount of time (in seconds) in this range has passed after the last suspicious noise they heard.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.hearing_sensor.max_suspicious_time: The maximum time (in seconds) that a bot can remain suspicious of noises it hears before it will be forced to ignore them for at least questing.bot_questing_requirements.hearing_sensor.suspicion_cooldown_time seconds. This is to prevent bots for remaining in one spot for a long time, especially for PVP-focused maps like Factory. The value of this is map-specific.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.hearing_sensor.suspicion_cooldown_time: If a bot is suspicious for at least questing.bot_questing_requirements.hearing_sensor.max_suspicious_time seconds, it will be forced to ignore suspicious noises for this amount of time (in seconds) before it will be allowed to be suspicious of noises again. This is 7 s by default.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.break_for_looting.enabled: If true (the default setting), bots will temporarily stop questing at certain intervals to check for loot (or whatever).
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.break_for_looting.min_time_between_looting_checks: The minimum delay (in seconds) after a bot takes a break to check for loot before it will be allowed to take a break again. If this value is very low, bots may frequently back-track and may never reach their objectives. If this value is high, bots will rarely loot. This is 50 s by default.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.break_for_looting.min_time_between_follower_looting_checks: The minimum delay (in seconds) after any of a bot's followers take a break to check for loot before they will be allowed to take a break again. If this value is very low, bot groups may frequently back-track and may never reach their objectives. If this value is high, followers will rarely loot. This is 30 s by default.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.break_for_looting.min_time_between_looting_events: The minimum delay (in seconds) after a bot successfully finds loot before it will be allowed to take a break again. If this value is very low, bots may frequently back-track and may never reach their objectives. If this value is high, bots will rarely loot. This supersedes bot_questing_requirements.break_for_looting.min_time_between_looting_checks, and it requires Looting Bots (or it will be ignored). This is 80 s by default.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.break_for_looting.max_time_to_start_looting: The duration of each break (in seconds). If one of the Looting Bots brain layers is not active after this time, the bot will resume questing. This is 2 s by default.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.break_for_looting.max_loot_scan_time: The maximum time that bots will be allowed to search for loot via Looting Bots. If the bot hasn't found any loot within this time, it will continue questing. If it has found loot, it will not continue questing until it's completely finished with looting. This is 4 s by default.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.break_for_looting.max_distance_from_boss: The maximum distance (in meters) that a follower will be allowed to travel from its boss while looting. If the follower exceeds this distance, it will be forced to stop looting and regroup. This is 75 m by default.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.max_follower_distance.max_wait_time: The maximum time (in seconds) that a bot's followers are allowed to be too far from it before it will stop questing and regroup. This is 5 s by default.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.max_follower_distance.min_regroup_time: The minimum time (in seconds) that a bot will be forced to regroup with its followers if it's too far from them. After this time, the bot will be allowed to patrol its area instead. This is 1 s by default.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.max_follower_distance.regroup_pause_time: When a boss reaches its nearest follower while regrouping, it will stop regrouping for this amount of time (in seconds). After that delay, it will continue regrouping if required, or it will continue questing. This delay is to prevent bosses from standing completely still while waiting for the rest of their followers to regroup. This is 2 s by default.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.max_follower_distance.target_range.min/max: The allowed range of distances (in meters) that followers will try to be from their boss while questing. If a follower needs to get closer to its boss, it will try to get within the min distance (10 m by default) of it. After that, it will be allowed to wander up to the max distance (20 m by default) from it.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.max_follower_distance.nearest: If the bot has any followers, it will not be allowed to quest if its nearest follower is more than this distance (in meters) from it. This is 25 m by default.
- questing.bot_questing_requirements.max_follower_distance.furthest: If the bot has any followers, it will not be allowed to quest if its furthest follower is more than this distance (in meters) from it. This is 40 m by default.
- questing.extraction_requirements.min_alive_time: The minimum time (in seconds) a bot must wait after spawning before it will be allowed to extract. This is 60 s by default.
- questing.extraction_requirements.must_extract_time_remaining: The time remaining in the raid (in seconds) after which bots will be unable to select new quest objectives and must extract instead. Requires SAIN 2.1.7 or later. By default, this is 300 s.
- questing.extraction_requirements.total_quests.min/max: The minimum and maximum quests that a bot must complete before being instructed to extract. The actual number is randomly selected between this range. Requires SAIN 2.1.7 or later. Bots can still be instructed to extract if they satisfy their questing.extraction_requirements.EFT_quests.min/max requirement.
