The following code was checked with the client library v5.2.0
import { ZkBobClient, ClientConfig, AccountConfig,
ProverMode, TransferRequest, deriveSpendingKeyZkBob, DepositType, TxType
} from 'zkbob-client-js';
async function zkBobExample(): Promise<void> {
// Client configuration includes set of pools, chains, parameters and other options
const clientConfig: ClientConfig = {
pools: {
'BOB-sepolia': {
'chainId': 11155111,
'poolAddress': '0x3bd088C19960A8B5d72E4e01847791BD0DD1C9E6',
'tokenAddress': '0x2C74B18e2f84B78ac67428d0c7a9898515f0c46f',
'relayerUrls': [''],
// external service to speed-up proof calculation, optional
'delegatedProverUrls': [],
// file with archived pool state
// (optional, needed to reduce sync time)
'coldStorageConfigPath': '',
// deposit scheme depends on token
'depositScheme': DepositType.SaltedPermit
chains: {
'11155111': {
rpcUrls: [''] // list of available JSON RPC endpoints
snarkParams: {
transferParamsUrl: "./assets/transfer_params.bin",
transferVkUrl: "./assets/transfer_verification_key.json"
supportId: 'unique_string_generated_with_uuidv4',
forcedMultithreading: undefined // multithreading config will be selected automatically
// creating a zkBob client without account to be worked on 'BOB-sepolia' pool
const client = await ZkBobClient.create(clientConfig, 'BOB-sepolia');
// now you can get relayer fee or pool limits for example
const depositFee = await client.atomicTxFee(TxType.BridgeDeposit);
console.log(`Relayer deposit fee: ${depositFee} Gwei`);
console.log(`Pool deposit total limit: ${(await client.getLimits(undefined))} Gwei`);
// now let's attach account generated from the arbitrary 12-words mnemonic:
const mnemonic = 'magic trophy foil direct marriage glad bench wash doctor risk end cheap';
const accountConfig: AccountConfig = {
// spending key is a byte array which derived from mnemonic
sk: deriveSpendingKeyZkBob(mnemonic),
// pool alias which should be activated
pool: 'BOB-sepolia',
// the account should have no activity (incoming notes including) before that index
// you can use -1 value only for newly created account or undefined (or 0) for full state sync
birthindex: 0,
// using local prover
proverMode: ProverMode.Local,
await client.login(accountConfig);
// now the client is ready to send transactions, but let's get an account balance first
// account state will be synced under-the-hood (pass false to getTotalBalance to prevent sync)
console.log(`Shielded account balance: ${await client.getTotalBalance()} Gwei`);
// let's generate our zkAddress to request a few tokens from somebody
console.log(`My zk address: ${await client.generateAddress()}`);
// and now let's transfer a few tokens inside the pool
const tx: TransferRequest = {
destination: 'zkbob_sepolia:HGkddpMXSfbXPEa8hUcttUaXpSPJihwA75q2Gue8QGxZtyDieqzb3iSRecdxS7d', // shielded address
amountGwei: BigInt('5000000000'), // 5 BOB
// returns an array of job ID for every transaction
// (single transfer may produce several transactions to the pool)
const jobIds = await client.transferMulti([tx]);
// wait while all transactions will be processed by relayer
const result = await client.waitJobsTxHashes(jobIds);
console.log(`${ => `job #${t.jobId}: ${t.txHash}]`).join(`\n`)}`);
// to close all connections to the indexed DBs invoke logout method:
await client.logout();