a simple script that decodes a given IBAN from the Attijari bank (Tunisia)
- Python 3
python3 decode_iban.py "[IBAN_number]"
python3 decode_iban.py "TN59 04 123456789123456789"
Code pays: TN59
Code banque à la banque centrale: 04
Code agence à la banque centrale: 123
Code agence interne: 123
Numéro de compte: 1234567891
Clé interne: 1
Clé banque centrale: xx
=============ajout beneficaire attijari=========
Agence: 123 N° Compte: 1234567891 Clé: 1
The code for checking the validation of the IBAN was taken from REF: [https://rosettacode.org/wiki/IBAN#Python]