Nagios-Fabric Script
This is Nagios Fabric Script for installation of NAGIOS, NAGIOS_PLUGIN & NRPE. This script can be used to deploy Nagios on EC2 using EC2 Python BOTO package.You can also use this script to deploy Nagios on your server. just uncomment the line & add"Ipaddress of Your Server" or if you want to install on multiple servers just add comma seperated list of servers, for ex: = "Ip-Server-1","Ip-Server-2"..."Ip-Server-n"
Usage :
install python fabric & boto
using easy install:
easy_install fabric
easy_install boto
using python-pip:
pip install fabric
pip install boto
git clone
cd Nagios-Fabric/
fab -l
(1) To create EC2 Instance Using This Script use command (To create Instance provide AWS Access Key, AWS Secret Key, AMI ID For Ex:ami-31814f58, instance_type, & Key Pair )
fab CreateInstance
This Command will create EC2 instance. & if you want to install Nagios Server on this instance use following command
fab NagiosFullInstall
fab NagiosPluginFullInstall
fab NrpeFullInstall
After Installation point your browser to http://IP-ADDRESS/nagios