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yusing edited this page Nov 3, 2024 · 3 revisions


Benchmarked with wrk and traefik/whoami's /bench endpoint (Last updated: 2024-08-01)

Remote benchmark

  • Direct connection

    root@yusing-pc:~# wrk -t 10 -c 200 -d 10s -H "Host:" --latency
    Running 10s test @
      10 threads and 200 connections
      Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
        Latency    94.75ms  199.92ms   1.68s    91.27%
        Req/Sec     4.24k     1.79k   18.79k    72.13%
      Latency Distribution
        50%    1.14ms
        75%  120.23ms
        90%  245.63ms
        99%    1.03s
      423444 requests in 10.10s, 50.88MB read
      Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 29
    Requests/sec:  41926.32
    Transfer/sec:      5.04MB
  • With reverse proxy

    root@yusing-pc:~# wrk -t 10 -c 200 -d 10s -H "Host:" --latency
    Running 10s test @
      10 threads and 200 connections
      Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
        Latency    79.35ms  169.79ms   1.69s    92.55%
        Req/Sec     4.27k     1.90k   19.61k    75.81%
      Latency Distribution
        50%    1.12ms
        75%  105.66ms
        90%  200.22ms
        99%  814.59ms
      409836 requests in 10.10s, 49.25MB read
      Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 18
    Requests/sec:  40581.61
    Transfer/sec:      4.88MB

Local benchmark

client running wrk and GoDoxy server are under same proxmox host but different LXCs

  • Direct connection

    root@http-benchmark-client:~# wrk -t 10 -c 200 -d 10s --latency
    Running 10s test @
      10 threads and 200 connections
      Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
        Latency   434.08us  539.35us   8.76ms   85.28%
        Req/Sec    67.71k     6.31k   87.21k    71.20%
      Latency Distribution
        50%  153.00us
        75%  646.00us
        90%    1.18ms
        99%    2.38ms
      6739591 requests in 10.01s, 809.85MB read
    Requests/sec: 673608.15
    Transfer/sec:     80.94MB
  • With GoDoxy reverse proxy

    root@http-benchmark-client:~# wrk -t 10 -c 200 -d 10s -H "Host:" --latency
    Running 10s test @
      10 threads and 200 connections
      Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
        Latency     1.23ms    0.96ms  11.43ms   72.09%
        Req/Sec    17.48k     1.76k   21.48k    70.20%
      Latency Distribution
        50%    0.98ms
        75%    1.76ms
        90%    2.54ms
        99%    4.24ms
      1739079 requests in 10.01s, 208.97MB read
    Requests/sec: 173779.44
    Transfer/sec:     20.88MB
  • With traefik-v3

    root@traefik-benchmark:~# wrk -t10 -c200 -d10s -H "Host: benchmark.whoami" --latency
    Running 10s test @
      10 threads and 200 connections
      Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
        Latency     2.81ms   10.36ms 180.26ms   98.57%
        Req/Sec    11.35k     1.74k   13.76k    85.54%
      Latency Distribution
        50%    1.59ms
        75%    2.27ms
        90%    3.17ms
        99%   37.91ms
      1125723 requests in 10.01s, 109.50MB read
    Requests/sec: 112499.59
    Transfer/sec:     10.94MB