This repo setup the Apache OpenWhisk on IBM Cloud Private (ICp) with a sample application monitoring the foreign currency exchange rate to demonstrate the serverless functionality.
You have ICp deployed with dynamic storage provisioning.
The deployment will use default storage class fulfill the Physical Volume Claims (PVC)
You have kubectl commandline tool installed and configured
You have Helm commandline tool installed and configured (which depeneds on the kubectl tool)
To facilitate the deployment and configuration the following tools are used.
- Ruby - windows version download here
- Install the following ruby gems
gem install dotenv
gem install sshkit_addon
- Optional cmder installed for Windows
- On the ICp master sever, nodejs and npm is installed to build the OpenWhisk actions
Thanks to the effort of Xingzhou who has developed a Helm chart for OpenWhisk. Based on his work, we made a couple of changes
Make the couchdb persistent on PV.
Instead of reinitialize the DB every restart, we keep the changes persistent on physical volume by setting a initialized flag.
Make https as default for the nginx
Fixed some typo
The steps to deploy the OpenWhisk helm chart on ICp is listed as below (assuming you have already clone this repo)
- Create openwhisk namespace
kubectl create namespace openwhisk
kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:default
Update values.yaml (optional)
Edit the openwhisk_chart/values.yaml file cloned from the repo. You can update the password or the default db prefix
Deploy the chart
Optionally you can validate your settings with a dry-run of install
cd icp-openwhisk-currency-monitor
helm install --dry-run --debug openwhisk_chart --namespace=openwhisk
After that you perform the actual deployment.
cd icp-openwhisk-currency-monitor
helm install openwhisk_chart --namespace=openwhisk
Wait for the pods to be fully up.
while waiting, you can install the openwhisk client.
cd /tmp
curl -LO
sudo apt install unzip -y
sudo mv wsk /usr/local/bin
Config the wsk client
Identify the NodePort of the openwhisk nginx https service
kubectl get svc -n openwhisk | grep nginx
Note down the port (3xxxx) that is mapped to port 443. Assign the apihost with the master node's IP. See the sample command below:
export whisk_default_auth=23bc46b1-71f6-4ed5-8c54-816aa4f8c502:123zO3xZCLrMN6v2BKK1dXYFpXlPkccOFqm12CdAsMgRU4VrNZ9lyGVCGuMDGIwP
wsk property set --auth ${whisk_default_auth} --apihost
List openwhisk components
Validate from the Kubernetes dashboard that all the openwhisk pods are running. Then list the components of the openwhisk (all should be empty)
wsk -l list
The docker image is built and pushed to docker hub as "zhiminwen/ow-couchdb:0.1.0".
Optionally, you can build the docker image with the Dockerfile from the directory of couchdb_for_openwhisk in the repo.
We will build some serverless functions using NodeJS to get the foreign currency exchange rate. The data that we are retrieving is from the MAS API. A sample data can be viewed in json format.
Package/Function | script | Description |
Indicator Function | ||
FCEX-Mon/lastNValue | lastNValue.js | Get the last N days value of a foreign currency exchange rate to Singapore dollars from MAS API service. All the rest indicators are calling this to provide data |
FCEX-Mon/lastValue | lastValue.js | latest exchange rate |
FCEX-Mon/SMA | sma.js | Simple Moving Average |
FCEX-Mon/EMA | ema.js | Exponential Moving Average |
FCEX-Mon/MACD | macd.js | Moving Average Convergence Divergence |
Monitoring Function | ||
FCEX-Mon/Send2Frontend | send2frontend.js | Send back message through websocket |
FXEX-Mon/currencyMonitor | monitor.js | Evaluate the indicator formula. Invoke trading action when its true. Send back result for frontend users by calling the send2frontend |
Trading Function | ||
FCEX-Act/Notify | notify.js | Simulate Notify action |
FCEX-Act/Sell | sell.js | Simulate Sell action |
FCEX-Act/Purchase | purchase.js | Simulate Purchase action |
The following rake tasks created to automate the deployment of the functions. (It works based on the assumption that you have cloned the repo to your local laptop and you will upload this to the ICp servers using ssh)
Update the master_ip and password two lines with your actual settings
password = "password"
master_ip = %Q(192.168.xx.xx)
Run the task in order one by one
cd openwhisk_actions
λ rake -f build.rb -T
rake a:01_create_package # create package
rake a:02_install_lastNValue # install lastNValue
rake a:03_install_lastValue # install lastValue
rake a:04_install_SMA # install SMA
rake a:05_install_EMA # install EMA
rake a:06_install_MACD # install MACD
rake a:07_install_currencyMonitor # install currencyMonitor
rake a:08_install_Send2Frontend # install Send2Frontend
rake a:09_install_actions # install purchase and sell actions
rake a:10_test_action # test action
For example
rake -f build.rb a:01_create_package
rake -f build.rb a:02_install_lastNValue
You can modify the related js file and redeploy the openwhisk action by calling the respective rake task.
To monitor the foreign currency exchange rate, we build a React web front end together with a NodeJS backend serving the request from the browser. A high level system architecture diagram is shown as below.
The detail architecture and the dataflow is listed as below.
A NodeJS Express App Server is running as a K8S pod. It hosts a React SPA frontend for user to monitor the exchange rate.
The NodeJS App Server also interact with Openwhisk to get data for the frontend.
The Openwhisk functions in turns talk to MAS API to get the data requested from App Server.
When a user define a schedule, the backend inform Kubernetes to create a cron Job with all the defined info from user, such as,
- Foreign currency name
- The frequency to check
- Indicator formula
- Action to perform if formula evaluated as true
The Kubernetes' cron job trigger the OpenWhisk monitor function.
If the monitor function evaluate the technical indicators as true, it will trigger the user defined trading actions which is implemented as OpenWhisk functions.
The monitor will send back the result to NodeJS app server through web socket.
The app server further inform the user through web socket ( on the frontend
User is able to examine the result or take further action
Some sample screen capture shows the flow.
- Build a monitor
- Registered minitor
- Tracking
First you will need to update the .env file to fit in your environment.
The token is a service account token to access K8.
A rakefile is created to automate the building. You will need update with your environment settings accordingly (example: ip address, user and password, ICp private registry access). ( (It works based on the assumption that you have cloned the repo to your local laptop and you will upload this to the ICp servers using ssh)
Follow the following task in order to upload, build the docker image, push to ICp registry, deploy into ICp Kubernetes.
cd monitor_app
λ rake -T
rake 01_upload # upload
rake 02_build # build
rake 03_push # push to icp
rake 04_deploy_k8s # deploy to K8s
rake 05_scale_down # scale down
rake 06_remove_old_image # remove old image
rake 07_restart # restart image
The Monitor App launch cronjobs with a docker container. It has a OpenWhisk client so that the client can trigger the OpenWhisk functions. The image is published as zhiminwen/wsk-client:0.1.0 in docker hub.
The Dockerfile to build the image is in the folder of wsk_client
You can remove the jobs that has been executed from K8s by running the command
kubectl delete jobs $(kubectl get jobs | grep wsk-fexm | awk -e '{print $1}')