This HTTP Client is based on Oryx-Embedded Cyclone TCP library ( It is made to compile on STM32F769I-dicovery plateform.
Use git clone --recursive <git_repo>
to collect all the sources
Use make
to compile the project, and make flash
to install it
on the STM32 card.
You can see the debug messages by opening a terminal on the card
with minicom -D /dev/ttyACM0
To prove the correctness of the SPARK code, use gnatprove -P prove.gpr --level=3
All the sources need for the compilation are under the folder src/
. In particular
it contains the C sources of cycloneTCP in the folder cyclone_tcp/
. The translated
files are under the subdirectory ada/
. A main function is under main.c
and is
written to launch and test the C.
An experimentation has also been done with Klee, and the folder klee/
gathers the
sources needed to run Klee. A makefile is provided to help the compilation. You
might need to comment the line #include "dns/dns_client.h"
in the file net.h
to be able to compile.