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My own implementation of Deep Q Network and Double Deep Q Network algorithms using Tensorflow

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My DQN & Double DQN

My own implementation of the Deep Q Network and Double Deep Q Network algorithms using Tensorflow. The implementations were tested in CartPole environment and achieved the maximum (500) episode score.

Double DQN Agent, 40,000 training steps, episode score=500


Descriptions of the algorithms can be found in references below, and my implementations are in

A DQN agent has the following components:

  1. An action-value function Q(state, action) (implemented using a neural network),
  2. A replay memory buffer (implemented using a deque object) for storing previous transitions = [state, action, reward, new_state, is_terminal].

The Q function explores the environment and generate new transitons. After each step a random minibatch is sampled and used to update the Q network through minibatch gradient descent:

  • x = state
  • y = reward if is_terminal == True, else y = reward + gamma*max(Q(new_state, all possible actions))
  • loss = MSE(x, y)

Because in the actual implementation, the Q function predicts the values of every possible action given the current state (Q(state)->y_array(shape=(actions,))), therefore only the y value corresponding to the selected action (y_array[action]) is modified. Conceptually, the training process is similar to training a supervised learning model, except the training data is generated by the model itself through interacting with the environment, and the training labels are dynamic at each epoch & depend on model weights. Because of this, a small perturbation in network weights can be amplified and cause the training loss to explode.

In the Double DQN algorithm, the role of the Q function is split into two functions:

  1. An action Q function for exploring the environment,
  2. A target Q function for calculating the gradient descent target y = reward + gamma*max(Q_target(new_state, actions)).

The weights of the target Q function are copied from the action Q function every target_network_update_frequency steps and are held frozen until the next update. The action Q function is trained every update_frequency steps. This approach prevents network weights & losses from exploding and stabilize the training process.


The Double DQN agent was tested in CartPole-v1 environment using the following hyperparameters:

network: fully connected, 2x64, ‘relu’
minibatch size: 32
replay memory size: 1,000
replay start size: 500
target network update frequency: 100
discount factor (gamma): 0.99
update frequency: 4
optimizer: Adam
learning rate: 1e-3
clipnorm: 10
initial exploration: 1
final exploration: 0.05
exploration fraction: 0.1
total timesteps: 40,000


Mnih, 2013, Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning:
Mnih, 2015, Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning:
Hasselt, 2015, Deep Reinforcement Learning with Double Q-learning:


My own implementation of Deep Q Network and Double Deep Q Network algorithms using Tensorflow







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