A Yelp style website for campgrounds that supports user authentication, posting campsites/comments, and editing previous submissions.
To see the app in action, go to https://yelp-camp-by-yunxiao.herokuapp.com/
Authentication & Authorization:
User login with username and password
One cannot manage posts and view user profile without being authenticated
One cannot edit or delete posts and comments created by other users
Built with passport, passport-local, express-session
Manage campground posts with basic functionalities:
Create, edit and delete posts and comments
Display createdAt time info for posts and comments
Upload campground photos (saved to Cloudinary)
Display campground location with Google Maps
Search existing campgrounds
Built with moment, cloudinary, multer, Google Maps APIs, geocoder
Manage user account with basic functionalities:
Password forgot/reset via email
Flash messages responding to user's interactions with the app
Built with nodemailer, connect-flash
Responsive web design and dynamic web page