These are my custom Powershell Themes
A theme based around the frost theme, but in the Powershell style.
Go to the Windows Terminal (If you haven't already, download it here)
Then inside it, go to the arrow and click settings.
Normally it will open a JSON file in your default text editor.
Locate the schemes section and paste the following code inside it :
{ "name" : "Frost Powershell", "background" : "#012456", "black" : "#3a3a3a", "blue" : "#17b2ff", "brightBlack" : "#0a0a0a", "brightBlue" : "#27B2F6", "brightCyan" : "#13A8C0", "brightGreen" : "#89AF50", "brightPurple" : "#760af2", "brightRed" : "#ff1100", "brightWhite" : "#ffffff", "brightYellow" : "#e6ff04", "cyan" : "#3C96A6", "foreground" : "#EEEEEE", "green" : "#6AAE08", "purple" : "#5d0597", "red" : "#c00e0e", "white" : "#fcf5f5", "yellow" : "#c5d816" }
To add the themes reopen the settings file, then locate the profile you want to edit.
Just add or modify the colorScheme
property to "colorScheme" : "Frost Powershell"