Azure Log Analytics output plugin for Fluentd. The plugin aggregates semi-structured data in real-time and writes the buffered data via HTTPS request to Azure Log Analytics.
fluent-plugin-azure-loganalytics | fluentd | ruby |
>= 0.3.0 | >= v0.14.15 | >= 2.1 |
< 0.3.0 | >= v0.12.0 | >= 1.9 |
$ gem install fluent-plugin-azure-loganalytics
If you installed td-agent and want to add this custom plugins, use td-agent-gem to install as td-agent has own Ruby so you should install gems into td-agent’s Ruby, not system Ruby:
$ /usr/sbin/td-agent-gem install fluent-plugin-azure-loganalytics
Please see also I installed td-agent and want to add custom plugins. How do I do it?
To start running with Log Analytics in the Microsoft Operations Management Suite (OMS), You need to create either an OMS workspace using the OMS website or Log Analytics workspace using your Azure subscription. Workspaces created either way are functionally equivalent. Here is an instruction:
Once you have the workspace, get Workspace ID and Shared Key (either Primary Key or Secondary Key), which are needed by Log Analytics HTTP Data Collector API to post the data to Log Analytics.
<match azure-loganalytics.**>
@type azure-loganalytics
customer_id CUSTOMER_ID # Customer ID aka WorkspaceID String
shared_key KEY_STRING # The primary or the secondary Connected Sources client authentication key
log_type EVENT_TYPE_NAME # The name of the event type. ex) ApacheAccessLog
endpoint myendpoint
add_time_field true
time_field_name mytime
time_format %s
localtime true
add_tag_field true
tag_field_name mytag
customer_id (required) - Your Operations Management Suite workspace ID
shared_key (required) - The primary or the secondary Connected Sources client authentication key
log_type (required) - The name of the event type that is being submitted to Log Analytics. log_type only supports alpha characters
endpoint (optional) - Default:''. The service endpoint. You may want to use this param in case of sovereign cloud that has a different endpoint from the public cloud
time_generated_field (optional) - Default:''(empty string) The name of the time generated field. Be carefule that the value of field should strictly follow the ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ). See also this for more details
azure_resource_id (optional) - Default:''(empty string) The resource ID of the Azure resource the data should be associated with. This populates the _ResourceId property and allows the data to be included in resource-context queries in Azure Log Analytics (Azure Monitor). If this field isn't specified, the data will not be included in resource-context queries. The format should be like /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}. Please see this for more detail on the resource ID format.
add_time_field (optional) - Default:true. This option allows to insert a time field to record
time_field_name (optional) - Default:time. This is required only when add_time_field is true
localtime (optional) - Default:false. Time record is inserted with UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) by default. This option allows to use local time if you set localtime true. This is valid only when add_time_field is true
time_format (optional) - Default:%s. Time format for a time field to be inserted. Default format is %s, that is unix epoch time. If you want it to be more human readable, set this %FT%T%z, for example. This is valid only when add_time_field is true.
add_tag_field (optional) - Default:false. This option allows to insert a tag field to record
tag_field_name (optional) - Default:tag. This is required only when add_time_field is true
fluent-plugin-azure-loganalytics adds time and tag attributes by default if add_time_field and add_tag_field are true respectively. Below are two types of the plugin configurations - Default and All options configuration.
@type tail # input plugin
path /var/log/apache2/access.log # monitoring file
pos_file /tmp/fluentd_pos_file # position file
format apache # format
tag azure-loganalytics.access # tag
<match azure-loganalytics.**>
@type azure-loganalytics
customer_id 818f7bbc-8034-4cc3-b97d-f068dd4cd658
shared_key ppC5500KzCcDsOKwM1yWUvZydCuC3m+ds/2xci0byeQr1G3E0Jkygn1N0Rxx/yVBUrDE2ok3vf4ksCzvBmQXHw==(dummy)
log_type ApacheAccessLog
@type tail # input plugin
path /var/log/apache2/access.log # monitoring file
pos_file /tmp/fluentd_pos_file # position file
format apache # format
tag azure-loganalytics.access # tag
<match azure-loganalytics.**>
@type azure-loganalytics
customer_id 818f7bbc-8034-4cc3-b97d-f068dd4cd658
shared_key ppC5500KzCcDsOKwM1yWUvZydCuC3m+ds/2xci0byeQr1G3E0Jkygn1N0Rxx/yVBUrDE2ok3vf4ksCzvBmQXHw==(dummy)
log_type ApacheAccessLog
azure_resource_id /subscriptions/11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111/resourceGroups/otherResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/examplestorage
add_time_field true
time_field_name mytime
time_format %FT%T%z
localtime true
add_tag_field true
tag_field_name mytag
You want to add typecast filter when you want to cast fields type. The filed type of code and size are cast by typecast filter. fluent_typecast.conf
@type tail # input plugin
path /var/log/apache2/access.log # monitoring file
pos_file /tmp/fluentd_pos_file # position file
format apache # format
tag azure-loganalytics.access # tag
<filter **>
@type typecast
types host:string,user:string,method:string,path:string,referer:string,agent:string,code:integer,size:integer
<match azure-loganalytics.**>
@type azure-loganalytics
customer_id 818f7bbc-8034-4cc3-b97d-f068dd4cd658
shared_key ppC5500KzCcDsOKwM1yWUvZydCuC3m+ds/2xci0byeQr1G3E0Jkygn1N0Rxx/yVBUrDE2ok3vf4ksCzvBmQXHw==(dummy)
log_type ApacheAccessLog
add_time_field true
time_field_name mytime
time_format %FT%T%z
localtime true
add_tag_field true
tag_field_name mytag
[note] you need to install fluent-plugin-filter-typecast for the sample configuration above.
