SpaOTsc provides utilities to (1) derive a mapping between spatial data and scRNA-seq data, (2) infer spatial cell-cell distance for scRNA-seq data, (3) carry out cell spatial subclustering, (4) infer space-constrained cell-cell communications, (5) infer spatial distance for intercellular signaling, and (6) construct a spatial map of intercellular gene-gene regulatory information flow.
SpaOTsc depends on the following packages: pandas, numpy, scipy, networkx, python-igraph, louvain, POT, dit, astropy, scikit-learn, matplotlib, umap-learn. See dependency versions in requirements.txt
. Simply run the following command (preferably in a fresh virtual environment, e.g. conda create -n spaotsc_env python=3
). The package has been tested on macOS (Mojave) and Ubuntu (16.04, 18.04) and should work in any valid python environment. Installation of SpaOTsc should take less than a minute and it may take several minutes to install the dependencies.
pip install --user Cython
pip install --user --requirement requirements.txt
cd to SpaOTsc
and run
pip install --user .
A minimal example usage:
Assume we have (1) a pandas DataFrame for single-cell data df_sc
with rows being cells and columns being genes, (2) a numpy array for distance matrix among spatial locations is_dmat
, (3) a numpy array for dissimilarity between single-cell data and spatial data cost_matrix
, (4) a numpy array for dissimilarity matrix within single-cell data sc_dmat
from spaotsc import SpaOTsc
# initialize
spsc = SpaOTsc.spatial_sc(sc_data=df_sc, is_dmat=is_dmat, sc_dmat=sc_dmat)
# get the mapping between spatial data and scRNA-seq data
# compute spatial cell-cell distance
# cell spatial clustering
# infer cell-cell communication with ligand (Wnt5), receptor (fz) and downstream genes(CycD, dpp)
# infer spatial distance for signaling
signal_strengths,_=spsc.infer_signal_range_ml(['Wnt5'],['fz'],['CycD','dpp'], effect_ranges=[10,50,100])
# construct the spatial map of intercellular gene-gene regulatory information flow within a spatial range of 50
intercellular_grn=spsc.spatial_grn_range(['Wnt5','fz','CycD','dpp'], effect_range=50)
For more details, please see the jupyter notebooks in tutorial_short
and api document in doc/API_reference.pdf
A full tutorial reproducing results in the publication can be obtained through this Google Drive link or Dropbox link. (The Google drive link sometimes doesn't work in Chrome. Please try other browsers if it fails to download.)
SpaOTsc relies on optimal transport theory (especially structured ot [1] and unbalanced ot [2]), partial information decomposition [3], and random forest model [4].
[1] Titouan, Vayer, et al. "Optimal Transport for structured data with application on graphs." International Conference on Machine Learning. 2019.
[2] Chizat, Lenaic, et al. "Scaling algorithms for unbalanced optimal transport problems." Mathematics of Computation 87.314 (2018): 2563-2609.
[3] Williams, Paul L., and Randall D. Beer. "Nonnegative decomposition of multivariate information." arXiv preprint arXiv:1004.2515 (2010).
[4] Liaw, Andy, and Matthew Wiener. "Classification and regression by randomForest." R news 2.3 (2002): 18-22.
If you find this work useful, please cite: Cang, Zixuan, and Qing Nie. "Inferring spatial and signaling relationships between cells from single cell transcriptomic data." Nature communications 11.1 (2020): 1-13.