Neural network library written in C and Javascript
- Lightweight and minimalistic:
- Header only
- Just include catseye.h and write your model in c. There is nothing to install.
- Small dependency & simple implementation
- Fast: [under construction]
- OpenCL support (GPGPU)
- OpenGL support (GPGPU)
SSE, AVX support (But gcc and clang support SIMD...)OpenMP supportSupport half precision floats (16bit)
- Supported networks:
- Activation functions
- sigmoid
- softmax
- tanh, scaled tanh (1.7519 * tanh(2/3x))
- ReLU, Leaky ReLU, ELU, RReLU
- abs
- identity
- Loss functions
- cross-entropy, mean-squared-error
- Optimization algorithms
- SGD (stochastic gradient descent) with/without L2 normalization
- Momentum SGD
- AdaGrad
- RMSProp
- Adam
- Layer types
- linear (mlp)
- convolution
- convolution 1d
- deconvolution
- Sub-Pixel Convolution (Pixel Shuffler)
- max pooling
- average pooling
- global average pooling (GAP)
- batch normalization
- concat
- shortcut
- Activation functions
- Loader formats:
- cifar []
- Data Augmentation (noise, zoom, translation)
Just include header files in your project.
for more information, see example/
$ dnf install ghostscript ocl-icd-devel
$ cd example
$ make
$ ./sin
Recognizing handwritten digits by MNIST training (example/mnist_train.c)
Recognizing pictures (example/cifar10_train.c)
Neural Network 'paints' an image (example/paint.c)
Function approximation (example/sin.c)
Convolution Autoencoder (example/mnist_cnn_autoencoder.c,example/cifar_autoencoder.c)
DCGAN (example/mnist_lsgan.c)
- epoch 1900
Autoencoder (example/mnist_autoencoder.c,example/mnist_autoencoder2.c)
Convolutional Neural Networks (example/mnist_cnn_train.c)
- tanh, 7x7, 32ch, 99.2%
- Neural Network Always Produces Same/Similar Outputs for Any Input
- Scale down the problem to manageable size.
- Make sure you have enough hidden units.
- Change the activation function and its parameters.
- Change learning algorithm parameters.
- Documents
Neural Networks and Deep Learning []
Explain easy backpropagation in the universe []
Optimization algorithm with super easy explanation []
Basic parts of calculation graph used for backpropagation method, etc. []
Automatic differentiation []
Machine learning []
tiny-cnn []
CS231n Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition []
- Summary of research on VAE []
- Hello Autoencoder []
- Autoencoder []
- Autoencoder []
Convolutional Neural Networks []
Backpropagation []
Perceptron []
- Programing
- Multilayer perceptron []
- Weather example []
- Recognizing handwritten digits []
- Recognizing handwritten digits on Web []
- Image generator by Denoising Autoencoder []
- Neural Network 'paints' an image []
- Data