MONICA is a dynamic, process-based simulation model which describes transport and bio-chemical turn-over of carbon, nitrogen and water in agro-ecosystems. On daily time steps the most important processes in soil and plant are modelled mechanistically. They are linked in such way that feed-back relations of the single processes are reproduced as close to nature as possible. MONICA works one dimensional and represents a space of 1 m² surface area and 2 m depth.
The acronym MONICA is derived from „MOdel of Nitrogen and Carbon dynamics in Agro-ecosystems”.
Builds can be downloaded from the repository's releases page.
In order to build MONICA one needs to have at least to clone the repositories zalf-rpm/mas-infrastructure and zalf-rpm/monica-parameters (parameters repository for MONICA) in addition to monica itself.
After cloning the repositories you should have this file structure:
|_ monica
|_ monica-parameters
|_ mas-infrastructure
Also install Python to run the minimal examples.
see for installation and build instructions
monica-run will execute a local MONICA with the example Hohenfinow2 in the installer directory and output its result into installer\Hohenfinow2\out.csv.
cd monica/_cmake_win64
./monica-run -o out.csv installer/Hohenfinow2/sim-min.json
see for installation and build instructions.
Create a folder for the output files: Shell: mkdir output_csv
Assign the path to the monica-parameters directory:
Run the standard example and write the results into out.csv
cd monica/_cmake_release
./monica-run -o ../../output_csv/out.csv ../installer/Hohenfinow2/sim-min.json
To run MONICA locally with the standard Hohenfinow2 example under Windows using the standard installer, go to the c:\users\USER_PROFILE\MONICA directory and execute in a Commandshell
monica-run -o out.csv Examples/Hohenfinow2/sim-min.json
There are the following tools/versions of MONICA available.
- libmonica ... the libmonica.dll/.so with the MONICA core functionality
- monica-run ... the standalone MONICA commandline model (using libmonica)
- monica-zmq-proxy ... a tool to run serverside and forward/distribute jobs (ZMQ job messages) to MONICA workers (servers)
- monica-zmq-server ... a MONICA server accepting ZeroMQ messages and process them, usually to be used in connection with ZMQ proxy/proxies and a cloud of worker monica-zmq-servers
On Windows an NSIS installer can be created. The installer will by default install all programm code into c:\program files and the parameters, databases and examples into c:\users\USER_PROFILE\MONICA. The MONICA install directory will be added to the PATH environment variable as well as add it to the PYTHONPATH environment variable. So after a normal installation MONICA should be useable from the commandline.
Contributions are welcome.
Credits: Include a section for credits in order to highlight and link to the authors of your project.
MONICA is model of the Research Platform "Data Analysis & Simulation" at the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF).
- Claas Nendel (claas (dot) nendel [at] zalf (dot) de)
- Xenia Specka (xenia (dot) specka [at] zalf (dot) de)
- Michael Berg-Mohnicke (michael (dot) berg [at] zalf (dot) de)
Maintainers: Currently maintained by the authors.
Monica is distributed under the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0