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React Express PostgreSQL Docker Boilerplate

Project Overview

This project is a full-stack boilerplate designed to jump-start the development of web applications using React for the frontend, Express for the backend, PostgreSQL as the database, and Docker for containerization.

The boilerplate also includes Strapi as a headless CMS to manage content and APIs with ease, enhancing the development workflow for creating content-rich applications (you can use expres backend and/or strapi cms).

The project comes with built-in role-based user management (RBAC), allowing for flexible user roles and permissions. It includes authentication via JWT tokens for both traditional email/password logins and Google OAuth for seamless social authentication.


  • v1.0.0 - First version

Key Features:

  • Strapi as Headless CMS:

    • Strapi provides a flexible and powerful CMS, allowing for the easy creation of APIs and content management.
    • this boilerplate includes 3 predefined page templates (HTML, MarkDown, Table), once you create the collection/componenet in strapi cms, you only need to set the attributes to get readu made front end pages
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC):

    • Built-in user role management, where different users can have distinct access rights based on their role (e.g., admin, user, guest).
    • Page visibility and access are dynamically configured in both the frontend and backend based on the user’s role.
  • Google OAuth Login Integration:

    • Integrated Google OAuth support for user authentication in addition to email/password login. Google login can be configured from the backend with JWT tokens generated for authorized users.
  • Dynamic RBAC Configuration:

    • Configurable routes that allow you to define role-specific access to certain pages or sections of the application, with pages automatically hidden or shown based on the user's role.
  • JWT-Based Authentication:

    • JWT tokens are used for stateless user authentication, ensuring secure communication between the client and server. Tokens are automatically checked for validity and expiration.
  • Containerized Environment:

    • The project uses Docker Compose to orchestrate the services. The entire app (frontend, backend, Strapi, and PostgreSQL database) runs within Docker containers for an isolated and scalable development environment.
  • Centralized Error Handling:

    • The backend includes centralized error handling middleware, ensuring consistent and reliable error reporting.
  • PostgreSQL with Migrations and Seeding:

    • The project uses PostgreSQL as the database, and includes support for migrations and seeding for easy database setup and management.
  • PGAdmin:

    • The project uses PGAdmin as the database management tool.
  • Customizable API and Swagger Documentation:

    • Built-in support for Swagger API documentation for every route, allowing for clear API documentation and testing.

Additional Features

  • Rate Limiter: brute-force attacks protection.
  • Helmet: Header security protection.
  • User Profile Page
  • Token Expiry: set in .env Auto logout after expiry

Technologies Used:

  • Frontend:

    • React with modern hooks and components.
    • MUI (Material-UI) for responsive design and styling.
  • Backend:

    • Express.js for building the REST API.
    • JWT for authentication.
    • Node.js with PostgreSQL for data persistence.
  • Database:

    • PostgreSQL with support for migrations and seeding.
    • PGAdmin Postgress db managment Frontend
  • CMS:

    • Strapi 5.0 headless CMS management.
  • Authentication:

    • Email/password login with hashed credentials.
    • Google OAuth login integration for social login.
  • Containerization:

    • Docker and Docker Compose for setting up the services.
  • Role-Based Security:

    • Secure role-based access control (RBAC) system to manage access to specific pages and API routes based on user roles.

How to Use:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone <repository_url>
  2. Environment Configuration: Create a .env file in the root directory to specify environment variables like database connection, JWT secret, and Google OAuth credentials:

    # .env file
    # Backend Frontend params
    REACT_APP_APP_NAME=React Express PG Boilerplate
    # DB params
    # tokens and google auth params
    # Node params
    # Logger params
    LOG_LEVEL=info  # error, warn, info, http, verbode, debug, silly
    # PGAdmin params 
    [email protected]
    #   Strapi
    [email protected]
  3. Pgadmin session folder make sure your pdadmin-data and strapi-app folders are writable by the containers

    sudo chmod -R 777 pgadmin-data
    sudo chmod -R 777 strapi-app
  4. Docker Setup: Build and run the app with Docker Compose:

    docker-compose up --build
  5. Check for errors Check for any console or frontend errors (report then to repository issues section)

  6. Accessing the App:

    • The frontend will be available at http://localhost:3000.
    • The backend API will be available at http://localhost:5000.
    • Strapi will be available at http://localhost:1337.
    • Swagger documentation will be available at http://localhost:5000/api-docs.
    • PGAdmin db management frontend will be available at http://localhost:5050/browser.

Project Folder Structure

Here's an overview of the folder structure for this boilerplate:

├── backend/
│   ├── config/
│   │   └── db.js
│   ├── controllers/
│   ├── middlewares/
│   │   └── logger.js
│   ├── models/
│   ├── routes/
│   ├── services/
│   ├── utils/
│   ├── tests/
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   ├── app.js
│   └── server.js
├── common/
│   └── routesConfig.js
├── db/
│   └── init.sql
├── frontend/
│   ├── public/
│   │   └── assets/
│   ├── src/
│   │   ├── components/
│   │   ├── pages/
│   │   ├── services/
│   │   ├── context/
│   │   ├── hooks/
│   │   ├── utils/
│   │   └── styles/
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   └── package.json
├── pgadmin-data/
├── postgres-data/
├── scripts/
├── strapi/
│   └── config/
├── .gitignore
├── docker-compose.yml
└── .env

Docker Setup

This project uses Docker to containerize the frontend, backend, Strapi, and PostgreSQL services.

