SwitchGamepad can communicate with microcomputer such as Arduino to control Nintendo Switch with UI instead of python or terminal.
The microcomputer need to write binaries to simulate ns gamepad.
When stop script, need to release button.
- Language switch (Chinese)
- Full function selector
- Build-in function description
- Multi-line comment/uncomment
- Redevelop script editor by web
- Control ns by computer (also by keyboard).
- Control ns by scirpt (auto run).
- Capture game screen and judge something by pic search.
- Client/Server mode (Put your ns at home and control it outside).
- Mini tool mode.
- Cross-platform, run anywhere (macOS, Windows, Linux, x86, arm).
- Supprot iOS, iOS client: https://github.com/zhengran14/SwitchGamepad-iOS.
- Microcomputer (I use Arduino UNO R3)
- USB to serial adapter (TTL)
- Video Capture (if you need to use script 'judgeCapture()').
$ brew install avrdude osx-cross/avr/avr-gcc
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/ebith/Switch-Fightstick.git
$ cd Switch-Fightstick
$ make
# Pro Micro needs to be in DFU mode to write binaries.
# Connect the RST and GND of the board with a test wire and execute within a few seconds.
# Pro Micro need to open and close 1200 to into DFU mode to write binaries.
# The option m32u4 is when the CPU is atmega32u4. For atmega16u2, use m16u2.
# You need change the CPU to your own.
& avrdude -pm32u4 -cavr109 -D -P$(ls /dev/tty.usbmodem*) -b57600 -Uflash:w:Joystick.hex
Follow by (Chinese): https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv4171076.
Wait for
- To ensure successful multi-platform compilation, QTAV is not enabled by default (QTAV is only useful for playing live push streams in Client mode, and is not required for regular Local use or Server mode). If you need to open, please open in the .pro file:
- Please check your tesseract version, and if it is not 5.0 or above, comment the .pro file with:
- Install Qt6.
- Need to build and install QtAV by yourself: https://github.com/wang-bin/QtAV (Ignore if disale QtAV).
- Install ffmpeg. (Ignore if disale QtAV. No need for Windows, you can use brew for macOS)
- Install opencv. (You can unzip and use 'opencv_win32.7z' for Windows, for macOS can install by brew)
- Install leptonica. (You can use brew for macOS)
- Install tesseract. (You can use brew for macOS)
- Download code.
$ git clone https://github.com/zhengran14/SwitchGamepad.git
- Open project by QtCreator.
- Add Build Environment to project (Add the part of your system version), like follow. Replace the path of ffmpeg (Ignore if disale QtAV), qtav (Ignore if disale QtAV), opencv, leptonica and tesseract to your own.
# macOS: QT_PATH_FFMPEG=/usr/local/Cellar/ffmpeg/4.4_2 QT_PATH_LEPTONICA=/usr/local/Cellar/leptonica/1.82.0 QT_PATH_OPENCV=/usr/local/Cellar/opencv/4.5.5_3 QT_PATH_QTAV_LIB=/Users/xxx/Documents/develop/QtAV/bin/lib_osx_x86_64_llvm QT_PATH_TESSERACT=/usr/local/Cellar/tesseract/5.2.0 # win: QT_PATH_OPENCV=C:/Project/opencv QT_PATH_QTAV_LIB=C:/Qt/5.15.2/msvc2019/lib
- Build and run the project.
- If you need to run .exe or .app you build directly,please use deployqt to add dependent libraries.
For macOS, if show
$ missing libiodbc.2.dylib and libpq.5.dylib
you can see (Chinese): https://blog.csdn.net/yutianyue126/article/details/106911948.
Wait for finish.
Wait for comment.
gp.pressButton(Button code, second);
gp.pressButton('Button X', 0.1);
gp.pressButton('LX MIN’, 5.5);
gp.pressDownButton(Button code);
gp.pressDownButton('Button X' code);
// Only support qq
gp.mail(sender, sender, receiver, title, content);
gp.mail(‘[email protected]', 'xxxxxx’, ‘[email protected]', ‘title’, ’content’);
gp.messageBox(title, content);
gp.messageBox(‘title’, ’content’);
gp.judgeCapture(pic path, x, y);
gp.judgeCapture('C:\\xxx\\000.jpg', 110, 590);
gp.judgeCaptureTest(pic path);
gp.capture(pic save path, x, y, width, height);
gp.capture('C:\\xxx\\000.jpg', 110, 590, 100, 45);
gp.getCaptureString(x, y, width, height);
gp.getCaptureString(110, 590, 100, 45);
gp.compare(pic path, x, y, width, height);
gp.compare('C:\\xxx\\000.jpg', 110, 590, 100, 45);