- questing.extraction_requirements.EFT_quests.min/max: The minimum and maximum EFT quests that a bot must complete before being instructed to extract. The actual number is randomly selected between this range. Requires SAIN 2.1.7 or later. Bots can still be instructed to extract if they satisfy their questing.extraction_requirements.total_quests.min/max requirement.
- questing.sprinting_limitations.stamina.min: The lower stamina threshold (as a fraction of max stamina) below which bots will not be allowed to sprint. This is 0.1 by default.
- questing.sprinting_limitations.stamina.max: The upper stamina threshold (as a fraction of max stamina) above which bots will always be allowed to sprint. If a bot's stamina drops below questing.sprinting_limitations.stamina.min, it won't be allowed to sprint again until its stamina raises back to this level or higher. This is 0.5 by default.
- questing.sprinting_limitations.sharp_path_corners.distance: If a bot is within this distance (in meters) of a sharp corner in its path, it will not be allowed to sprint. This was mainly implemented to prevent bots from shuffle-running around stairwells. This is 2 m by default.
- questing.sprinting_limitations.sharp_path_corners.angle: The angle (in degrees) between segments in a bot's path above which the corner is considered a sharp corner. This was mainly implemented to prevent bots from shuffle-running around stairwells. This is 45 deg by default.
- questing.sprinting_limitations.approaching_closed_doors.distance: If a bot is within this distance (in meters) of a closed door and is heading toward it, it will not be allowed to sprint. This was implemented to prevent bots from sliding into closed doors before opening them. this is 3 m by default.
- questing.sprinting_limitations.approaching_closed_doors.angle: If a bot is within questing.sprinting_limitations.approaching_closed_doors.distance meters of a closed door, it will not be allowed to sprint if the angle between the bot's heading and the vector from the bot to the door is less than this value (in degrees). This was implemented to prevent bots from sliding into closed doors before opening them. This is 60 deg by default.
- questing.bot_quests.distance_randomness: One of the sources of "randomness" to apply when selecting a new quest for a bot. This is defined as a percentage of the total range of distances between the bot and every quest objective available to it. By default, this is 30%.
- questing.bot_quests.desirability_randomness: The maximum amount that desirability ratings of quests can be randomly changed when bots select new quests. By default, this is 20%.
- questing.bot_quests.distance_weighting: A factor to change how much the distances between bots and possible quest objectives for them are weighted when selecting new quests. Higher numbers mean that bots will tend to select quests that are closer, but not necessarily more desirable. This is 1 by default.
- questing.bot_quests.desirability_weighting: A factor to change how much the desirability of quests are weighted when selecting new quests for bots. Higher numbers mean that bots will tend to select quests that are more desirable even if they're further away. This is 1 by default.
- questing.bot_quests.desirability_camping_multiplier: The desirability of all camping quests (determined by isCamping=true in their settings) will be multiplied by this factor. This is 1 by default.
- questing.bot_quests.desirability_sniping_multiplier: The desirability of all sniping quests (determined by isSniping=true in their settings) will be multiplied by this factor. This is 1 by default.
- A factor to change how likely bots are to select new quests that are in the direction of their selected exfil point. Higher numbers mean that bots will tend to select quests that are on the way to their selected exfil even if they're undesirable. This factor is different for every map.
- questing.bot_quests.exfil_direction_max_angle: If the angle between the vector from a bot to its selected exfil and the vector from the bot to a quest objective is below this value (in degrees), the angle will be ignored (treated as 0 deg) for that objective when selecting new quests for bots. This is to allow bots to meander toward their selected exfil instead of having them tend to follow a straight path toward it. This is 90 deg by default.
- questing.bot_quests.exfil_reached_min_fraction: This value is multiplied by the maximum distance between all exfils on the map to determine the distance threshold below which bots will change their selected exfils. If a bot travels within that threshold of its selected exfil, it will choose a new exfil. This is to allow bots to travel around the map instead of gravitating toward their initially selected exfils even after they reach them. This is 0.2 by default.
- questing.bot_quests.blacklisted_boss_hunter_bosses: An array containing the names of bosses that bots doing the "Boss Hunter" quest will not be allowed to hunt.
- questing.bot_quests.airdrop_bot_interest_time: The time (in seconds) after an airdop lands during which bots can go to it via an "Airdrop Chaser" quest. This is 420 s by default.
- The settings to apply to all quests based on EFT's quests.
- The settings to apply to the "Spawn Rush" quest.
