Camembert is a toolkit written in swift, for using sqlite3 easier. Is is available for OSX and iOS.
First you need to add a bridging-header to your project. If it is already set, import Camembert.
#import "Camembert.h"
If you need to add one, follow these instructions:
- Create a new header file.
- Go into the settings of your project in the category build setting.
- Search Objective-C Bridging Header with the search bar.
- Add the following line : headerFileName.h
- Then import
#import "Camembert.h"
in your header file.
When the Bridging Header is created, simply copy the files *.m and *.swift from the directory sources.
First thing to do, is to initialise your sqlite3 database. To do this you must make a call before any other use. The database will be created automatically if it does not exist
And voila !, you are ready to use Camembert.
You need now to create a class, matching with your table. For doing that, you MUST inherit of CamembertModel class. And use the typealias for create your rows. You have to provide defaults values.
typealias INTEGER = Int
typealias REAL = Float
typealias TEXT = String
typealias DATE_TIME = NSDate
typealias BIT = Bool
This is an example of a table Book:
class Book :CamembertModel {
var title :TEXT = ""
var numberPage :INTEGER = 0
var currentPage :INTEGER = 0
The Book class corresponds to model, and will be associated with the table Book in the database.
var newBook = Book()
newBook.title = "La Fontaine : Fables"
newBook.numberPage = 544
newBook.currentPage = 43
As you can see for creating a new element, you just need to create a new object, and call the push method. If the table doest not exist yet, it will be created automatly.
var newBook = Book()
newBook.title = "La Fontaine : Fables"
newBook.numberPage = 544
newBook.currentPage = 43
newBook.currentPage = 103
To change something in a existing element, you just need to call the update method. To do this you need to have an object already created. Or you can use the constructor with a specific element based on the ID:
var book = Book(id: 4)
book.currentPage = 103
var newBook = Book()
newBook.title = "La Fontaine : Fables"
newBook.numberPage = 544
newBook.currentPage = 43
var book = Book(id: 4)
Just call the remove method, for remove the element in the Table.
var numberElement :Int = Book.numberElement()
println("number books : \(numberElement)")
For select elements in the tables, you need to perform a request. For doing this easily you can use the enum Select.
enum Select {
case SelectAll(OrderOperator, String)
case CustomRequest(String)
case Limit(Int, OrderOperator, String)
case Between(Int, Int, OrderOperator, String)
case Where(String, Operator, AnyObject, OrderOperator, String)
- SelectAll(OrderOperator, String): will return all element in the table
- CustomRequest(String): You can use there your own SQL request
- Limit(Int, OrderOperator, String): will return a limited number of element
- Between(Int, Int, OrderOperator, String): will return all the element between the interval
- Where (ColumnName: String, Operator: Larger,equal..etc, Value, OrderOperator, ColumnToOrderBy): will return elements that value of Column specified matches the passed value ("Value")
//display titles of the library (if order by is empty like in example below, order will be done on id column)
for currentElement in Select.SelectAll, order: OrderOperator.Ascending, orderby: "") {
println("current Book's title: \((currentElement as Book).title)")
//display titles of the library
for currentElement in Select.SelectAll, OrderOperator.Ascending, "") {
println("current Book's title: \((currentElement as Book).title)")
//reset currentPage
for currentElement in Select.CustomRequest("SELECT * FROM Book WHERE currentPage > 0")) {
(currentElement as Book).currentPage = 0
(currentElement as Book).update()
//How To us extension methods:
var myArray = Array<AnyObject>();
if let m_array = Select.Where("FirstName", Operator.EqualsTo, "Hello", OrderOperator.Ascending, "LastName")){
myArray = m_array.Take(10);
if let m_array = Select.Where("FirstName", Operator.EqualsTo, "Hello", OrderOperator.Ascending, "")){
let myUserModel = (m_array.FirstOrDefault() as UserModel);
if let m_array = Select.Where("FirstName", Operator.EqualsTo, "Hello", OrderOperator.Ascending, "")){
let myUserModel = (m_array.LastOrDefault() as UserModel);
if var m_array = Select.Where("FirstName", Operator.EqualsTo, "Hello", OrderOperator.Ascending, "")){
myArray = m_array.TakeRange(1, offset: 10);
if var m_array = Select.Where("FirstName", Operator.EqualsTo, "Hello", OrderOperator.Ascending, "")){
myArray = m_array.Union(Array())
let FirstName = (myArray as Array)[0].FirstName;
You get an array of all tables present in your database:
let listTable = Camembert.getListTable()
Camembert, will improve, here's the first version.
Rémi ROBERT, [email protected] Omar Bizreh, [email protected] Camembert is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.