This project is to try Pattern Matching in Ruby. It's a conceptual model, and has many arguments about specification of pattern match. Welcome to your feed back via issues or PR.
Before trying this feature, you need build customized Ruby interpreter. See to build and install a ruby interpreter.
For Japanese language users MRI のビルド、およびインストール will help you.
Basic: use %p
to write pattern and match operator is =~
if %p([:ok, x]) =~ [:ok, 200]
p "Seconnd Element is #{x}"
p "Not Match!"
You can also use ===
as the alias of =~
res = [:ng, 500]
case res
when %p([:ok, status])
p "You got! status: #{status}"
when %p([:ng, status])
p "Nooo! status: #{status}"
raise "unexpected response!"
also allows hash.
is ignored.
user = { name: 'yuki', from: 'Fukuoka' }
case user
when %p({name: name, from: 'Hiroshima'})
p "#{name} is a local people. Thank you!"
when %p({name: name, from: _})
p "#{name} is a visitor. welcome!"
You can write hash in array, and array as value of hash.
if %p( [x, :y, { "array" => [5, v]}] ) =~ [1, :y, { "array" => [5, 'a, b']}]
p x
p v
allows regexp too.
language = { name: 'pm-ruby', version: "development" }
case language
when %p({ name: /^pm-.*/, version: version })
p "This pattern-match's version is #{version}"
when %p({ name: name, version: version })
p "This #{name}'s version is #{version}"
and _
+ class name
obj = %w(a b c)
case obj
when %p(_String)
p obj
when %p(_Array)
p obj.join(',')