- The settings to apply to the "Spawn Point Wandering" quest.
- The settings to apply to the "Boss Hunter" quest.
- The settings to apply to the "Airdrop Chaser" quest.
Options for Each Section in bot_quests:
- desirability: The desirability rating (in percent) of the quest. Bots will be more likely to select quests with higher desirability ratings.
- max_bots_per_quest: The maximum number of bots that can actively be performing each quest of that type.
- min_distance: Each objective in the quest will only be selected if the bot is at least this many meters away from it.
- max_distance: Each objective in the quest will only be selected if the bot is at most this many meters away from it.
- max_raid_ET: The quest can only be selected if this many seconds (or less) have elapsed in the raid. This is based on the overall raid time, not the time after you spawn. For example, if you set maxRaidET=60 for a quest and you spawn into a Factory raid with 15 minutes remaining, this quest will never be used because 300 seconds has already elapsed in the overall raid.
- chance_of_having_keys: The chance that bots will have keys for the locations specified in the quests.
- match_looting_behavior_distance: If there are any EFT quest objectives within this distance of non-EFT quest objectives, the EFT quest-objective looting behavior ("Force" or "Inhibit") will be changed to match the nearby non-EFT quest-objective looting behavior
- min_level: The absolute minimum player level allowed for bots to select the quest.
- max_level: The absolute maximum player level allowed for bots to select the quest.
- level_range: An array of [minimum player level for the quest, level range] pairs to determine the maximum player level for each quest of that type. This value is added to the minimum player level for the quest. For example, if a quest is only available at level 15, the level range for it will be 20 (as determined via interpolation of this array using its default values). As a result, only bots between levels 15 and 35 will be allowed select that quest.
PMC and Player-Scav Spawning Options:
- bot_spawns.enabled: Allow this mod to spawn PMC's and player Scavs (true by default).
- bot_spawns.blacklisted_pmc_bot_brains: An array of the bot "brain" types that SPT will not be able to use when generating initial PMC's. These "brain" types have behaviors that inhibit their ability to quest, and this causes them to get stuck in areas for a long time (including their spawn locations). Do not change this unless you know what you're doing!
- bot_spawns.spawn_retry_time: If any bots fail to spawn, no other attempts will be made to spawn more of them for this amount of time (in seconds). By default, this is 10 s.
- bot_spawns.delay_game_start_until_bot_gen_finishes: After the final loading screen shows "0:00.000" for a few seconds, the game will be further delayed from starting if not all bots have been generated. Without doing this, PMC's may not spawn immediately when the raid starts, and the remaining bots will take much longer to generate. This is true by default.
- bot_spawns.spawn_initial_bosses_first: If initial bosses must spawn before PMC's are allowed to spawn. This does not apply to Factory (Day or Night). If this is false and bot_spawns.advanced_eft_bot_count_management=false, initial PMC spawns may prevent some bosses (i.e. Rogues on Lighthouse) from spawning at the beginning of the raid. This is false by default and assumes bot_spawns.advanced_eft_bot_count_management=true.
- bot_spawns.advanced_eft_bot_count_management: If true, this enables code that tricks EFT into thinking that bots generated by this mod are human players. This makes EFT ignore bot caps (both total and zone-specific) for PMC's and player Scavs generated by this mod. This is true by default.
- bot_spawns.bot_cap_adjustments.enabled: If bot caps should be modified (false by default assuming bot_spawns.advanced_eft_bot_count_management=true).
- bot_spawns.bot_cap_adjustments.min_other_bots_allowed_to_spawn: PMC's and player Scavs will not be allowed to spawn unless there are fewer than this value below the bot count for the map. For example, if this value is 4 and the maximum bot cap is 20, PMC's and player Scavs will not be allowed to spawn if there are 17 or more alive bots in the map. This is to retain a "buffer" below the maximum bot cap so that Scavs are able to continue spawning throughout the raid. This is 2 by default.
- bot_spawns.bot_cap_adjustments.add_max_players_to_bot_cap: If this is true (which is the default setting), the bot cap for the map will be increased by the maximum number of players for the map. This is to better emulate live Tarkov where there can still be many Scavs around the map even with a full lobby.
- bot_spawns.bot_cap_adjustments.max_additional_bots: The bot cap for the map will not be allowed to be increased by more than this value. If this value is too high, performance may be impacted. This is 5 by default.
- bot_spawns.bot_cap_adjustments.max_total_bots: The highest allowed bot cap for any map. If this value is too high, performance may be impacted. This is 26 by default.