Docker Compose

The docker-compose.yml file is in the root directory and manages the following services:

  1. Frontend: React app.
  2. Backend: Express app running on Node.js.
  3. Strapi: Headless CMS for content management.
  4. Database: PostgreSQL with initialized scripts from the db/init.sql file.
  5. DB Management: PGAdmin db management tool.

Running the Application

To build and start the containers, run:

Pgadmin db server registration script (one time)

bash ./scripts/

Docker Compose

docker-compose up --build

This will launch all the services and bind the frontend to http://localhost:3000, the backend API to http://localhost:5000, and Strapi to http://localhost:1337.

Logger Framework

This boilerplate uses a logging middleware that captures and logs requests. The logger is located in backend/middlewares/logger.js.

To use the logger, simply include it in your app.js:

const logger = require('./middlewares/logger');

Logs are generated in the following format:

  • Request Method
  • Request URL
  • Status Code
  • Response Time

Example log entry:

[INFO] GET /api/users 200 25ms

Routes Configuration

We use a shared routesConfig.js located in the common/ folder to define routes for both the frontend and backend.


This file contains all routes with role-based access control, icons for frontend display, and custom logic to handle child routes.

routesConfig.js content help

module.exports = {
  routes: {
    home: {                               \\Entry name
      path: '/',                          \\url
      roles: ['unlogged', 'logged'],      \\page allowed roles (admin allowed all)
      frontendVisible: true,              \\is page included in menu
      icon: 'Home',                       \\Page menu icon
      page: 'HomePage',                   \\Page JSX component name
      children: null,                     \\Top level menu item
    about: {
      path: '/about',
      roles: ['unlogged', 'logged'],
      frontendVisible: true,
      icon: 'Info',
      page: 'StrapiMarkDownPage',         \\Generic strapi markdown content page
      props: {componentName: 'about'},    \\strapi compoenent name to be served by strapi API
      children: null,
    login: {
      path: '/login',
      roles: ['unlogged'],
      frontendVisible: true,
      icon: 'Login',
      page: 'LoginPage',
      children: null,
    orders: {
      path: '/orders',
      roles: ['logged'],
      frontendVisible: true,
      icon: 'List',
      page: 'StrapiTablePage',          \\Generic strapi table view page
      props: {tableName: 'Orders', collectionName:'orders', collectionTypeName: 'order', collectionMetaName: 'items-md'}, \\Table name: page title, collection name: the strapi data table, collectionTypeName: strapi fields attributes, collectionMetaName: extra attributes(**)
      children: null,
    pagea: {
      path: '/pagea',
      roles: ['logged'],
      frontendVisible: true,
      icon: 'Html',
      page: 'StrapiHtmlPage',           \\Generic strapi HTML page
      props: {componentName:'pagea'},   \\trapi HTML componeent name
      children: null,
    dashboard: {
      path: '/dashboard',
      roles: ['logged'],
      frontendVisible: true,
      icon: 'Dashboard',
      children: {
        reports: {
          path: '/dashboard/reports',
          roles: ['logged', 'admin'],
          frontendVisible: true,
          icon: 'ListAlt',
          page: 'DefaultPage',
        settings: {
          path: '/dashboard/settings',
          roles: ['logged', 'admin'],
          frontendVisible: true,
          icon: 'SettingsOverscan',
    admin: {
      path: '/admin',
      roles: ['admin'],
      frontendVisible: true,
      icon: 'AdminPanelSettings',
      children: {
        userManagement: {
          path: '/admin/user-management',
          roles: ['admin'],
          frontendVisible: true,
          icon: 'GroupAdd',
          page: 'UserManagementPage',
        strapi: {  
          external: true,  // New attribute to indicate it's an external link  \\Link to external url (will be opened in new tab)
          url: 'http://localhost:1337/admin',  \\ External URL to open
          roles: ['admin'],
          frontendVisible: true,
          icon: 'OpenInNew',
        apiDocs: {  
          external: true,  // New attribute to indicate it's an external link
          url: 'http://localhost:5000/api/apidocs',  \\ External URL to open
          roles: ['admin'],
          frontendVisible: true,
          icon: 'OpenInNew',
        pgAdmin: {
          url: 'http://localhost:5050', \\ URL for pgAdmin
          external: true,
          frontendVisible: true,
          roles: ['admin'],
          icon: 'OpenInNew',
    profile: {
      path: '/profile',
      roles: ['logged'],
      frontendVisible: false,                   \\Page not visible or accessable from left menu
      icon: 'AccountBox',
      page: 'UserProfilePage',
      children: null,
    logout: {
      path: '/logout',
      roles: ['logged'],
      frontendVisible: false,
      icon: 'Logout',
      children: null,


Express React Postgress Docker boilerplate






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