Bug Fixes
- interfaces: ordering, error with objects, and rename fp interfaces (fc28328)
- keys: that if collection is Promise then is not resolve (1e89c39)
- move from webpack to rollup, compatibility changes (47594dc)
Code Refactoring
- separates add and export, adds 'add' file to groups packages (be1e7f6)
- fp: convert fp to sub-package, and add fp to all group packages (94bebb3)
- fp: move to conversion by @pakal/curry, add placeholder support (ff18d23)
- add Tree-Shaking & esm support and convert "add" to sub-package (0aa2297)
Performance Improvements
- prevent unnecessary duplication of args (bf1063a)
- "add" does not export the "index" export, it only adds to Promises
- change in wrapper use, for use in wrapper:
import Promises from '@promises/-all/add';
import Promises from '@promises/core';
import '@promises/-all/add';
- fp: remove "@promises/-fp" package, use "@promises/-all/fp" sub-package instead.
- new compatibility support:
- main - commonjs module and es5 standard (index.js)
- module - es2015 module and es5 standard (index.esm.js)
- browser - bundle in umd format includes all scope dependencies in es5 standard (bundle.umd.js, bundle.umd.min.js)
- es2015 - commonjs module and es2015 standard (index.es6.js)
- typings - typescript declaration file (index.d.ts)