- team member 1 Christopher Halpert
- team member 2 Yanjin Li
- team member 3 Vlad Scherbich
- This project is a flask app that generates a custom business report based on Yelp data.
(Spark analysis in bolded files)
- /flaskapp/spark_scripts/analysis.py: Restaurant analysis in Spark
- /flaskapp/spark_scripts/yelp_lib.py: Spark connector
- /flaskapp/templates/yelp_restaurant.html: Frontend of restaurant analysis page & charting scripts
- /flaskapp/static/index.html: Frontend of home page
- /flaskapp/static/yelp.js: Home page search logic
- /flaskapp/flaskapp.py: Flask server app
- /lib/chris_restaurant_analysis.ipynb: Local exploratory analysis