- bot_spawns.limit_initial_boss_spawns.enabled: If initial boss spawns should be limited (true by default).
- bot_spawns.limit_initial_boss_spawns.disable_rogue_delay: If the 180-second delay SPT adds to Rogue spawns on Lighthouse should be removed. This is true by default.
- bot_spawns.limit_initial_boss_spawns.max_initial_bosses: The maximum number of bosses that are allowed to spawn at the beginning of the raid (including Raiders and Rogues). After this number is reached, all remaining initial boss spawns will be canceled. If this number is too high, few Scavs will be able to spawn after the initial PMC spawns. This is 14 by default.
- bot_spawns.limit_initial_boss_spawns.max_initial_rogues: The maximum number of Rogues that are allowed to spawn at the beginning of the raid. After this number is reached, all remaining initial Rogue spawns will be canceled. If this number is too high, few Scavs will be able to spawn after the initial PMC spawns. This is 10 by default.
- bot_spawns.max_alive_bots: The maximum number of PMC's and player Scavs (combined) that can be alive at the same time on each map. This only applies to PMC's and player Scavs generated by this mod; it doesn't apply to bots spawned by other mods or for Scavs converted to PMC's or player Scavs automatically by SPT.
- The settings to apply to PMC spawns (see below for details).
- The settings to apply to player Scav spawns (see below for details).
- adjust_pscav_chance.enabled: If the chances that Scavs are converted to player Scavs should be adjusted throughout the raid. This is only used if bot_spawns.enabled=false or bot_spawns.player_scavs.enabled=false, and it is true by default.
- adjust_pscav_chance.chance_vs_time_remaining_fraction: An array describing how likely Scavs are to be converted to player Scavs as a function of the fraction of time remaining in the raid. This is based on the overall raid time, not the time after you spawn. The array contains [fraction of raid time remaining, conversion chance] pairs, and there is no limit to the number of pairs.
Options for bot_spawns.pmcs and bot_spawns.player_scavs:
- enabled: If the corresponding bot type will be allowed to spawn. This is true by default for both bot types.
- min_distance_from_players_initial: The minimum distance (in meters) that a bot must be from you and other bots when selecting its spawn point. This is used during the first wave of spawns and is 25 m by default.
- min_distance_from_players_during_raid: The minimum distance (in meters) that a bot must be from you and other bots when selecting its spawn point. This is used after the first wave of spawns.
- min_distance_from_players_during_raid_factory: The minimum distance (in meters) that a bot must be from you and other bots when selecting its spawn point. This is used after the first wave of spawns. However, this is only used for Factory raids instead of min_distance_from_players_during_raid.
- fraction_of_max_players: When determining how many total bots of this type will spawn throughout the raid, the maximum player count for the map is multiplied by this value. This is 1 by default for PMC's and 1.5 by default for player Scavs.
- fraction_of_max_players_vs_raidET: If you spawn late into the raid as a Scav, the minimum and maximum initial PMC's will be reduced by a factor determined by this array. The array contains [fraction of raid time remaining, fraction of max players] pairs, and there is no limit to the number of pairs.
- time_randomness: The maximum percentage of total raid time (before reducing it for Scav raids) that player-Scav spawns can be randomly adjusted when generating a spawn schedule for them. However, player Scavs will never be allowed to spawn earlier than the minimum reduced raid time in the SPT configuration for the map, and they will never be allowed to spawn later than the maximum reduced raid time for the map. This is 10% by default.
- bots_per_group_distribution: An array describing how likely bot groups of various sizes are allowed to spawn. When generating bot groups, this mod will select a random number for each group between 0 and 1. It will then use interpolation to determine how many bots to add to the group using this array. The first column is the look-up value for the random number selected for the group, and the second column is the number of bots to add to the group. The interpolated value for number of bots is rounded to the nearest integer.
- bot_difficulty_as_online: An array describing the chances that members of a new bot group will be of a certain difficulty. When generating bot groups, this mod will select a random number for each group between 0 and 1. It will then use interpolation to determine the difficulty of all bots in the group using this array. The first column is the look-up value for the random number selected for the group, and the second column is a number corresponding to the difficulty that will be used (0 = easy, 1 = normal, 2 = hard, 3 = impossible). The interpolated value for number of bots is rounded to the nearest integer.
