- Get a barebones 'Hello World' API running.
- Get a working database set up.
- Create a table in that database with dummy data.
- Return data from that database.
- Set up a logging scheme for these APIs.
- Create tables and data structures for users.
- Create tables and data structures for user account balances.
- Create tables and data structures for exchange rates.
- Create tables and data structures for past exchanges.
- Create a controller that gets users.
- Create a controller that gets exchange rates (seeded with dummy data for now).
- Create a controller that gets and creates exchanges.
- Set up a testing strategy.
- Test the business logic behind the currency exchanges.
- Obtain an API key to either fixer.io or exchangeratesapi.io.
- Implement a service that fetches a currency rate from one of the chosen APIs.
- Save that information to a database.
- Create an endpoint to get currency rates from the database and fetch that record if it's less than 30 minutes old.
- If the currency record is 30 minutes old or older, update it with a new rate record instead.
- Develop unit tests for these services.
- Implement an identity setup to allow existing users to sign in.
- Allow the user to perform currency exchanges using the currency API and record them to the database.
- Develop unit tests for these services.
- Polish up deployment data support.
- Fix Seq integration.