See related projects:
- ytmusicquiz - Backend application: Admin UI, Game Master UI. Python / Django applcation.
- ytmusicquiz-dashboard - Game UI / Dashboard. React -application.
- ytmusicquiz-deploy - AWS Infrastructure as a code, written in Terraform.
- ytmusicquiz-docs - Documentation: Written guidelines how to set up and develop the application.
This repository contains the backend application: Admin UI and Game Master UI. The application is written in Python using Django-framework.
The communication between the Dashboard application and the backend application uses WebSocket protocol. The application uses Django Channels-framework to provide an easy abstraction layer and Redis as temporary backend storage for this communication.
NOTE: Dashboard (or related static files) are not part of this repository, but illustrated here, because it's the user for WebSocket-connection.
The application also has support for running asynchronous background tasks for actions that takes a long time to complete. These use the same Django Channels-framework to run these actions.
Currently, there is only one action supported: Importing a playlist from YouTube.