class YonDav:
family_name = 'David'
given_name = 'Jonathan'
nick_name = 'Yoni'
brand_name = 'yondav'
location = 'New York City'
profession = 'Software Engineer'
employer = {
'name': 'Kinetic IQ',
'web': ''
technologies = [
interests = ['Audio Engineering', 'Percussion', 'Baseball', 'Cooking', 'Travel']
def format_interests(self):
formatted_interests = ""
for interest in self.interests:
formatted_interests += f"- {interest}\n"
return formatted_interests
def introduction(self):
interests_list = self.format_interests()
return f"Hello, I'm {self.given_name} {self.family_name} but you can call me {self.nick_name} or drop the extra syllables and call me {self.brand_name}.\n\nI'm currently living in {self.location} working as a {self.profession} at [{self.employer['name']}]({self.employer['web']}). \n\nOutside of programming, my primary interests are\n{interests_list}"
def tech_icons(self):
icons_markdown_list = []
for tech in self.technologies:
icon_file_name = tech.lower() + '.svg'
icon_path = os.path.join('./readme-assets/icons', icon_file_name)
icon_markdown = f"<img src='{icon_path}' width='50' style="margin:0 8px;" alt='{tech}'>"
return " ".join(icons_markdown_list)
yondav = YonDav()
Hello, I'm Jonathan David but you can call me Yoni or drop the extra syllables and call me yondav.
I'm currently living in New York City and working as a Software Engineer at Kinetic IQ.
Outside of programming, my primary interests are
- Audio Engineering
- Percussion
- Baseball
- Cooking
- Travel