Image processing script for calculation of cell viability of 3D spheroids in microfluidic arrays.
pip install -r requirements.txt
The best performance is assumed for the images of single quadruplet device. For calculation of cell viability two channels (0:live and 1:dead) are required.
Estimation of the absolute cell viability values for single time point:
- Analysis of images
- Browse - Select the folder with the example file
- Select the image
- Load image
- Grid
- Report
- Save the results
Estimation of the relative cell viability values between two time points (e.g., before and after drug treatment):
- Relative cell viability
- Browse folder with the report
files - Load day1 report file
- Load day3 report file
- Select which rows of microwells to include into the analysis
- Report (the values are automatically coppied in the clipboard)
The settings included:
- MF arrays with 100, 200 and 300 um microwells;
- MCF-7 and DCBXTO.58 cell types
The number of the rows and wells could be changed
settings = {
'folder' : '/Users/viprorok/Google Диск/Laba/Github/Im_processing/Synergy index/',
'invert_flag' : True,
'autocontrast_flag' : True,
'scaling_factor': {'100 um': 6, '200 um': 12, '300 um': 12}, ### 6 for 100um and 12 for 200 um and 300 um
'rows' : 4,
'columns' : 25,
'radius' : {'100 um': 30, '200 um': 55, '300 um': 85}, ### [30 for 100 um] and [85 for 300um] [55 for 200um]
'offset' : 10,
'flag_100' : False,
'flag_300' : True,
'flag_200': False,
'devices' : 1,
'device_types':['100 um','200 um','300 um'],
'default_device_type': 2,
'cell_types': ['MCF-7', 'DCBXTO.58'],
'default_cell_type': 0,
'live_range' : {'MCF-7' : [0.015, 0.09], 'DCBXTO.58': [0.012, 0.085]}, ## [0.015, 0.09] for MCF-7 cells ; [0.012, 0.085] for .58
'dead_range' : {'MCF-7' : [0.08, 0.02], 'DCBXTO.58': [0.085, 0.02]}, ## [0.08, 0.02] for MCF-7 cells ; [0.085, 0.02] for .58
'hist_flag' : True,
'ch_flag' : False,
'dil_flag': True,
'cv_threshold': 0.5,
'synergy_flag': True,
'cv_flag': False,
'3D_text': True,
'3D_alpha': 0.5,
'conc_flag': False
The settings could be saved in config.json
and loaded if needed.