is a spider project to crawl tumblr resources- You can configure the torrent user or resource type such as video to crawl.The spider will crawl start from the torrent user and then crawl the user which reblogged by the torrent user and go on until all the users have been downloaded.
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It's better to install babun, a better terminal replacement of cmd on Windows system.
It uses redis as queue. So you must install redis first.
download -> tar xvf xxx.tgz -> make -> cd src && ./redis-server
zip OR git clone
cd node_tumblr_spider
npm install -d
npm run start
You can modify the configuration at ./conf/config.js
USER - the torrent user's name
DOWNLOAD_PRE - the download dir prefix,default as `./download/${user}`
REDIS_HOST - redis server's host
REDIS_PORT - redis server's port
LOG_MODE - if set false, the spider will not show the doawload progress info