To run use mvn clean install alfresco:run
or ./
and verify that it
- Runs the embedded Tomcat + H2 DB
- Runs Activiti Explorer
- Optionally runs Activiti REST
- Packages both a JAR with customization
- No parent pom
- WAR assembly is handled by the Alfresco Maven Plugin configuration
- Standard JAR packaging and layout
- Works seamlessly with Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA
- JRebel for hot reloading, JRebel maven plugin for generating rebel.xml, agent usage:
MAVEN_OPTS=-Xms256m -Xmx1G -agentpath:/home/martin/apps/jrebel/lib/
- Configurable Run mojo in the
- No unit testing/functional tests just yet
Key properties to set (Property File can be find in resources folder as
Synchronization process is used to synchronize users and groups from keycloak to acitivi
Property Key | Expected Value |
---|---| | URL to Keycloak Server Ex : http://localhost:8180/auth, used to synch all users | | Realm of the login User to get the KeyCloak Client.(Mostly it is master Realm) |
keycloak.sync.realms | Comma separated realm's from which users and groups need to synchronize |
keycloak.userName | User who is authorised and authenticated to access the release and Clients |
keycloak.password | Password for the user |
keycloak.clientId | Clients defined in the Key cloak |
keycloak.client.secret | Secret Key Generation, on selecting the Access type to Confidential, you get Credentials Tab, where you can find Secret Key |
keycloak.synchronization.full.cronExpression | Cron Pattern to run the process on scheduled time(Full Load) Ex : */2 * * * * * |
keycloak.synchronization.enabled | Flag which is used to enable the synchronization |
Users login thorugh the Admin screens for process design , to be authenticate with Keycloak.
Property Key | Expected Value |
---|---| | Key Cloak URL used to authenticate the enter User against the realm | | Realm name on which user to be authenticated |
keycloak.realm.clientId | Client Id in the realm |
keycloak.realm.client.secret | Client Secret |
keycloak.realm.login.enabled | Keylogin is enabled in the admin screen |
security.authentication.use-externalid | Security authentication using the external identifier (Out of box property) |
security.authentication.casesensitive | Case Sensitive flag (Out of box property) |
Authentication process to enable using the JWT for the API's and Rest services
Property Key | Expected Value |
keycloak.jwt.login.enabled | Enable JWT authentication |
keycloak.api.authentication.header | In which header key JWT tocken can be found | | In which attribute User name can be found in the JWT |
keycloak.client.public.key | Key cloak realm public key |
docker run -e KEYCLOAK_USER=admin -e KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=admin --expose 9990 -p 9990 -p 8180:8080 jboss/keycloak
Connect to http://localhost:8180/auth/
This command creates "admin" user with the password as "admin"
- Create the user with the admin role in master "Realm". Above Docker does that for us.
- Create Client in master "Realm" and save it. Update the property
in the - Set the Access Type of the Client to "Confidential" and set the Valid Redirect URL(Example : http://localhost:8080/activiti-app) and click Save
- You should be able to see "Credentials" Tab for Client, click that , choose "Client ID and Secret" in Client Authenticator if not selected by default.
- Then copy the Secret Key or regenerate and copy. And Update in the properties file in Project as described above.
- Create a Realm you want to work on and copy the realm name and add it to Property file in the application for "Client Realm"
- add all the realms from which Users need to synchronize from the Keycloak to activiti
- Create Users and Groups in the created "Realm". Please note "First Name" and "Last Name" are must for Activiti.
- To Enable Authenticate after the synchronisation, set the property true for "security.authentication.use-externalid"
- Set the URL from which the the User need to be authenticated
- Set the Realm Name where the user is registered to authenticate
- Set the Client ID and Client Secret in the realm
- Enable the flag to authenticate the using the keycloak
- Enable the Flags to authenticate using the External Identifier.
- Set the Key name where the token can be found in the request. Order of finding is Header/Parameter/Attribute
- Set the User Name Key that Keycloak is setup to send in JWT. By default it is preferred_username
- Set the Public key from the realm, can be found in Realm setting Keys Tab and in RSA Type, click "Public Key"