This package lets you key binds that normally terminal Emacs can not use. (i.e., C-M-g)
Modifiers | Description |
S | Space key with shift |
C | [2-8] (note: xterm.el supports other key binds) |
C-S | [A-Z] |
C-M | "g" and space keys |
M-S | [A-Z] |
C-M-S | [A-Z] |
s or s-S | from space to "~" (almost 8 bits characters without control sequences) |
H or H-S | same as s-S, but use Hyper modifier |
You may need following configuration in your .Xresources file:
XTerm*VT100.eightBitInput: false
XTerm*vt100.formatOtherKeys: 1
Put below configuration to your .emacs
'(lambda ()
(cl-case (assoc-default 'terminal-initted (terminal-parameters))
Then start your emacs with xterm and the option
eval "xterm -xrm `${xtermopt}` -e emacsclient -t -a ''"
On your started Emacs, you can use C-M prefix and C-S prefix keybinds.
FYI, I'm configuring like this
Put below configuration to your .emacs
(require 'cl-lib)
'(lambda ()
(cl-case (assoc-default 'terminal-initted (terminal-parameters))
(when (getenv "COLORTERM" (selected-frame))
Start URxvt daemon:
urxvtd -q -o -f
Then start your emacs using emacs-urxvt-client file.
emacs_urxvt_client=/path/to/emacs-urxvt-client \
${emacs-urxvt-client} -e emacscliet -t &
(The main content of emacs-urxvt-client file is just a configuration to use emacs keybindings.)
If you put xterm-option of this package in your xterm resource, you may have trouble because some applications already used overridden key sequences.
I'm really beginner of xterm, so let me know if you have better idea. Pull Requests are always welcome :)