Unit Test Report(Nodejs code Only)
The cli for Qualtet. A set of wrappers that call the APIs of Hexo and Qualtet.
- Node.js 22.x
- rustup 1.27.x
- rustc 1.83.x
Clone this repository at the same hierarchy as the Hexo folder.
Some parts of the code are written in Rust. Therefore, a build using napi-rs is required.
$ cd rust-lib
$ npm run build
- assertImages:
node ./qualtet-cli/cmd/assertImages.js <daysAgo>
- delete:
node ./qualtet-cli/cmd/delete.js <apiUrl> <serviceName> <authorName> <contentId>
- deleteTag:
node ./qualtet-cli/cmd/deleteTag.js <apiUrl> <serviceName> <authorName> <tagId>
- invalidateCaches:
node ./qualtet-cli/cmd/invalidateCaches.js <apiUrl> <serviceName> <authorName>
- postSeriesFromFile:
node ./qualtet-cli/cmd/postSeriesFromFile.js <apiUrl> <serviceName> <authorName> <JSON filePath>
- publish:
node ./qualtet-cli/cmd/publish.js <apiUrl> <serviceName> <authorName> <daysAgo>
- setCredential:
node ./qualtet-cli/cmd/setCredential.js
Validate an image has EXIF(includes GPS) info or not.
$ node ./qualtet-cli/cmd/assertImages.js <daysAgo (default: 10000)>
INFO check updated in 10000 days ago articles assets.
INFO Validating config
INFO Start processing
ERROR C:\Users\<userName>\source\_posts\example\gps.jpg: has GPS info
file: 'C:\Users\<userName>\source\_posts\example\gps.jpg',
gps: [
{ id: 2, value: [Array], description: 39.9987 },
{ id: 1, value: [Array], description: 'North latitude' },
{ id: 4, value: [Array], description: 138.6517 },
{ id: 3, value: [Array], description: 'East longitude' },
{ id: 18, value: [Array], description: 'WGS-84' }
WARN C:\Users\<userName>\source\_posts\example2\hoge.jpg: has EXIF
Delete content (post or page) by its id.
$ node ./qualtet-cli/cmd/delete.js <apiUrl> <serviceName> <authorName> <contentId>
Delete tag by its id.
$ node ./qualtet-cli/cmd/deleteTag.js <apiUrl> <serviceName> <authorName> <tagId>
Invalidate Cache.
$ node ./qualtet-cli/cmd/invalidateCaches.js <apiUrl> <serviceName> <authorName>
INFO caches: invalidated
Create or Update series from JSON file.
$ node ./qualtet-cli/cmd/postSeriesFromFile.js <apiUrl> <serviceName> <authorName> <JSON filePath>`
// example JSON
"name": "example",
"title": "example title",
"description": "example description"
Publish articles (posts or pages) that have been updated up to n days ago.
$ node ./qualtet-cli/cmd/publish.js <apiUrl> <serviceName> <authorName> <daysAgo>
INFO caches: invalidated
INFO Validating config
INFO Start processing
INFO created - 1: 01gz702w32kxdhe8417fxcybcm - /example
INFO created - 2: 01gs876d3rmembfhnt9qskwz9a - /articles/example2/
INFO created - 3: 01gs876n2adwaznhv6m0yz8drw - /articles/example3/
Set credential to your keytar.
$ node ./qualtet-cli/cmd/setCredential.js
Please input serviceName, authorName, and author's password: <serviceName> <authorName> <password>