- Ph.D. candidate, School of Computer Science, Peking University.
- Email / Github / Google Scholar / DBLP
- My research interests include Reinforcement Learning, Language Modeling. Looking for collaborators!
Currently I am a Ph.D. candidate of School of Computer Science in Peking University , advised by Prof. Zongqing Lu.
I received my M.Sc. degree from Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University in June 2022.
I received my B.Sc. degree from School of Mathematical Sciences, Nankai University in June 2019.
I worked as a research intern at Tencent AI Lab in 2021, advised by Dijun Luo.
- [ICML'23] Entity Divider with Language Grounding in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
- [NeurIPS'22] Model-Based Opponent Modeling
- [AAAI'22] iGrow: A Smart Agriculture Solution to Autonomous Greenhouse Control
- [ICASSP'22] Efficient and Stable Information Directed Exploration for Continuous Reinforcement Learning
- [ACML'21] Robust Model-based Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Greenhouse Control
- [ICRA'21] Sample Efficient Reinforcement Learning via Model-Ensemble Exploration and Exploitation
- [ICAPS'21] A Simulator-based Planning Framework for Optimizing Autonomous Greenhouse Control Strategy
- [ICASSP'20] Self-Paced Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis for Data with Outliers
- [arXiv'23] RLAdapter: Bridging Large Language Models to Reinforcement Learning in Open Worlds
- [arXiv'23] Tackling Non-Stationarity in Reinforcement Learning via Causal-Origin Representation
- [arXiv'21] MBDP: A Model-based Approach to Achieve both Robustness and Sample Efficiency via Double Dropout Planning
- Reviewer
- ICML 2022, 2023
- NeurIPS 2022, 2023
- ICLR 2024