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Vincent Wong edited this page Aug 26, 2024 · 3 revisions

Intro to jupyter notebooks

This video has introductory information on jupyter notebooks for anyone new to jupyter:

Assignment submission guidelines

For most assignments in this course, you will be working with a Jupyter notebook available here in the course GitHub repository. You may lose points if the grader cannot access your assignment.

Follow these steps for submitting assignments, unless otherwise specified in the assignment instructions:

  1. Download/Clone the Repository: Access the GitHub repository and fill in your answers directly in the provided Jupyter notebook. Write your code where it says #Todo: Write your code here. Do not create a new Jupyter notebook to answer the questions.
  2. Submit Two Files: The .ipynb (Jupyter notebook) file with your completed answers, and an HTML version of the notebook.
    • You can generate this by converting the notebook to an HTML file (How to Export a Notebook to HTML)
    • Suggestion: Before submitting, open your HTML file to ensure it is fully readable and includes all your code and outputs.
  3. Questions and issues:
    • If you have any questions about the assignment or the submission process, please contact the AIs. You can ask in the #q-and-a Slack channel or create a private group chat with the AIs and the professor.
    • Important: If you need to share a screenshot of your code to illustrate an issue, do not post it in public channels. Instead, create a private group chat with the AIs to share your code.
    • In case of an emergency that prevents you from submitting the assignment on time, please notify the professor and the AIs as early as possible, explaining your situation.

Helpful links: