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Add sorin theme
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This is a simplified version of the original, with less than half the
lines of code.

What was simplified:
* Only shows full working directory. This is not configurable.
* Always shows error return value. This is not configurable.
* Does not show editor overwrite indicator.
* Does not use `async`.
* Uses Zim's `git-info`, which does not have added, deleted, modified,
  renamed and unmerged indicators. Use indexed and unindexed indicators
* As all Zim prompt themes, do not support promptinit.

Closes zimfw/zimfw#138
  • Loading branch information
ericbn committed May 19, 2020
0 parents commit 47f048b
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Showing 3 changed files with 110 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@

A fork of the [sorin] theme.

<img width="706" src="[email protected]">

What does it show?

* On the left:
* `username@hostname` when in a ssh session.
* Working directory.
* `#` when you're root.
* Keymap indicator.
* On the right:
* Python [venv] indicator.
* `` when there was an error.
* `V` when in a vim terminal.
* Git information:
* Current branch name, position, or commit short hash.
* `` and `` when ahead and behind of remote.
* `` when there are stashed states.
* `` when there are indexed files.
* `` when there are unindexed files.
* `` when there are untracked files.


Requires Zim's [git-info] module to show git information.

72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions sorin.zsh-theme
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
# vim:et sts=2 sw=2 ft=zsh
# A simple theme that displays relevant, contextual information.
# A simplified fork of the original sorin theme from
# Requires the `git-info` zmodule to be included in the .zimrc file.

# 16 Terminal Colors
# -- ---------------
# 0 black
# 1 red
# 2 green
# 3 yellow
# 4 blue
# 5 magenta
# 6 cyan
# 7 white
# 8 bright black
# 9 bright red
# 10 bright green
# 11 bright yellow
# 12 bright blue
# 13 bright magenta
# 14 bright cyan
# 15 bright white

_prompt_sorin_vimode() {
case ${KEYMAP} in
vicmd) print -n ' %B%F{2}❮%F{3}❮%F{1}❮%b' ;;
*) print -n ' %B%F{1}❯%F{3}❯%F{2}❯%b' ;;

zle-keymap-select() {
zle reset-prompt
zle -R
zle -N zle-keymap-select


setopt nopromptbang prompt{cr,percent,sp,subst}

typeset -gA git_info
if (( ${+functions[git-info]} )); then
# Set git-info parameters.
zstyle ':zim:git-info' verbose yes
zstyle ':zim:git-info:action' format '%F{7}:%F{9}%s'
zstyle ':zim:git-info:ahead' format ' %F{13}⬆'
zstyle ':zim:git-info:behind' format ' %F{13}⬇'
zstyle ':zim:git-info:branch' format ' %F{2}%b'
zstyle ':zim:git-info:commit' format ' %F{3}%c'
zstyle ':zim:git-info:indexed' format ' %F{2}✚'
zstyle ':zim:git-info:unindexed' format ' %F{4}✱'
zstyle ':zim:git-info:position' format ' %F{13}%p'
zstyle ':zim:git-info:stashed' format ' %F{6}✭'
zstyle ':zim:git-info:untracked' format ' %F{7}◼'
zstyle ':zim:git-info:keys' format \
'status' '%%B$(coalesce "%b" "%p" "%c")%s%A%B%S%i%I%u%f%%b'

# Add hook for calling git-info before each command.
autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook && add-zsh-hook precmd git-info

# Define prompts.
PS1='${SSH_TTY:+"%F{9}%n%F{7}@%F{3}%m "}%B%F{4}%~%b%(!. %B%F{1}#%b.)$(_prompt_sorin_vimode)%f '
RPS1='${VIRTUAL_ENV:+"%F{3}(${VIRTUAL_ENV:t})"}%(?:: %F{1}✘ %?)${VIM:+" %B%F{6}V%b"}${(e)git_info[status]}%f'
SPROMPT='zsh: correct %F{1}%R%f to %F{2}%r%f [nyae]? '

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