VERY simple NodeJS module to get a user's steamID64 based on customURL. No API key needed.
This module will allow you to get the SteamID64 for any Steam player, as long as the target profile is public.
I couldn't find this utility for a project I'm working on, so I decided to write it myself and learn some NodeJS in the process.
Not by Valve Software by any means. I'm just a fan. I'll try to support development of this library for as long as I can
$ git clone
Using npm:
$ npm install customurl2steamid64
$ node test.js
(You should get this number on your console): 76561198008252756
You could also alter this file on variable 'username' to whatever Steam user you wish to test
Using the test file above as template, we are going to integrate with the steam-web library. Please update your code with your own API key
var getSteamID64 = require('../lib/steamid64');
var steam = require('steam-web');
var username = 'yllanos';
var baseURL = "";
var URL = baseURL + username + "/?xml=1";
var s = new steam({
format: 'json' //optional ['json', 'xml', 'vdf']
* Example implementing steam-web
* If you want to test a different user, just edit the 'username' variable as needed
* Don't forget to add your own Steam API key
* 'result' variable represents the value to be integrated into your application
* @param {string} URL - Full URL profile for specific user.
.then(function (result) {
steamids: [result],
callback: function(err, data) {
.catch(function (reason) {
console.error("%s; %s", reason.error.message, reason.options.url);
console.log("%j", reason.response.statusCode);
return reason.error.message;
When the code above is executed, you should get something like:
[ { steamid: '76561198008252756',
communityvisibilitystate: 3,
profilestate: 1,
personaname: 'Soyvideojuegos',
lastlogoff: 1458067862,
profileurl: '',
avatar: '',
avatarmedium: '',
avatarfull: '',
personastate: 0,
realname: 'Yamil Llanos',
primaryclanid: '103582791434470617',
timecreated: 1237920338,
personastateflags: 0,
loccountrycode: 'CO',
locstatecode: '04',
loccityid: 10644 } ]