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Example using Coq with only one numeric type

The objective of this experiment is to study the design of a library where users only have to handle one numeric type, the type of real numbers, to formalize mathematics.

The advantage of doing so is that all operations on numbers satisfy the field properties.

Natural numbers are still provided, but as a subset of real numbers. Functions defined by recursion on natural numbers should also be available, but as function of type R to R, where the value is undefined when the input is not a natural number.

As a first example, we provide a function Rnat_iter, which takes a number n, a function f, and an initial value e, and returns the value f ^ n(e), when n is a real number in the subset of natural numbers.

Using such a function, it is possible to compute the sequence of all real numbers from 0 to n - 1 (a sequence of length n, containing only real numbers that are in the subset of natural numbers), and to show that the sum of all these numbers is (n * (n - 1) / 2). Because we are working with real numbers, subtraction and division do not need to be treated separately (the ring and field tactic behave nicely).

Files should be separated in two layers:

  • A layer that is visible by the library developer, where all the surface concepts and the surface theorems are defined. This layer may contain the usual inductive datatypes encountered in Coq. It is used to guarantee that the library is consistent with traditional usage.

  • A layer that is visible by the library users, where only the surface concepts may be used: no value of type nat or Z should be used there. This layer should contain instructive examples.

A discussion about types in an education context

The notion of type is quite natural, students understand naturally that all numbers share a lot in common and are distinguished from other objects in the mathematical world. for instance, you can apply the basic operations to a number (with the slight difficulty of division and 0), but it is not straightforward what it means to apply a basic operation like addition on a pair of number, and vice-versa, it is straightforward to project a pair of numbers to its first component, but taking the first component of a number hardly makes any sense.

However, the tradition of type-theory based proof systems is to make a strong distinction between several types of numbers, especially as a way to explain how the mathematical world is "constructed". Often, one starts by explaining the existence of a type of natural numbers, followed by integers, rational numbers, and most often real numbers.

There are real benefits to doing so, in particular because most of the basic operations can be described as programs, and the usual properties of these operations are a consequence of the definition. Let's list here some of the benefits:

  • In many of these types, numbers have a canonical form, which can be understood as the value of a formula. When a number is given as a combination of operations on known values, the computation of all the programs can be required and the result displayed to the user. This makes that the proof assistant can be used as calculator, for instance to perform experimental mathematics.

  • Each type of numbers comes with reasoning facilities that make it possible to get an intuitive grasp of important concepts from mathematics. For instance, the type of natural numbers comes with the possibility to define recursive functions, which gives an opportunity to define many kinds of recursive sequences. Once the definitions are made, it is also possible to prove properties using the scheme of proof by induction, and the proof assistant helps students understanding the discipline that should come with this proving technique (be clear about what statement will be proved by induction, etc).

However, there are a few oddities that make the whole construction at odds with usual mathematical practice.

  • Type theory requires every function to be defined for every argument in the input type. As a result, subtraction m - n has to be defined even when n is larger than m. The usual practice is to decide that in this case m - n = 0, but this makes some properties of operations awkward to use: For instance, the equality m - (m - n) = n holds only when n is smaller than, or equal to m. On the other hand, the mathematical practice concerning this kind of partial function is multiple. For subtraction, people actually think that m - n exists when n is larger than m, but falls outside the set of natural number. For division, another approach is used, which we shall discuss again later (TODO).

  • Computation, as provided by the concept of reduction in type theory, is only available for the types of numbers that are easily defined as inductive types. However, the type of real numbers does not belong to that collection, and it is less straight forward to give a meaning to the sentence "compute a formula". For instance, what is the meaning of computing PI + 1? The value 4.14 might be what the user expects, but it is an incorrect answer.

A predicate for each type of number

We propose to design a new library, staying at the level of elementary facts, where different types of numbers are actually viewed as subsets of the type of real numbers. Several methods can be used to define these subsets, either using inductive predicates, or using the image of the functions injecting natural numbers and integers in the real numbers. In file R_subsets.v we show an implementation using inductive predicates. In file R_nat_ind.v, we show an implementation using images of injections. The file binomial/binomial_exp.v also contains experiments based on inductive types, but this file is destined to be decomposed in several smaller files.

Once the subsets corresponding to natural numbers and integers are defined, one should also include tools to facilitate proofs that some real numbers do belong in the subsets. A first stage is to recover the facilities that were automatically provided by typing: since addition, multiplication, were automatically given as operations within the types nat and Z, we now have to express stability laws. Here, we see that subtraction and division must be treated in an ad-hoc way: the subtraction of two natural numbers is an integer, the division of two natural numbers or integers is a rational number (at early stage of this library's development, the subset of rational numbers has not been described yet).

Then, theorems should also be provided to express under what conditions the subtraction of two numbers is a natural number, and this comes with the notion of order. Here we can exploit the existing order between real numbers and all the monotonicity properties that basic operations enjoy with respect to this order.

Similarly, one should study under what conditions the division of two integers is a rational number. This study brings about the notion of divisibility.

