This project is a full-stack boilerplate designed to jump-start the development of web applications using React for the frontend, Express for the backend, PostgreSQL as the database, and Docker for containerization.
The boilerplate also includes Strapi as a headless CMS to manage content and APIs with ease, enhancing the development workflow for creating content-rich applications (you can use expres backend and/or strapi cms).
The project comes with built-in role-based user management (RBAC), allowing for flexible user roles and permissions. It includes authentication via JWT tokens for both traditional email/password logins and Google OAuth for seamless social authentication.
- v1.0.0 - First version
Strapi as Headless CMS:
- Strapi provides a flexible and powerful CMS, allowing for the easy creation of APIs and content management.
- this boilerplate includes 3 predefined page templates (HTML, MarkDown, Table), once you create the collection/componenet in strapi cms, you only need to set the attributes to get readu made front end pages
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC):
- Built-in user role management, where different users can have distinct access rights based on their role (e.g., admin, user, guest).
- Page visibility and access are dynamically configured in both the frontend and backend based on the user’s role.
Google OAuth Login Integration:
- Integrated Google OAuth support for user authentication in addition to email/password login. Google login can be configured from the backend with JWT tokens generated for authorized users.
Dynamic RBAC Configuration:
- Configurable routes that allow you to define role-specific access to certain pages or sections of the application, with pages automatically hidden or shown based on the user's role.
JWT-Based Authentication:
- JWT tokens are used for stateless user authentication, ensuring secure communication between the client and server. Tokens are automatically checked for validity and expiration.
Containerized Environment:
- The project uses Docker Compose to orchestrate the services. The entire app (frontend, backend, Strapi, and PostgreSQL database) runs within Docker containers for an isolated and scalable development environment.
Centralized Error Handling:
- The backend includes centralized error handling middleware, ensuring consistent and reliable error reporting.
PostgreSQL with Migrations and Seeding:
- The project uses PostgreSQL as the database, and includes support for migrations and seeding for easy database setup and management.
- The project uses PGAdmin as the database management tool.
Customizable API and Swagger Documentation:
- Built-in support for Swagger API documentation for every route, allowing for clear API documentation and testing.
- Rate Limiter: brute-force attacks protection.
- Helmet: Header security protection.
- User Profile Page
- Token Expiry: set in .env Auto logout after expiry
- React with modern hooks and components.
- MUI (Material-UI) for responsive design and styling.
- Express.js for building the REST API.
- JWT for authentication.
- Node.js with PostgreSQL for data persistence.
- PostgreSQL with support for migrations and seeding.
- PGAdmin Postgress db managment Frontend
- Strapi 5.0 headless CMS management.
- Email/password login with hashed credentials.
- Google OAuth login integration for social login.
- Docker and Docker Compose for setting up the services.
Role-Based Security:
- Secure role-based access control (RBAC) system to manage access to specific pages and API routes based on user roles.
Clone the repository:
git clone <repository_url>
Environment Configuration: Create a
file in the root directory to specify environment variables like database connection, JWT secret, and Google OAuth credentials:# .env file # Backend Frontend params REACT_APP_APP_NAME=React Express PG Boilerplate REACT_APP_TOKEN_EXPIRY_TIME=3600 BACKEND_HOST=localhost BACKEND_PORT=5000 FRONTEND_HOST=localhost FRONTEND_PORT=3000 CORS_ORIGIN=http://${FRONTEND_HOST}:${FRONTEND_PORT} BACKEND_API_URL=http://${BACKEND_HOST}:${BACKEND_PORT} # DB params POSTGRES_PASSWORD=superuserpassword DB_HOST=db DB_PORT=5432 DB_NAME=your_db_name DB_USER=your_db_user DB_PASSWORD=your_db_password # tokens and google auth params JWT_SECRET=your_jwt_secret GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=your_google_client_id REACT_APP_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=${GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID} GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=your_google_client_secret # Node params NODE_ENV=development # Logger params LOG_LEVEL=info # error, warn, info, http, verbode, debug, silly # PGAdmin params [email protected] PGADMIN_PASSWORD=pgpadminpassword # Strapi [email protected] STRAPI_ADMIN_PASSWORD=strapipassword
Pgadmin session folder make sure your pdadmin-data and strapi-app folders are writable by the containers
sudo chmod -R 777 pgadmin-data sudo chmod -R 777 strapi-app
Docker Setup: Build and run the app with Docker Compose:
docker-compose up --build
Check for errors Check for any console or frontend errors (report then to repository issues section)
Accessing the App:
- The frontend will be available at
. - The backend API will be available at
. - Strapi will be available at
. - Swagger documentation will be available at
. - PGAdmin db management frontend will be available at
- The frontend will be available at
Here's an overview of the folder structure for this boilerplate:
├── backend/
│ ├── config/
│ │ └── db.js
│ ├── controllers/
│ ├── middlewares/
│ │ └── logger.js
│ ├── models/
│ ├── routes/
│ ├── services/
│ ├── utils/
│ ├── tests/
│ ├── Dockerfile
│ ├── app.js
│ └── server.js
├── common/
│ └── routesConfig.js
├── db/
│ └── init.sql
├── frontend/
│ ├── public/
│ │ └── assets/
│ ├── src/
│ │ ├── components/
│ │ ├── pages/
│ │ ├── services/
│ │ ├── context/
│ │ ├── hooks/
│ │ ├── utils/
│ │ └── styles/
│ ├── Dockerfile
│ └── package.json
├── pgadmin-data/
├── postgres-data/
├── scripts/
├── strapi/
│ └── config/
├── .gitignore
├── docker-compose.yml
└── .env
This project uses Docker to containerize the frontend, backend, Strapi, and PostgreSQL services.
