Losin is a small lib that adds request-response and validation capabilities to socket.io and nossock. Wrappers for other libraries may come soon.
- Validation: Define messages schemas to validate them
- Req-Res: Request-response messages
- Timeouts: Support of timeout handlers in request messages
$ npm install losin
// create adapter
var losin = require('losin')('socket.io'),
lo = losin.createLosin(socket, config);
// Regestering messages (see validation section for more info on spec)
lo.register( /* {spec} */ );
config is optional and has the following format:
'reqTimeout': 5,
'processInvalid': false,
'validationErrorHandler': function(name, errors) {
console.warn('Validation error', name, errors);
'logHandler': function(type, direction, name, body, err) {
console.log(direction + "(" + type + ")", name, ':', type == 'res' && err ? err : '', body);
lo.handle('info', function(msg) {
lo.sendMessage('info', 'Hello');
lo.handle('someReq', function(req, sendResponse) {
// success response
sendResponse(null, req[0] + req[1]);
// or error response
// sendResponse('Something bad happened', null);
lo.sendRequest('sum', [1,2], function(err, data) {
// err - if we got error response, or timeout happened
if (err) {
} else {
// Close connection
// Handle connection close
lo.onClose(function() {
// some code
"info": {
"description": "Just some info message with payload",
"type": "pub-sub",
"msg": {
"payload": {
"type": "string"
"sum": {
"description": "Sum endpoint that does sum of numbers",
"type": "req-res",
"ttl": 30,
"req": {
"description": "Array of numbers to sum",
"type": "array",
"items": { "type": "number"}
"res": {
"description": "Sum of numbers",
"type": "number"
var _ = require('lodash'),
losin = require('losin')('socket.io'),
app = require('http').createServer(function(){}),
io = require('socket.io').listen(app);
var spec = require('./spec.json');
/* ---------- server ---------- */
io.on('connection', function(socket) {
var lo = losin.createLosin(socket);
* Handles close
lo.onClose(function() {
console.log('onClose socketio server');
* Handle info message
lo.handle('info', function(msg) {
* Handle sum request
lo.handle('sum', function(nums, sendResponse) {
sendResponse(null, _.reduce(nums, function(s,e) {return s+e; }, 0));
var _ = require('lodash'),
losin = require('losin')('socket.io'),
socket = require('socket.io-client').connect('http://localhost:8797');
var spec = require('./spec.json');
/* ---------- client ---------- */
socket.on('connect', function(socket) {
var lo = losin.createLosin(socket);
* Send info message
lo.sendMessage('info', 'hello world!');
* Send request
lo.sendRequest('sum', [1,2,3], function(err, data) {
if (err) {
} else {
Typically, message is a JSON document.
There are 2 types of messages in Losin:
- Pub/sub messages
- Request-respnse messages
Pub-sub are plain messages. One side subscribes on it by name, and other side sends it providing the same name and a message. Low-level protocol (socket.io, nossock or other) should support this feature out of the box.
"name": <name>
"body": JSON
Req-res is request-response messages. One side sends "request" message to another, and awaits response for it. Other side provides handler of the request that receives request message and sends back response (err, responseObject) where err is null when request was successfully processed, and some object otherwise.
Requester side is responsive of generating unique identifier of request, and responder side is responsive of using the same identifier for a response.
There is a default timeout value for request-response messages parties should agree on, after this time requester should receive timeout error in err, and implementation should stop waiting the response after that time. Timeout value can be configurable for each req-res messages individually in message spec (see validation section).
Implementations should follow these naming conventions for implemention req-res.
"name": "req:<name>:<id>",
"body": JSON
<name> = name of the req-res message
<id> = generated unique id, it should match regexp: [-_\w]+, i.e. contain only numbers,
alphabetic chars and '-' or '_' chars.
"name": "res:<name>:<id>",
"body": [ <err>, <reponse> ]
<name> = name of req-res-message
<id> = id send by requester in request
<err> = null | JSON
<response> = null | JSON
Implementation may (it's optional, but very desirable) define a way of validation all messages. Parties agree on messages and format of messages defining a registry of messages specs. Registry is a JSON document with the following structure:
// pub-sub message
"someMessage": {
"description": "some literate description",
"type": "pub-sub",
"msg": { JaySchema }
// req-res message
"someCommand": {
"description": "some literate description",
"type": "req-res",
"ttl": 15, // time-to-live in seconds
"req": { JaySchema },
"res": { JaySchema }
// ...
// other messages
// ...
Registry is shared between parties so they could be sured they use the right messages and format. JaySchema is javascript implementation of JSON schema validation. It follows JSON Schema Draft v4.
$ sudo npm install nodeunit -g
$ npm test