This repository contains the codes for Large-scale building height retrieval from single SAR imagery based on bounding box regression networks.
The code structure is largely borrowed from Please follow in the above link for the environment and dependencies. To use the code, the SAR & GIS data are to be concatenated and stored in the VOC format.
Train / Test:
python --dataset pascal_voc --net res101 --bs $BATCH_SIZE --nw $WORKER_NUMBE --cuda --s $SESSION
python --dataset pascal_voc --net res101 --checksession $SESSION --checkepoch $EPOCH --checkpoint $CHECKPOINT --cuda
If you find the repo useful, please cite the following paper:
author = {Yao Sun and Lichao Mou and Yuanyuan Wang and Sina Montazeri and Xiao Xiang Zhu},
title = {Large-scale building height retrieval from single SAR imagery based on bounding box regression networks},
journal = {ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing},
volume = {184},
pages = {79-95},
year = {2022},
issn = {0924-2716},
doi = {},