The docker-compose.yml
file is in the root directory and manages the following services:
- Frontend: React app.
- Backend: Express app running on Node.js.
- Strapi: Headless CMS for content management.
- Database: PostgreSQL with initialized scripts from the
file. - DB Management: PGAdmin db management tool.
To build and start the containers, run:
Pgadmin db server registration script (one time)
bash ./scripts/
Docker Compose
docker-compose up --build
This will launch all the services and bind the frontend to http://localhost:3000
, the backend API to http://localhost:5000
, and Strapi to http://localhost:1337
This boilerplate uses a logging middleware that captures and logs requests. The logger is located in backend/middlewares/logger.js
To use the logger, simply include it in your app.js
const logger = require('./middlewares/logger');
Logs are generated in the following format:
- Request Method
- Request URL
- Status Code
- Response Time
Example log entry:
[INFO] GET /api/users 200 25ms
We use a shared routesConfig.js
located in the common/
folder to define routes for both the frontend and backend.
This file contains all routes with role-based access control, icons for frontend display, and custom logic to handle child routes.
module.exports = {
routes: {
home: { \\Entry name
path: '/', \\url
roles: ['unlogged', 'logged'], \\page allowed roles (admin allowed all)
frontendVisible: true, \\is page included in menu
icon: 'Home', \\Page menu icon
page: 'HomePage', \\Page JSX component name
children: null, \\Top level menu item
about: {
path: '/about',
roles: ['unlogged', 'logged'],
frontendVisible: true,
icon: 'Info',
page: 'StrapiMarkDownPage', \\Generic strapi markdown content page
props: {componentName: 'about'}, \\strapi compoenent name to be served by strapi API
children: null,
login: {
path: '/login',
roles: ['unlogged'],
frontendVisible: true,
icon: 'Login',
page: 'LoginPage',
children: null,
orders: {
path: '/orders',
roles: ['logged'],
frontendVisible: true,
icon: 'List',
page: 'StrapiTablePage', \\Generic strapi table view page
props: {tableName: 'Orders', collectionName:'orders', collectionTypeName: 'order', collectionMetaName: 'items-md'}, \\Table name: page title, collection name: the strapi data table, collectionTypeName: strapi fields attributes, collectionMetaName: extra attributes(**)
children: null,
pagea: {
path: '/pagea',
roles: ['logged'],
frontendVisible: true,
icon: 'Html',
page: 'StrapiHtmlPage', \\Generic strapi HTML page
props: {componentName:'pagea'}, \\trapi HTML componeent name
children: null,
dashboard: {
path: '/dashboard',
roles: ['logged'],
frontendVisible: true,
icon: 'Dashboard',
children: {
reports: {
path: '/dashboard/reports',
roles: ['logged', 'admin'],
frontendVisible: true,
icon: 'ListAlt',
page: 'DefaultPage',
settings: {
path: '/dashboard/settings',
roles: ['logged', 'admin'],
frontendVisible: true,
icon: 'SettingsOverscan',
admin: {
path: '/admin',
roles: ['admin'],
frontendVisible: true,
icon: 'AdminPanelSettings',
children: {
userManagement: {
path: '/admin/user-management',
roles: ['admin'],
frontendVisible: true,
icon: 'GroupAdd',
page: 'UserManagementPage',
strapi: {
external: true, // New attribute to indicate it's an external link \\Link to external url (will be opened in new tab)
url: 'http://localhost:1337/admin', \\ External URL to open
roles: ['admin'],
frontendVisible: true,
icon: 'OpenInNew',
apiDocs: {
external: true, // New attribute to indicate it's an external link
url: 'http://localhost:5000/api/apidocs', \\ External URL to open
roles: ['admin'],
frontendVisible: true,
icon: 'OpenInNew',
pgAdmin: {
url: 'http://localhost:5050', \\ URL for pgAdmin
external: true,
frontendVisible: true,
roles: ['admin'],
icon: 'OpenInNew',
profile: {
path: '/profile',
roles: ['logged'],
frontendVisible: false, \\Page not visible or accessable from left menu
icon: 'AccountBox',
page: 'UserProfilePage',
children: null,
logout: {
path: '/logout',
roles: ['logged'],
frontendVisible: false,
icon: 'Logout',
children: null,