This XBLock is experimental reimplementation of Group Project XBlock.
It does not work properly in LMS yet.
Hierarchical structure
Group projects are organized around activities and stages:
- Activities are the larger chunks, used to distinguish between different parts of group project. Activities can contain one or more stages. Grading happens at activity level, i.e. each student receive one grade per activity.
- Stages are smaller building blocks, representing individual steps towards project completion.
Collaborative learning
Students are organized into workgroups (aka cohorts) to work on a set of problems in a collaborative way.
Team communication
Group project interface allows student sending emails to individual teammates or his entire workgroup.
Private discussions
Private (aka cohorted) discussions can be configured for the group project to provide platform for discussing the assignments between teammates and avoid revealing the results/ideas to other workgroups or future course students.
Course authors can provide a set of resources - videos or documents - to help orient students, provide deliverable templates, or just share some relevant information about the assignment.
File submissions
Results of work produced by students are uploaded to the server to facilitate sharing them between team members and for future grading.
Peer feedback
Workgroup members can provide anonymous feedback to each other.
Activities are either peer-graded or staff-graded:
- Staff grading - staff members with appropriate roles are asked to provide grade for the workgroup.
- Peer grading - students are asked to evaluate other workgroups' work.
- Staff-grading fallback - if some of the students fail to provide grades to another workgroup, staff members can interfere and provide missing grades.
Omnipresent features
Group Project Navigator is always displayed and provides quick access to most commonly used features:
- Project navigation - jump to any stage in any activity in one click.
- Resources panel - all the resources in one place.
- Submissions panel - upload, view and change deliverables as you go.
- Private discussions - connect with teammates.
- Ask Teaching Assistant - ask course staff for help in seconds.
In order to use Group Project XBlock v2 in a course, XBlock must be installed into LMS environment and enabled in course's advanced settings. Also, Group Project XBlock uses a number of instance-specific configuration variables, so setting them is considered a part of setup process.
If you're using edx-solutions/edx-platform fork, Group Project v2 XBlock is already installed. Otherwise, installing Group Project XBlock v2 is done the very same way other XBlocks are installed:
- Open terminal (or shell) to the LMS instance.
- Switch to LMS virtualenv
- pip install -e git+ version_hash #egg=xblock-group-project-v2
version_hash is the hash of the git commit. By the time of writing, latest stable version was 4322ca8092c5385d5602143077e388017fcb1249
so the above command looked like this:
pip install -e git+
There are two sources of configuration variables: Django settings and XBlock-specific settings available
through SettingsService. Both types of settings can be set via LMS environment file lms.env.json
or (not recommended) directly in instance Django settings.
The following Django settings are used:
: string - must contain a edX API Key. As this XBlock uses edX API extensively, failure to provide the key will prevent Group Project XBlock v2 from operating normally.BASE_DIR
: string - base Django instance directory. Used by Submission XBlocks as part of file storage location if local file storage is usedAPI_LOOPBACK_ADDRESS
: URL - (optional) should contain base URL of LMS API. Default: File upload features piggyback on Django file storage mechanism, in order to store files, a file storage mechanism should be configured Note: existing production instances use S3 as file storage; using local file storage is theoretically possible, but it does not work out of the box (likely requires some modifications on LMS/Apros side).
Group Project XBlock v2 uses the following bucket key to access XBlock settings: group_project_v2
The following XBlock settings are used:
: string - url pattern used to generate details url in the dashboard. It uses following parameters instr.format
: ID of program this group project belongs to; might belong to multiple programs, injected by runtimecourse_id
: ID of course this group project belongs to - course usage locatorproject_id
: ID of group project to show - Apros ID, injected by runtime.activity_id
: ID of activity to show - ActivityXBlock usage locator.
: string - url pattern used to render the review url for the TA:course_id
: ID of course this group project belongs to - course usage locatorgroup_id
: ID of workgroup to review.activity_id
: ID of activity to show - ActivityXBlock usage locator.
: list of strings - List of course-specific roles that grant Teaching Assistant access to a course. -
: list of strings - List of instance-wide roles that grant access to any organization. -
: list of strings - List of instance-wide roles that grant access to admin dashboard
If both access_dashboard_for_all_orgs_groups
and access_dashboard_role_groups
are empty or missing, admin dashboard
is effectively disabled.
Example configuration:
"group_project_v2": {
"dashboard_details_url": "/admin/workgroup/dashboard/programs/{program_id}/courses/{course_id}/projects/{project_id}/details?activate_block_id={activity_id}",
"ta_review_url": "/courses/{course_id}/group_work/{group_id}?activate_block_id={activate_block_id}",
"access_dashboard_for_all_orgs_groups": ["mcka_role_mcka_admin"],
"access_dashboard_groups": ["mcka_role_client_admin", "mcka_role_internal_admin"],
"ta_roles": ["assistant"]
To enable the use of Group Project XBlock v2 in the course:
- Open the course in Studio.
- In the top menu choose Settings -> Advances Settings
- Add
to "Advanced Module List" - Optionally, add
to "Advanced Module List" - this player is used for video resources
As a result, Advanced Module List
option should look like that (provided there are no other advanced modules are
enabled for course):
Group Project XBlock v2 sends a number of notifications via edx-notifications app. In order to make those notifications
appear correctly, make sure NOTIFICATION_CLICK_LINK_URL_MAPS
Django setting contains the following record:
'*': '/courses/{course_id}/group_work?activate_block_id={location}'
If you're using edx-solutions/edx-platform fork, appropriate value is already set. Otherwise, note that
are read from lms.env.json
, so they should be modified there.
