opening_hours tag is used in OpenStreetMap project to describe time ranges when a specific facility (for example, a cafe) is open.
This map shows the opening_hours as nicely readable time table.
A mirror is setup up under:
Just clone the repository:
git clone --recursive
and install it’s dependencies (execute inside the repository):
make dependencies-get
The map uses OpenLayers to show a base map from OpenStreetMap. An additional optional layer shows POIs which are tagged with opening_hours. The data for this additional layer is queried for from the OverpassAPI. The basic query in OverpassQL looks like this:
out body center 1000;
- This map is build with OpenLayers.
- The opening_hours evaluation is handled by the opening_hours.js library.
Big thanks goes to Netzwolf how created some OpenLayers extensions and examples. He also created the same map showing opening_hours with his JS implementation (which is withdrawn in favour of opening_hours.js). Big parts of his code are still in use for the map. Although most code around the opening_hours interpretation was rewritten.
Also thanks to FOSSGIS for hosting a public instance of this service. See the wiki.