This library provides image downloading and caching (two levels) on iOS.
PHImageView inherits from UIImageView. You can create it using XIB file or from code (with -initWithURL methods).
To start loading image you should perform one of the -(void)loadImage methods.
Temperary cache can be cleared by using -(void)clearTemperalyImagesInMemory and -(void)clearTemperalyImageOnDisk. You should use temperaly cache if you want to remove after certain event or exiting from application.
PHImageCacheParams object specifies some parameters:
- isTemperaly - makes image temperaly;
- shouldSaveToDiskCache - you can save image only in memory cache;
- argument - custom object you want to use with imageView
PHImageCacheManager has several preferences. You can change maximum disk cache size, maximum memory cache elements and maximum number of threads working at the same time and other.
Additional information and example project will be provided soon!
PHImageView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "PHImageView"
Sergey P., [email protected]
PHImageView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.