Is a mini framework that alow you to create a plugin that works with multiple platform
- Work with Slack and Telegram
- Plugin as middleware. Multiple plugin can be combined together
- Upload file (☑︎Slack, 🗹Telegram)
package main
import (
// marcoPolo is an example plugin that will reply text marco with polo
type marcoPolo struct {
cl bot.Client
out chan bot.Message
func (*marcoPolo) Name() string {
return "MarcoPolo"
// Init should store the out channel to send message and do initialization
func (m *marcoPolo) Init(out chan bot.Message, cl bot.Client) error {
m.out = out = cl
return nil
// Handle incoming message that could be in any type (*bot.Message, *bot.JoinMessage, etc).
// return handled false will pass modifiedMsg to other plugins down the chain
func (m *marcoPolo) Handle(rawMsg interface{}) (handled bool, modifiedMsg interface{}) {
if inMessage, ok := rawMsg.(*bot.Message); ok {
if strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(inMessage.Text)) == "marco" {
text := fmt.Sprintf("POLO! -> %s (<@%s>)\n", inMessage.From.FullName(), inMessage.From.Username)
// send message
msg := bot.Message{
Chat: inMessage.Chat,
Text: text,
m.out <- msg
// handled true will stop exit the middleware chain. Handle method of the next plugin will not be called
// modifiedMsg give plugin a chance to modify the message for the next plugin
handled, modifiedMsg = false, rawMsg
func init() {
// Log message is callback method that gives you chance to handle the log using your preferred library
bot.Log = func(record bot.LogRecord) {
func main() {
log.SetFlags(log.Ldate | log.Ltime | log.Lmicroseconds | log.Lshortfile)
key := os.Getenv("SLACK_KEY")
if key == "" {
panic("SLACK_KEY can not be empty")
var client bot.Client
var err error
client, err = bot.NewSlack(context.Background(), key)
if err != nil {
plugin := new(marcoPolo)
if err := client.AddPlugins(plugin); err != nil {
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