Thanks to this approach, the subtraction between two numbers is always written as a subtraction between real numbers, and the meaning of this operation is always "natural" to the eye of mathematicians and students. Whether the result is a natural number can be explained and reasoned about. By comparison, if one had been using subtraction between natural numbers, reasoning on the fact that the result is a natural number is not really possible (it is a natural number by force due to typing) and what needs to be reasoned about is whether the result computed by the proof assistant is the expected value, which makes the proof assistant look bad.

Defining functions on integers and natural numbers

Once numeric functions are all defined as function from type R to type R, there remains the difficulty that some functions are really meant as functions from integers or natural numbers to natural numbers. How could these functions be defined, so that their usage remains natural. We propose that definitions visible by students should rely on one of the following approaches:

  • For any function f of type A -> A, we can compute n iterations of f, where n is a real number in the natural number subset.

  • For any real numbers m and n, where n is a real number in the natural number subset, we can construct the sequence of numbers (m, m + 1, ... , m + n). We should then provide a big-op construction (as in math-comp) for iteration of binary operations over such a sequence. This gives a nice way to describe the factorial function, for instance.

  • One should provide a syntax for the definition of recursive sequences of natural numbers. This should make it possible to use multi-step recursion, as would be needed to define the Fibonacci sequence.

In all three cases, proof by induction on natural numbers should be enough to make it possible for students to reason on the value of functions defined using these tools.

Whatever the techniques used, many of the theorems explaining the behavior of functions will have as pre-condition the fact that the argument should be in the intended domain of definition (a natural number or an integer).

Replacing the support of type-checking by automatic proofs

To reason on expressions containing real functions that represent natural number functions, this approach will rely on a collection of theorems that have as premise the fact that the function's inputs are indeed natural numbers. This means many proof obligations will be added that are only concerned with checking that some arguments of type real satisfy the predicate "being a natural number". For many of these arguments, the proof should happen automatically, because the considered arguments satisfy the predicate by assumption or by construction.

For instance, the definition of a function describing the Fibonacci sequence introduces a function fib and a theorem describing its behavior that has the following shape:

fib 0 = 0 /\ fib 1 = 1 /\
forall n, Rnat (n - 2) -> fib n = fib (n - 2) + fib (n - 1)

Every time the third clause in this definition is used, a membership condition in the Rnat subset needs to be proved. This is non-trivial, because subtraction is not automatically guaranteed to be a natural number, even if the inputs are natural numbers.

An alternative presentation of the first clause is also possible:

forall n, Rnat n -> fib (n + 2) = fib n + fib (n + 1)

This presentation leads to membership condition that are easier to prove, but instances of the equation's left hand side are then harder to detect.

In the context of mathematics education, the question is how much time do the educators think the student should spend on verifying these membership conditions.

a form of weak typing

The proof that a formula satisfies a "sub-type" predicate usually exploits stability properties with respect to the basic operations. To this, "sub-type" information should be added to the functions being considered. For instance, it should be recorded that the factorial function maps integers to integers (or even natural numbers to natural numbers).

Having recorded that the Rnat subset is stable under addition, multiplication, factorial, and that the immediate constants 0, 1, 2, etc are natural numbers, it is a matter of automatic proof to show that

3 + 5 * factorial 12

is a member of Rnat.

Moreover, in the presence of an unknown n such that Rnat n holds, the automatic procedure can also prove that

n + 5 * factorial n

is a member of Rnat.

When defining a new function, such as the fib function used in a previous example, proving that such a function always returns a natural number is also possible. It should probably be used as an exercise in natural number recursion at early stages of training, but this kind of proof can probably also be automated (see file rec_def_examples.v).

Sometimes, the "weak typing information" is part of the folklore, but it may not be easily recoverable from the definition, or at least not without a proof. For instance, when a formula contains a subtraction of natural numbers, it is not guaranteed that the result will be a natural number (but it will be an integer).

A typical difficulty appears when using division or subtraction to define a new value. For instance, file binomial/binomial_exp.v contains a definition of binomial n m as a division of factorials. Because factorial returns integers, we can expect the result to be a rational number, but specific properties of this function (which require a specific proof, actually based on induction) guarantee that the result is always an integer if the inputs are within the correct bounds.

Recovering partial computation capabilities

One of the great qualities of Type Theory based proof system is that they can be used to perform experimental mathematics: the inductive type used for natural numbers and integers support the definition of recursive functions whose value can be computed in fairly short time, as long as they are applied to immediate natural number or integer values.

when using the type of real numbers, computations are blocked, because multiplication, addition, etc, are now opaque constants with the computation behavior only described by rewriting theorems.

However, it is possible to develop a computation facility that relies on a mapping from functions on real numbers to functions on integers. A command R_compute is described in file R_compute.v. Examples of usage are presented in rec_def_examples.v

As a first stage, it is possible to provide this computation facility without formal guarantees, where the educator provides a Z function for each R function and no equivalence theorem. This immediately provides the possibility to compute values, but not to use such a computation in proofs. The pairs of functions are simply stored in a table and a symbolic manipulation transforms the formula to compute (of type R) into a formula (of type Z) where the proof assistant's conversion mechanism can reduce the Z functions.