---------- Known Issues ----------
Objective System:
- Mods that add a lot of new quests may cause latency issues that may result in game stability problems and stuttering
- Bots tend to get trapped in certain areas. Known areas:
- Customs between Warehouse 4 and New Gas
- Customs in some Dorms rooms (i.e. 214 and 220 in 3 story)
- Lighthouse in the mountains near the Resort spawn
- Lighthouse on the rocks near the helicopter crash
- Bots blindly run to their objective (unless they're in combat) even if it's certain death (i.e. running into the Sawmill when Shturman is there).
- Bots take the most direct path to their objectives, which may involve running in the middle of an open area without any cover.
- Certain bot "brains" stay in a combat state for a long time, during which they're unable to continue their quests.
- Certain bot "brains" are blacklisted because they cause the bot to always be in a combat state and therefore never quest (i.e. exUSEC's when they're near a stationary weapon)
- Some quest items or locations can't be resolved:
- Fortress for Capturing Outposts in Customs
- Scav Base for Capturing Outposts in Woods
- Health Resort for Capturing Outposts in Shoreline
- Bronze pocket watch for Checking in Customs
- Flash drive with fake info for Bullshit in Customs
- Mountain Area for Return the Favor in Woods
- The second and third bunkers for Assessment Part 2 in Woods
- The satellite antenna in the USEC camp for Return the Favor in Woods
- The cottage area for Overpopulation in Lighthouse
- The main area for Assessment - Part 1 in Lighthouse
- The bridge for Knock-Knock in Lighthouse
- All locations for Long Line in Interchange
- The 21WS Container for Provocation in Interchange
- The underground depot for Safe Corridor in Reserve
- One of the locations for Bunker Part 2 in Reserve (not sure which)
- Bots sometimes unlock doors for no reason if they can't properly resolve their quest locations. Examples include marking the tanker at New Gas in Customs; bots will fail to find a position to mark the tanker and then nearby unlock rooms in New Gas for no reason.
- A "Destroying GameObjects immediately is not permitted during physics trigger/contact, animation event callbacks or OnValidate. You must use Destroy instead." error will sometimes appear in the game console after a bot unlocks a door. This can be ignored.
- Player-level ranges for some quests are not reasonable, so bots may do late-game quests at low player levels and vice versa. This is because EFT has no minimum level defined for several quest lines.
PMC and Player-Scav Spawning System:
- If there is a lot of PMC action at the beginning of the raid, the rest of the raid will feel dead. However, this isn't so different from live Tarkov.
- If advanced_eft_bot_count_management=false, not all PMC's or player Scavs spawn into Streets because too many Scavs spawn into the map first
- In maps with a high number of max players, Scavs don't always spawn when the game generates them if your max_alive_bots setting is high and advanced_eft_bot_count_management=false
- In maps with a high number of max players, performance can be pretty bad if your max_alive_bots setting is high
- Noticeable stuttering for (possibly) several seconds when the initial PMC wave spawns if your max_alive_bots setting is high
- Performance may be worse if advanced_eft_bot_count_management=true because EFT will be allowed to spawn more Scavs than with previous versions of this mod.
---------- Roadmap (Expect Similar Accuracy to EFT's) ----------
- 0.5.2 (ETA: Late May)
- Add new quest type: hidden-stash running
- Add new quest type: blood-thirsty cheater (will be disabled by default)
- 0.5.3 (ETA: Early June)
- Add optional quest prerequisite to have at least one item in a list (i.e. a sniper rifle for sniping areas or an encoded DSP for Lighthouse)
- Add configuration options to overwrite default settings for EFT-based quests and their objectives
- Move initial quest-data generation to the server to protect for mods that add lots of quests (like QuestManiac)
- 0.6.0 (ETA: Late July)
- Separate spawning system into a separate mod
- Not Planned
- Add waypoints to have PMC's path around dangerous spots in the map or in very open areas
- Improve PMC senses to dissuade them from going to areas where many bots have died. Might require interaction with SAIN; TBD.
---------- Credits ----------
- Thanks to Props for sharing the code DONUTS uses to spawn bots. This was the inspiration to create this mod.
- Thanks to DrakiaXYZ for creating BigBrain and Waypoints and for all of your help with developing this mod. Also, thanks for your help with adding interop capability to SAIN.
- Thanks to nooky for lots of help with testing and ensuring this mod remains compatible with SWAG + DONUTS.
- Thanks to Skwizzy for help with adding interop capability to Looting Bots.
- Thanks to everyone else on Discord who helped to test the many alpha releases of this mod and provided feedback to make it better. There are too many people to name, but you're all awesome.
- Of course, thanks to the SPT development team who made this possible in the first place.