# Method 1 - Include this cookbook's recipes in your cookbook/recipe:
include_recipe 'perlbrew'
include_recipe 'perlbrew::profile'
# Method 2 - Use this cookbook's resources in your cookbook/recipe:
perlbrew '/opt/perlbrew' do
perls ['perl-5.30.2', 'perl-5.14.4']
perlbrew_profile ''/etc/profile.d/perlbrew.sh'
This cookbook provides resources and recipes that can be used to configure, install, and manage the Perlbrew environment.
This cookbook is tested on the following platforms:
- Amazon Linux 2
- CentOS/RHEL 7.x
- Debian 10.x
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Unlisted platforms in the same family, of similar or equivalent versions may work with or without modification to this cookbook. Pull requests to add support for other platforms are welcome.
Perlbrew requires a system perl and the following programs to be available during the installation process:
- curl
- patch
Perlbrew compiles perl from source and requires a standard compiler toolchain to be available; this cookbook will install this toolchain automatically, if they are missing.
node['perlbrew']['perlbrew_root'] = '/opt/perlbrew'
environment variable.
node['perlbrew']['perls'] = ["perl-5.14.2", "perl-5.12.3"]
Set an array of perls to install upon running the perlbrew
node['perlbrew']['install_options'] = '--noman --notest'
Set a string of command line options for perlbrew install
, such as
node['perlbrew']['cpanm_options'] = '--notest'
Set a string of command line options for cpanm
node['perlbrew']['self_upgrade'] = true
Automatically install the latest perlbrew version, true
by default.
Installs/updates perlbrew along with
patchperl and
cpanm. This is required for
use of the perlbrew_*
resources. Optionally installs perls specified
in the node['perlbrew']['perls']
attribute list.
This recipe installs a file in /etc/profile.d
that enables perlbrew
for all users, though the standard caveats mentioned in the perlbrew
documentation do apply.
# install perlbrew then perl-5.30.2
perlbrew '/opt/perlbrew' do
perls ['perl-5.30.2']
action :install
# remove perlbrew
perlbrew '/opt/perlbrew' do
action :remove
This resource provides actions to install / remove perlbrew using the directory
specified in the node['perlbrew']['perlbrew_root']
- Attributes
- :perls - An array of strings representing perls to brew / install.
- :upgrade - A boolean flag to disable/enable the automatic upgrading of perlbrew.
# set a perlbrew profile for all users, controlled by root
perlbrew_profile '/etc/profile.d/perlbrew.sh' do
mode 0644
owner 'root'
group 'root'
template 'perlbrew.sh.erb'
action :install
# remove a perlbrew profile
perlbrew_profile '/etc/profile.d/perlbrew.sh' do
action :remove
This resource provides actions to install / remove the shell script that enables perlbrew for all users.
- Attributes
- :mode - The file's default permissions.
- :group - The file's group association.
- :owner - The file's owner.
- :template - The template used to create the file.
# perlbrew install perl-5.14.2 --noman --notest
perlbrew_perl 'perl-5.14.2' do
install_options '--noman --notest'
action :install
# perlbrew install perl-5.14.2 --as 5.14
perlbrew_perl '5.14' do
version 'perl-5.14.2'
# perlbrew uninstall perl-5.14.2
perlbrew_perl 'perl-5.14.2' do
action :remove
This resource provides actions to brew and install perls into node['perlbrew']['perlbrew_root']
- Attributes
- :install_options - The options to be provided during brewing / installation.
- :version - The version of perl to install, in the
format that perlbrew expects.
# turn off active perlbrews and switch to system perl
perlbrew_switch 'off'
# switch to perl-5.14.2
perlbrew_switch 'perl-5.14.2'
This resource provides an action to switch between brewed perl installations / system perl.
# create a 'mylib' local::lib for perl-5.14.2
perlbrew_lib 'mylib' do
perlbrew 'perl-5.14.2'
action :create
# ditto
perlbrew_lib 'perl-5.14.2@mylib'
# remove 'perl-5.14.2@mylib'
perlbrew_lib 'perl-5.14.2@mylib' do
action :delete
This resource creates or removes a perlbrew-based local::lib library for a particular perl.
- Attributes
- :perlbrew - The brewed perl to attach the library to (e.g. perl-5.14.2), and it is not
installed, the
resource will be used to brew and install it. If this attribute is not specified, it will be derived from theperlbrew_lib
- :perlbrew - The brewed perl to attach the library to (e.g. perl-5.14.2), and it is not
installed, the
# install some modules into perl-5.14.2@mylib
perlbrew_cpanm 'Modern Perl modules' do
modules ['Modern::Perl', 'Task::Kensho']
perlbrew 'perl-5.14.2@mylib'
action :install
This resource installs CPAN modules to a given perlbrew perl or local::lib using cpanm (App::cpanminus).
- Attributes
- :modules - The list of module names to pass to
. - :perlbrew - The brewed perl (and optional library) to use for installing modules.
- :modules - The list of module names to pass to
# execute a script under perl-5.14.2@mylib
perlbrew_run 'hello.pl' do
perlbrew 'perl-5.14.2@mylib'
action :run
# execute a perl script string
perlbrew_run 'hello world' do
perlbrew 'perl-5.14.2@mylib'
command 'perl -wE "say q{Hello World}"'
This resource runs a bash command in the context of a given perlbrew perl or local::lib.
- Attributes
- :command - The bash command to run, defaulting to the resource name if not specified.
- :cwd - The directory to change into prior to running the command.
- :environment - The hash of environment variables to set prior to running the command
- :perlbrew - The brewed perl (and optional library) to use for running the command.
- David A. Golden [email protected]
- J.R. Mash [email protected]
- Jaryd Malbin [email protected]
- Zak B. Elep [email protected]
Copyright (c) 2012-2020, the above named AUTHORS, CONTRIBUTORS, and MAINTAINERS
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.