gem install fluent-plugin-filter_typecast
You want to send to Log Analytics, logs generated with known delimiter (like comma, semi-colon) then you can use the csv format of fluentd and the keys/types properties. This can be used with any log, here implemented with Nginx custom log. fluent_csv.conf
Suppose your log is formated the way below in the /etc/nginx/conf.d/log.conf:
log_format appcustomlog '"$time_iso8601";"$hostname";$bytes_sent;$request_time;$upstream_response_length;$upstream_response_time;$content_length;"$remote_addr";$status;"$host";"$request";"$http_user_agent"';
And this log is activated throught the /etc/nginx/conf.d/virtualhost.conf :
server {
access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log appcustomlog;
You can use the following configuration for the source to tail the log file and format it with proper field type.
@type tail
path /var/log/nginx/access.log
pos_file /var/log/td-agent/access.log.pos
tag nginx.accesslog
format csv
delimiter ;
keys time,hostname,bytes_sent,request_time,content_length,remote_addr,status,host,request,http_user_agent
types time:time,hostname:string,bytes_sent:float,request_time:float,content_length:string,remote_addr:string,status:integer,host:string,request:string,http_user_agent:string
time_key time
time_format %FT%T%z
<match nginx.accesslog>
@type azure-loganalytics
customer_id 818f7bbc-8034-4cc3-b97d-f068dd4cd658
shared_key ppC5500KzCcDsOKwM1yWUvZydCuC3m+ds/2xci0byeQr1G3E0Jkygn1N0Rxx/yVBUrDE2ok3vf4ksCzvBmQXHw==(dummy)
log_type NginxAcessLog
time_generated_field time
time_format %FT%T%z
add_tag_field true
tag_field_name mytag
An expected output record for sample input will be like this:
Sample Input (apache access log) - - [10/Dec/2016:05:28:52 +0000] "GET /test/foo.html HTTP/1.1" 200 323 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/54.0.2840.99 Safari/537.36"
Output Record
The output record for sample input can be seen at Log Analytics portal like this:
Sample Input (nginx custom access log)
"2017-12-13T11:31:59+00:00";"nginx0001";21381;0.238;20882;0.178;-;"";200;"";"GET /mysite/picture.jpeg HTTP/1.1";"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) Chrome/63.0.3239.84 Safari/537.36"
Output Record
Part of the output record for sample input can be seen at Log Analytics portal like this with field of type _s (string) or _d (double):
$ git clone
$ cd fluent-plugin-azure-loganalytics
# edit CONFIG params of test/plugin/test_azure_loganalytics.rb
$ vi test/plugin/test_azure_loganalytics.rb
# run test
$ rake test
$ git clone
$ cd fluent-plugin-azure-loganalytics
# edit CONFIG params of test/plugin/test_azure_loganalytics.rb
$ vi test/plugin/test_azure_loganalytics.rb
# run test
$ /opt/td-agent/embedded/bin/rake test
$ rake build
$ rake install:local
# running fluentd with your fluent.conf
$ fluentd -c fluent.conf -vv &
# send test apache requests for testing plugin ( only in the case that input source is apache access log )
$ ab -n 5 -c 2 http://localhost/test/foo.html
As described in Azure Monitor Data Collection API doc, there are some constraints around the data posted to the Azure Monitor Data collection API. Here are relevant constraints:
- Max payload size:
30 BM
- Max field value size:
32 KB
- Max characters num for each field name:
Please be noticed that the plugin checks the max payload size before it post to the API (>=0.7.0), however it doesn't check max field value size and max charactores num for each field name.
- How to install td-agent and luent-plugin-azure-loganalytics plugin on RHEL
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
Copyright | Copyright (c) 2016- Yoichi Kawasaki |
License | Apache License, Version 2.0 |