Code for the KDD21 paper "Subset Node Representation Learning over Large Dynamic Graphs"
Here is the instruction of using our code and datasets:
- to compile DynamicPPE, go to code folder and run the following command: g++ -std=c++0x -O3 -g -Wall -o dynamic-ppe-fast dynamic_ppe_fast.cpp MurmurHash3.cpp -lpthread
- to build enwiki20 dataset, go to code folder and use the following python script:
- academic-small is from:
- Execute:
./dynamic-ppe-fast -h
DynamicPPE: ./dynamic-ppe-fast config_path emb_dim epsilon alpha model seed num_cpus verbose
./dynamic-ppe-fast datasets/academic-small/config_t_9_d_512/ 512 0.1 0.15 hash 0 20 0
Download all datasets from:
Released together with our follow-up paper:
The Python version supports weighted graphs and edge weight changes.