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SimileAjax is a SIMILE Javascript library used by Timeline and other frameworks. It is relatively obsolete and has been written out of Exhibit entirely. You should probably choose jQuery or other similar tools to meet your needs, this primarily exists as a compatibility shim until it can be replaced.


SimileAjax now comes in two flavors. You can continue to call simile-ajax-api.js (a built file) which is a self-contained bundle that should be backwards compatible with any prior usage of the library.

<script src="ajax/api/simile-ajax-api.js"></script>

Or you can use your own RequireJS configuration to include SimileAjax in your application. The RequireJS-aware bundled file is quite different from the older convention and should take advantage of the RequireJS config system for setting things embedded URL parameters or global script variables used to provide. A sample configuration:

    // ... your other configuration material ...
    paths: {
        "simile-ajax": "ajax/api/simile-ajax-bundle"
    config: {
        simile-ajax: {
            bundle: true, // default
            prefix: "ajax/api"
require(["simile-ajax"], function(SimileAjax) {
    if (SimileAjax.loaded) {
        console.log("SimileAjax is working.");

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Join the community by joining the Google Group SIMILE Widgets.


SimileAjax is open source software and is licensed under the modified BSD license located in the LICENSE.txt file located in the same directory as this README.

This code contains libraries found in src/webapp/api/lib/ that are covered by their own licenses.

This code contains libraries found in lib/ and optimize/ that support development that are covered by their own licenses.


You will need ant and node in order to build the SimileAjax bundles. Use ant bundle-all to build both the RequireJS-dependent and non-RequireJS dependent bundles (and the CSS bundle). Use the non-RequireJS output, found in build/simile-ajax-api.js, for compatibility with older code that isn't AMD-aware. Use the RequireJS output, build/simile-ajax-bundle.js, for code that is AMD-aware.

Latest Release - 3.0.0

Released August, 2013.

  • Forked source to
  • Swtiched from self-contained loading to RequireJS 2.1.2. Do not use SimileAjax to load script files, those methods are now deprecated and will do nothing.
  • Removed jQuery, it was only included here to use SimileAjax as a namespace. Use RequireJS to load it into a context instead.
  • Removed modification of native String class, use StringUtils instead.
  • Removed all files related to loading and original bundling / compression.
  • Demoted bundle parameter to only control CSS, only useful in development.
  • Added handling for RequireJS config to ultimately supersede parameters and global variables.
  • Minor bug fixes.
  • See for all commits.


This software was created by the SIMILE project and originally written by the SIMILE development team (in alphabetical order):

Thanks for your interest.


Common javascript utilities.







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