'*': '/courses/{course_id}/announcements',
'open-edx.lms.leaderboard.*': '/courses/{course_id}/cohort',
'open-edx.lms.discussions.*': '/courses/{course_id}/discussion/{commentable_id}/threads/{thread_id}',
'*': '/courses/{course_id}/group_work?seqid={activity_location}',
'*': '/courses/{course_id}/group_work?activate_block_id={location}',
In order to have a working Group Project you'll need to complete three steps:
- Set up environment configuration variables (covered earlier)
- Author the XBlock in Studio
- Configure Group Project in Apros (3rd party LMS)
Group Project XBlock v2 relies heavily on "nested XBlocks" feature, provided by edX Platform and XBlocks ecosystem. To be precise, Group Project is built from smaller XBlocks, each implementing some smaller subset of Group project functionality: peer grading, submissions upload, team discussions, etc. Most of these features are internal to Group Project XBlock v2 package, but some more advanced features reuse other XBlocks.
Overall, the project structure is the following:
- Group Project XBlock
- Group Activity XBlock 1
- Stage XBlock 1
- Stage XBlock 2
- Stage component XBlock
- Stage component XBlock
- Stage XBlock 3
- Group Activity XBlock 2
- Stage XBlock 4
- Stage Component XBlock
- Stage XBlock 5
- Stage XBlock 4
- Project Navigator XBlock
- Project Navigation View Xblock
- Submissions View XBlock
- Resources View XBlock
- Private Discussion View XBlock
- Discussion XBlock
- Group Activity XBlock 1
In this example Group Project with two activities, Project Navigator and Private Discussions is shown. Activity 1 is composed of three stages, Activity 2 is composed of two stages. Some stages have stage components - even smaller building blocks, varied by stage type. Project Navigator includes most of the child blocks that are available for it.
Typical Group Project contains several activities, each of which has multiple stages. In addition to that, Group Project Navigator is a required component, so if it is omitted Group Project XBlock will display validation errors in Studio and will display an error message in LMS and Apros. Also, Navigation View is a required component of Project Navigator, so any correct Group Project XBlock will contain at least Project Navigator with Navigation View in it.
Activities act as larger chunks of group project by combining stages into a logically bound units. Grading happens at activity level.
Each stage represents single group project step - getting acquainted with the team, familiarizing with the task, uploading deliverable, providing and receiving grading, etc. Stages are usually built from multiple stage components - from simple HTML blocks to more sophisticated Project Team and Submission blocks. Also, by using Resource blocks, stage can contribute various resources to the project: grading rubrics, submission templates, or any other relevant documents and video.
Available stages and their intended use:
- simple stage showing some author-defined text.Completion
- almost the same asText
, except it requires student to explicitly mark this stage as completed. Use for simple non-graded tasks, i.e. "Get acquainted with the team", "Read related chapters in course textbook", etc.Submission
- at this stage students are asked to upload their deliverables. Most of actual group project work are likely to happen during this stage. Use to set up a list of deliverables for an activity and a deadline to upload them. If deliverable templates are provided to students, the best place to place them is stages of this type.Team Evaluation
- allows students to provide anonymous feedback to teammates. Intended use is to allow students in the team to provide and receive feedback about their team work, role in the team, communication skills, etc.Peer Grading
- this stage, in addition toSubmission
stage forms a backbone of group project. During this stage deliverables uploaded earlier are graded by either students in other groups or Teaching Assistants. Grading criteria can be delivered to students as contents of this stage or resources on this stage.Evaluation Display
- this stage allows students to review feedback from their teammates. Use withTeam Evaluation
stage.Grade Display
- this stage allows students to review their group grade and feedback received from graders. Use withPeer Grading
Detailed list of available XBlocks is available in the docs folder.
Group Project XBlock v2 uses standard Studio editing capabilities:
<img src="/docs/images/studio_edit1.png" width="400" alt="Studio screenshot displaying project navigator XBlock, with outlined "View" (red outline) and "Edit" (blue outline) buttons">
- Edit button (blue outline) is used to edit XBlock settings, i.e. "Display name", "Open Date", "Close Date", etc.
- View button (red outline) allows to "jump into" an XBlock and view it's nested XBlocks, allowing to add, configure, reorder and delete them.
This screenshot shows the same Group Project Navigator XBlock "from the inside", displaying Project Navigator Views added to the navigator.
See corresponding document in Apros (TBD)
Short summary: developing on Group Project XBlock v2 and running tests requires, at the minimum:
- python>=2.7,<3.0
- pip>=6.0
- node.js>=0.10
- npm>=1.3.10 (might work with older versions, but not checked)
Other dependencies are installed via pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
and npm install
Group Project XBlock v2 contains a Makefile to help with most common operations.
Running tests:
to run all python tests (integration tests are run in actual firefox window)xvfb-run --server-args="-screen 0, 1920x1080x24" ./
- runs all python tests in virtual X server../node_modules/.bin/karma start tests/js/karma.conf.js
- run JS tests in continuous mode (stays open, watches file changes, re-runs the suite on file change)./node_modules/.bin/karma start tests/js/karma.conf.js --single-run
- run JS tests once.
Checking quality violations: make quality
to check everything. Fails fast, might not display all violations - make
sure to achieve clean pass.
Refer to development documentation for more details.