Here is an example. The system comes with the following pairs already recorded : (Rplus, Z.add), (Rminus, Z.sub), (Ropp, Z.opp), and each number for instance the number 42 is automatically in correspondence with the same number 42 in type Z. The educator provides definitions for the fib sequence and the factorial function using the recursive definition command developed for this purpose. The function fib_Z_mirror and factorial_Z_mirror are generated automatically using another command described in file R_compute.v and automatically added in the database.

Recursive (def fib such that fib 0 = 0 /\ fib 1 = 1 /\
  (forall n, Rnat (n - 2) -> fib (n - 2) = fib (n - 2) + fib (n - 1))).

Elpi mirror_recursive_definition fib.

Recursive (def factorial such that factorial 0 = 1 /\
  forall n, Rnat (n - 1) -> factorial n = n * factorial (n - 1)).

Elpi mirror_recursive_definition factorial.

Elpi R_compute (42 + fib (factorial 4)).

Under the hood, this work by replacing the formula

Rplus (IZR 42) (fib (factorial (IZR 4)))

with the following formula:

IZR (Z.add 42 (fib_Z_mirror (factorial_Z_mirror 5)))

There is a single IZR instance in this new formula and its argument is a formula that the proof assistant's conversion capability can reduce to a numeric constant (in this case a number whose decimal has around 30 digits).

The replacement is performed by a simple traversal program that builds the translated formula recursively, using elements of the function pair table to construct a well-typed integer expression that can then be reduced by the proof assistant.

When correctness theorems are provided for the pairs of functions, these theorems can be used inside proofs. An advanced version of the computation capabilities should provided a tactic equivalent to the R_compute function described above. It is not clear whether such a computation capability inside proofs will be very useful in an educational context.

Definition of recursive functions under the hood

It is quite easy to define a recursor of type:

Rnat_rec : A -> (R -> A -> A) -> R -> A

where the first argument is the value in 0, the second argument tells how to compute the value in n+1, given the value n and the value in n.

However, a definition given using Rnat_rec is not as readable as desired. For instance, the recursive function on natural numbers such that f 0 = v0 and f n = B n (f (n - 1)) when n is a natural larger than 0 would be described as :

Definition f := Rnat_rec v0 (fun n v => B n v).

It is not immediately visible that f n = B n (f (n - 1)).

Instead, we propose to write a piece of code that takes as input the expected theorem explaining the behavior of the function, in this form:

Recursive (def f such that (f 0 = v0 /\
    (forall n, Rnat (n - 1) -> f n = B n (f (n - 1))).

From this expression, the command would generate the value (or something similar):

Rnat_rec v0 B

This command can be adaptable to the case, where several initial values are provided for base cases (for inputs 0, 1, and maybe more) and the expression B make take more recursive calls (to (n - 1), (n -2), and maybe more).

A first version of this command is described in file rec_def.v using the coq-elpi metaprogramming extension of Coq. At the time of writing these lines, This command accepts multiple step recursion, where several base values f 0, f 1, ... f (k - 1) and in the general case the value of f n can depend all preceding values between f (n - 1) f (n - k). This command defines the function f and also provides a single theorem called f_eqn stating that f satisfies the required specification.

For instance, for the Fibonacci sequence, one write the following command.

Recursive (def fib such that f 0 = 0 /\ f 1 = 1 /\
      forall n, Rnat (n - 2) -> f n = f (n - 2) + f (n - 1)).

Executing this command has the effect of adding two constants in the Coq context. A constant fib and a constant fib_eqn such that fib has type R -> R and fib_eqn is a proof of

f 0 = 0 /\ f 1 = 1 /\
forall n : R, Rnat (n - 2) -> f n = f (n - 2) + f (n - 1)

Note that fib_eqn can help reason on the value of fib for any argument that is a real number in the Rnat subset. It does not provide any help to reason about the value of f for inputs that are not natural numbers. In a sense, f is undefined outside the subset of natural numbers.

Another provided command (Elpi mirror_recursive_definition) constructs a similar function of type Z -> Z where all operations on R replaced by corresponding operation on Z. This extra function to perform computations by exploiting the reductions facilities that come with inductive types in the proof assistant.

A few benefitting examples

binomial function

The factorial function can be defined either as the product of the sequence of the n first positive integers or as a recursive sequence of integers. Once the factorial function is provided, the binomial of n and m can be defined using the ratio of factorials.

Definition binomial (n m : R) :=
  factorial n / (factorial (n - m) * factorial m).

This is well defined only when n, m, and n - m are natural numbers.

Traditional presentations in mathematics also rely on an alternative presentation given by the following equalities (where n and m are natural numbers and m < n). This is known as Pascal's triangle.

binomial 0 0 = 1
binomial n 0 = 1
binomial n n = n
binomial (n + 1) (m + 1) = binomial n (m + 1) + binomial n m

And since traditional presentations in proof assistants rely on the type of natural numbers, the binomial function is also extended to the case where (m > n) by taking as convention that the binomial function returns 0 in that case.

If we take the definition with the ratio of factorials, the various equations in Pascal's triangle can be proved to hold, using a proof by induction.


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