A tool for packet analysis from both production environment and replay environment.
Particularly we specify 'back' as the replay environment.
docker compose build
docker compose up
pip install pdm
pdm install
Install redis. Then, run redis on port 6379.
pdm run celery -A src.server.celery worker --loglevel=info -P eventlet
pdm run python src/server.py
Make sure that the environment has been set up via Mannual installation
pdm run python src/run.py -ip "raw_data/1test.pcap, raw_data/2.pcap" -ib 'raw_data\test2.pcap' --method preprocess
This process will extract essential fields from the captured packets to csv files. It will generate 2 files extracted_production_data.csv
and extracted_back_data.csv
in results
pdm run python src/run.py -ip "results\extracted_production_data.csv" -ib "results\extracted_back_data.csv" --method align
This process will align the requests from production environment and back environment based on query and path. It will generate 1 file aligned_output.csv
in results
pdm run python src/run.py -ip "results\extracted_production_data.csv" -ib "results\extracted_back_data.csv" --method analysis
This process will analysis the data from production environment with cluster algorithm. It will generate plots in results/cluter_plots