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Deno Backend Starter


This project is a Deno backend starter that uses Hono, Drizzle ORM, and Postgres DB. It can be configured to use Node or Bun, and other databases can be used by referring to the Drizzle documentation.

Technologies Used

  • Hono: A cross-runtime framework similar to Express.
  • Drizzle ORM: A simple and efficient TypeScript ORM with many features.
  • Deno: A runtime environment created by the creator of Node.js to fix Node.js mistakes.
  • Postgres DB: One of the best and well-known databases.

Project Structure

  • src/commands: Deno command files.
  • src/db/models: Model files, use the convention sample.model.ts.
  • src/lib/configure-open-api: Open API spec configuration.
  • src/lib/create-app: Router without middleware and app configuration.
  • routes: Route files, divided into three files:
    • sample.routes.ts: Definition for handler with type system for handler and Open API doc.
    • sample.handlers.ts: Actual handler that interacts with the database.
    • sample.index.ts: Binds definition with handler and shows errors on development.

Getting Started


  • Run deno install to install dependencies.

Development Server

  • Run deno task dev to start the development server.

Static Server

  • Run deno task serve to start the static server.


  • Run deno task generate to generate SQL migration files.
  • Run deno task migrate to apply the migration.
  • Run deno task push to instantly apply changes.
  • Run deno task seed to seed data to the database.
  • Check for postgres related query to create db, user
  • Should implement seeder based on model in command/seed

Drizzle Studio

  • Run deno task studio to open the frontend for your database - studio by Drizzle Studio.

Linting and Checking

  • Run deno task check to lint and check for errors with Drizzle Kit.
  • Run deno task update to update dependencies.
  • Run deno task check-deps to analyze dependencies with the version required and latest.


  • Run deno task dbml to generate database markup, which can be visualized with DBML support.

Open API Documentation

  • Visit /doc for JSON Open API documentation.
  • Visit /reference for Swagger UI that uses the /doc and has interactive documentation.

This allows you to have a self-documenting API that is ready to test with Open API standards.


  • Models should be defined in src/db/models.
  • Use the convention *sample.model.ts for model files.
  • Drizzle Zod can be used to generate create, fetch, and patch types based on your models.
  • These types can be used in your routes to define the shape of the data.


  • Import the route file with any alias and mount it in the routes array in app.ts.
  • Example: import sample from "@/routes/sample/sample.index.ts";
  • const routes = [index, notes, sample] as const;

After defining the route, you can visit the /reference route for interactive documentation of the new route.


open api interactive doc

open api interactive doc

open api json doc

open api json doc

auto generated er diagram - dbml

open api json doc


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