is a resource query language for .NET intended for use with web apps. It provides a simple, hackable api for creating dynamic sql queries from user submitted JSON. It is intended to sit between a web application and a SQL based database. It converts user-submitted JSON query structures (inspired by mongodb query syntax) to sql queries, handling validation and type conversions. It was inspired by and is a port of rql (golang). Its primary purpose is to generate complex where clauses is_done = 1 OR (updated_at < X AND updated_at > Y) OR ...
while validating their types.
When creating a simple CRUD API it's often a requirement to provide basic collection filtering functionality. Without implementing some other heavy layer (graphql, odata, ef), usually, I would end up having to write code to support each field for a given class. A common solution is adding a query parameter for each field, and when using aggregate functions having a separate composite parameter for that aggregate ie ?updated_at_gt=x&updated_at_lt=y
. Outside of that being cumbersome for lots of fields, this begins to totally breakdown when needing to apply a disjunction between two conditions using aggregate functions, something like SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE is_done = 1 OR (updated_at < X AND updated_at > Y)
. So to deal with this I ported one of my favorite libraries from go. The result is a control point that validates types and range of filters as well as allowing the use to enter complex filters.
Client side json input:
var rqlExpression = {
filter: {
"isDone": 1,
{"updatedAt": {"$lt": "2020/01/02", "$gt":1577836800}},
limit : 1000,
offset: 0,
var (dbExpression, errs) = RqlParser.Parse<TestClass>(rqlExpression);
if(errs != null) { /*handle me*/ }
Assert.True(dbExpression.Filter = "IsDone = @isDone AND ( UpdatedAt < @updatedAt AND UpdatedAt > @updatedAt2 )");
Assert.True(dbExpression.Limit == 1000);
Assert.True(dbExpression.Offset == 0);
Assert.True(dbExpression.Sort == "UpdatedAt DESC");
Assert.Equal(result.Parameters["@isDone"], true);
Assert.Equal(result.Parameters["@updatedAt"], new DateTime(2020, 01, 02));
Assert.Equal(result.Parameters["@updatedAt2"], new DateTime(2020, 01, 01));
// Alternatively you can use a generic instance
IRqlParser<TestClass> genericParser = new RqlParser<TestClass>();
(dbExpression, err) = genericParser.Parse(rqlExpression);
// Alternatively you can use a non-generic instance
var classSpec = new ClassSpecBuilder().Build(typeof(TestClass));
IRqlParser parser = new RqlParser(classSpec);
(dbExpression, err) = parser.Parse(rqlExpression);
// Alternatively parse a `RqlExpression` object
var rqlExpression = new RqlExpression
Filter = new Dictionary<string, object>()
["isDone"] = 1,
["$or"] = new List<object>()
new Dictionary<string, object>(){
["updatedAt"] = new Dictionary<string,object>(){
["$lt"] = "2020/01/02",
["$gt"] = 1577836800
Limit = 1000,
Offset = 0,
Sort = new List<string>() { "-updatedAt" },
(dbExpression, err) = RqlParser.Parse<TestClass>(rqlExpression);
public async void Rql([FromBody] dynamic rqlIn)
var (dbExpression, _) = parser.Parse((rqlIn as object).ToString());
using (var connection = await _connectionFactory.GetConnection())
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand())
command.CommandText = $"SELECT * FROM TestClass WHERE ${dbExpression.Filter} LIMIT ${dbExpression.Limit} OFFSET ${dbExpression.Offset} ORDER BY ${dbExpression.Sort}";
command.Parameters.AddRange(dbExpression.Parameters.Select(x => new SqlParameter(x.Key, x.Value)).ToArray());
using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
// do stuff
using (var connection = await _connectionFactory.GetConnection())
var parameters = new DynamicParameters(dbExpression.Parameters);
var sql = $"SELECT * FROM TestClass WHERE ${dbExpression.Filter} LIMIT ${dbExpression.Limit} OFFSET ${dbExpression.Offset} ORDER BY ${dbExpression.Sort}";
var results = await connection.QueryAsync<TestClass>(sql, parameters);
// do stuff
using (var connection = await _connectionFactory.GetConnection())
var parameters = new DynamicParameters(dbExpression.Parameters);
var page = Utility.GetPage(dbExpression.Offset, dbExpression.Limit);
var where = $"WHERE {dbExpression.Filter}";
var results = (await connection.GetListPagedAsync<TestClass>(page,dbExpression.Limit, where, dbExpression.Sort, parameters)).ToList();
// do stuff
public class SomeClass
// prevents operations
[RQL.NET.Ops.Disallowed("$like", "$eq")]
// overrides column namer
// overrides (json) namer
// ignores entirely
// prevents sorting
// prevents filtering
public string SomeProp { get; set; }
RQL Op | SQL Op | Json Types |
$eq |
= |
number, string, bool |
$neq |
!= |
number, string, bool |
$lt |
< |
number, bool |
$gt |
> |
number, bool |
$lte |
<= |
number, bool |
$gte |
>= |
number, bool |
$like |
like |
string[] |
$in |
in |
number[], string[] |
$nin |
nin |
number[], string[] |
$or |
or |
[] |
$not |
not |
{} |
$and |
and |
{} |
$nor |
- | n/a |
This library was structured to be a highly configurable parser. Most of the parser's components can be overridden directly or via a delegate or interface implementation via the Defaults
class. Most notably Defaults.DefaultConverter
and Defaults.DefaultValidator
. Additionally, many of the data structures and internal builders are exposed to enable this package to be used as a library. You could also implement a custom class specification, field specification, and operation mapper to add pretty heavy customizations including custom types and operations.
public static class Defaults
public static string SortSeparator = ",";
public static string Prefix = "$";
public static int Offset = 0;
public static int Limit = 10000;
public static Func<IParameterTokenizer> DefaultTokenizerFactory = () => new NamedTokenizer();
public static Func<string, Type, object, IError> DefaultValidator = DefaultTypeValidator.Validate;
public static Func<string, string> DefaultColumnNamer = x => x;
public static Func<string, string> DefaultFieldNamer = x => {...};
public static IOpMapper DefaultOpMapper = new SqlMapper();
public static ClassSpecCache SpecCache = new InMemoryClassSpecCache();
public static Func<string, Type, object, (object, IError)> DefaultConverter =
(fieldName, type, raw) =>
The parser uses reflection and by default it's done once per class and cached. Additionally when using the typed parse commands Parse<T>(RqlExpression exp)
and Parse(RqlExpression exp)
there is a redundant JSON serialization and then deserialization because this was built piggybacking off the JContainer tree structure from JSON.NET. To avoid this penalty use the Parse<T>(string exp)
and Parse(string exp)
- better coverage
- case: all attributes
- case: all ops
- fix stricter validation - right side init object is and, or/nor is array
- fix empty object validation ashtonian#1
- typed more actionable errors
- share/publish