A transpiler for a Brainfuck dialect that supports reflection through a Turing oracle.
obf takes input from stdin, and outputs the generated C program to stdout.
As an example, the halting problem is neatly encoded in Reflective Brainfuck with just seven characters of code:
First, this increments the current cell to 3. Then, it checks whether the instruction at the current instruction + 3 (the final -) is reachable. If so, it enters an infinite loop, thereby never reaching the -. Otherwise, it skips the loop, reaching the -.
Calculating the correct behaviour for this program is left as an exercise to the reader.
Reflective Brainfuck extends regular Brainfuck by adding the
reflective oracle operator ?
. In terms of C, its operators are
Operator | C Equivalent |
> |
++p |
< |
--p |
+ |
++*p |
- |
--*p |
. |
putchar(*p) |
, |
*p = getchar() |
[ |
while (*p) { |
] |
} |
? |
*p = reachable(i + *p) |
where p
is a pointer to the current cell, i
is the instruction pointer,
and reachable
is a function that returns 0
if the instruction at i + *p
is unreachable, and 1
This repo provides a Reflective Brainfuck-to-C transpiler, with a highly
efficient implementation of reachable
- In order to maintain backwards compatibility with decidability theory, the generated program will sometimes produce incorrect results when using the reflective oracle operator.